broad strokes phrase. Many translated example sentences containing "too broad definition" – Japanese-English dictionary and search engine for Japanese translations. Bezug auf Probleme wie die Souveränität, den ordnungspolitischen Rahmen und vor allem die Autonomie der vorgeschlagenen Agentur. How to use broad in a sentence. This definition reflects too broad an understanding of the notion of circumvention. too narrow translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'narrow',narrow boat',narrow gauge',narrow seas', examples, definition, conjugation The thesis statement in an essay explains the point of the paper for the reader. What does broad strokes expression mean? A figure is square if and only if it has four sides of equal length. Is my topic too broad, too narrow, or o.k.? (noun) An example of a broad is a woman. [...] interest w hich is too broad, too impr ecisely worded. L'argomento per cui la definizione del prodotto sarebbe troppo ampia quindi è stato respinto. Today's Best Tech Deals. Some of the definition are too specific while others are broad. To narrow a topic that is too broad, try to pick one sub-topic of the topic to focus on. Verwenden Sie den DeepL Übersetzer, um Texte und Dokumente sofort zu übersetzen, or have been, sub judice, or under enquiry (including disciplinary. You need to go a LONG way to make it more specific. For 'question too broad' read 'there could be dozens of answers'. You would need to identify an aspect of air pollution to narrow the scope. Real sentences showing how to use Too broad correctly. . This specific wording cast the net of the definition wide enough to cover unlisted information. could you please tell me what does "it is far too broad" mean in the sentence below? How the term became too broad to have meaning any more The Guardian UK. paint with a broad brush phrase. Question A is too broad once you get into the research. Part of what makes a thesis effective is how well it fits the assignment, since one that is too broad may make the point difficult for the reader to understand. Some psychologists think the definition of autism has become too broad. handelt.69 Zum anderen würde eine Ermittlung der berechtigten Sektoren bzw. Das zeigt, dass es der Systematik des Art. In German public policy, the constitutional framework has proved, Der verfassungsrechtliche Rahmen hat sich in der deutschen. They go for too long, too deep, too broad( and) they cost too much. The term 'adversely affected' is legally too broad and imprecise. Conversion therapy definition 'too broad for criminal conduct' The ACT Law Society said that some of AACS's concerns could theoretically be possible under proposed legislation. Meaning of too broad. All essays need a thesis to give readers information about the essay's purpose. the too broad exception by reference to "matters which are, [...] or have been, sub judice, or under enquiry (including disciplinary enquiries), or which are the subject of preliminary investigation proceedings" should be limited to matters currently sub judice and to what is necessary to prevent the release of information which would adversely affect the right of a fair trial or the course of justice. For example, defining a chair as a piece of furniture for sitting is too wide because a bench is not a chair but it satisfies the definition. might lead to the emergence of an undifferentiated strategy amounting to nothing more than a relabelling of existing projects. (The planet Mars is red and round. Synonym Discussion of broad. There is no standard definition for incel. Despite the new name, this Q/A is about the same problem Der Wandel von der "Offline"- zur "Online"Gesellschaft wird voraussichtlich in Zukunft noch an Dynamik gewinnen und. If your thesis is going to be solely based on published literature you can quickly establish whether your research question appears to be too broad or too narrow. Explanation: The definition of a term includes items which should not be included. Definition too broad. What does broad mean? The Regina Maersk (photo) is 318 meters in length, and 43 meters in the beam. Cooperation projects already implemented (poverty alleviation. A nation that draws too broad a difference between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards, and its fighting done by fools. Yes far too broad. How the term became too broad to have meaning any more. They say a term that encompasses people at all points on the cognitive curve is so broad as to be useless. A definition is too broad when: a. it is dumbed down so that everyone can understand it b. it uses vague and obscure terms c. it is too wordy d. it fails to include things that are referents of the concept e. it includes things that are not referents of the concept. 2021. four miles broad. Definition of ‘broadband’ is too broad. Zusammenarbeit (Armutsbekämpfung, Krisenprävention, friedenserhaltende Maßnahmen, Abrüstung, Konversion, Demobilisierung, Minenräumen, Justizreform, Durchsetzung der Menschenrechte, "Good Governance" usw.) Many translated example sentences containing "too broad a definition" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. Introduction ‘The UK uses the same legal definition for every situation in which ‘‘terrorism’’ is a legally-relevant category.’ Footnote 1 This definition, in section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2000, is vague, broad and widely criticized by experts, courts and academics. crisis prevention, peacekeeping measures, disarmament, conversion, demobilisation, demining, judicial reform, human rights, governance etc.) B. der Indikator "zahl der frauen/personen, die eine teil-/Vollqualifizierung erwerben". See examples of Too broad. Overbroad definition is - too widely applicable or applied : excessively broad. that invention had broad applications. Die in den Ergänzungen zur Programmplanung angeführten, Kriterien für die Auswahl der Vorhaben sind. So it is included in the definition. There are either too many possible answers, or good answers would be too long for this format. Definition of broad strokes in the Idioms Dictionary. To some, it conjures an image of the socially awkward eccentric who, … of the training actions, e.g. too broad means that there is a lot of information provided and very general. lediglich eine Umetikettierung bereits bestehender Projekte stattfinden. If the reader can expect the paper to go in one direction, but it goes in another, the topic is usually too broad or not stated precisely enough. Antonyms for broad include narrow, tight, close, confined, constricted, cramped, limited, meager, meagre and restricted. stocks from the wider investment universe. Is my topic too broad, too narrow, or o.k.?
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