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Using his talents[25] he infiltrated the Sorcerers of Tund, and learned all he could about their dark side lore. There they would be confronted by descendants of Sadow's metamorphosed Massassi warriors. Following the destruction of the Sith Empire, the Jedi discovered that talismans were very difficult to destroy due to different means employed in obliterating them - some made use of the destruction of physical components while skilled Jedi Masters were sometimes needed to remove the reservoir of Dark side energy in the relics and some were even capable of being destroyed by the dark side only. [11] Their usage also had a corrupting influence on those that accessed its forbidden knowledge. However, he maintained qualities of the Sith species such as cheek tendrils[16][17] (albeit shorter than those of purer Sith lineage),[20] and red skin. It’s easily one of the greatest mysteries in Star Wars lore…”What happened to the Sith species?” This then begs the question, does SWTOR offer us any clues? [62] In search of fellow students of Nadd, Kun took two of his new Massassi servants with him, to Empress Teta (formerly Koros Major), to find and destroy these potential rivals. Over time, the title of Sith Lord as it was translated became relatively common amongst the Sith. Demonstrating this, the Sith drove off an invasion by the Killiks around 30,000 BBY.[8]. Their unique creation also meant that they were capable of surviving for thousands of years and in perfect condition. The Star Wars fandom was rocked when The Rise of Skywalker revealed that somehow, Palpatine returned, and he'd had a son years prior. [47] But like Coruscant, the Sith push was eventually slowed. This had led to several specially crafted items such as the Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger, Muur Talisman, Dreypa's Oubliette, Eye of Horak-mul, Helm of Dathka Graush, Scepter of Ragnos, Sword of Ieldis and the Heart of Graush as well as the Yoke of Seeming. Manning, Shaun (2011-10-13, 1:52 pm PDT). All other features such as cheek tendrils or eyebrow-ridges were not present,[28] though some other members did show other features shared with the original species. [66] After the Jedi learnt that Ossus was going to be wiped out by the force of these supernovas, they desperately tried to evacuate and save the stores of Jedi knowledge at the library there. The Dark Jedi declared themselves living gods and kings over the Sith people,[21] becoming overlords themselves,[5][21][22] and Ajunta Pall—who had personally slew a dozen Jedi at the mining world of Corbos[1]—was first to earn the title of Jen'ari, or Dark Lord of the Sith.[2]. For nearly two thousand years, superstition, loyalty and sympathy were bred out as the two groups interbred, and qualities such as cunning, ambition and affinity to the Force were favored, which shaped Sith society over the centuries. [76] Eventually the daily life of society—including mechanics, farmers, cooks, janitors, teachers—was completely controlled by the Imperial military with efficiency and discipline. [13] Long after, the true species in the Empire were believed to have gone extinct due to the interbreeding process. They did not, or could not differentiate one state from another, and this, including other barbaric practices, were accepted into Sith society not as being antagonistic or contrary, but integral to their lives. The survivors of Human and some Sith descent subjected the natives, coming to be worshiped as the god-like Skyborn of the native Keshiri legend. [13] The Sith had a natural symbiotic relationship fused with the dark side. However, one of the Human Sith who had suffered under the care of Dark Lord Kressh had a grudge against all Red Sith as a result. [24] For most of the time, the two groups were able to co-exist without any tension. This had the resulting effect of preventing enemies from being able to properly chart the internal structure of such sanctuaries and provided the Sith a tactical advantage. [90] In this way, Purebloods became members of the class known as Sith Warriors during this era. Adas also had an extreme talent for Sith magic. Sith King Adas, the Sith'ari of ancient Sith. Declared as heretics, they were banished, and found their way through the Force[8][39] to the world of Tund using Rakatan hyperdrive technology,[2][8] and formed a pure-blooded society of Sith sorcerers, based on their new beliefs. [13][91] Eventually in 5 BBY,[8] a Force sensitive Croke called Rokur Gepta, skilled in creating illusions to deceive others,[24] came to Tund. The Republican soldiers and Jedi were eventually wiped out, but not before the Imperials were forced into a full retreat. [15] This saw Human descended beings becoming miners and captains of ships under Sadow. [56] Here the Emperor would further manipulate his followers to his plans of conquest of the Republic, by re-christening this planet as the "true" homeworld of the original Sith species. They had a large prevalence of Force-sensitives. Trending pages. Like their predecessors, pure Sith were always left handed. Sith alchemy was also regularly used in the creation of weapons such as Sith swords. New starship and weapons were constructed, and with their new knowledge of Sith alchemy, new creatures were produced. Sith Code and the greatest Sith Lords: Sith Emperor (Vitiate), Lord Kaan, Adas, Darth Traya, Darth Scion, Darth Nihilus, Darth Malgus, Darth Plagueis, Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, Exar Kun, Darth Tyrannus, Darth Maul, Darth Revan & Malak, Darth Krayt, Andeddu, Darth Bane [76] Due to the dwindling of the Sith ranks after decades of war, the Sith academy's entry requirements were relaxed,[88] in effect, those born Force-sensitive were allowed to train to become Sith. The Sith were already “extinct” in Darth Bane’s era, so Lucasfilm still has a window of some 2500 years to play with. The Republic defenders struggled against the unstoppable forces of the Sith, and their unique weapons. [11], Yavin IV and its mutant Massassi inhabitants would be visited again centuries later by a student of the spirit of Nadd—Exar Kun, in his ambitions to obtain Sith secrets. Though the Jedi had strict laws forbidding marriage and family, some still managed to have children; however, children of Sith are seemingly rare, given that they're not highlighted in canon. [32], Some other Sith also fled to Vjun after the war. [1] So, these remaining Lords mingled their Jedi blood with the Sith people, and for almost two-thousand years this process continued, with characteristics such as superstition, loyalty, and sympathy being bred out. The Sith, known alternatively as Red Sith or Sith Purebloods, were a species of red-skinned H. umanoids that originated on the world of Korriban, before eventually resettling on the ice-world of Ziost. While the Sith are an imposing presence, the world of Star Wars can’t really exist without the expected formula of the Sith (or general, unaffiliated but sort-of-definitely-still-affiliated bad guys) seeming way too powerful to be beaten, before the underdog good guys do something unexpected through the power of love or friendship or teamwork or whatever you can think of. [14] Sadow was extremely unusual compared to the other Sith Lords; because of his progressive attitude, those who were not Red Sith were allowed to rise to more prestigious positions under his command. [14], After almost two millennia of interbreeding, the Sith Empire was ruled by what foreign species called the Red Sith, who made up the nucleus, majority, and held power within the Empire. [2][8] Over the thousands of bloody years, the Sith Empire filled valleys across Korriban with the tombs of the Sith, making them even larger and more impressive as the years went by. Exar Kun is mentioned in Aurebesh on the stone of Dryden Vos's desk in Solo, apparently looted from some Sith Temple. Their bodies also possessed rapid healing abilities. Further still, many of the so-called Human crew of Omen in the Lost Tribe had had some degree of interbreeding with the Sith species,[15] though they showed no morphology to suggest it[32]—their Force-sensitivity was the only known feature they retained from the interbreeding. The Star Wars galaxy far, far away is home to numerous exciting species. Throughout this time, the Sith Emperor established networks in the Republic, infiltrating high areas of Republican society such as the Jedi Order and Political circles. As a result of the Republic's infighting, systems had to defend for themselves against the Sith, as was the Emperor's plan, giving him time to improve his plans on the sweep of the Core Worlds. [14][15] However, even though typically a dark red,[13] some members of the species retained more pink shades of skin tone in adulthood. The term hybrid had at least two related uses. [12] Their caste system included the skilled and intelligent Zuguruk caste, the priestly Kissai caste, and the war-like Massassi caste.[17]. [5], The cheek tendrils on the jowls of Sith that descended from their cheekbones displayed different expressions amongst their species through twitching and other movements. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Barel Ovair, revered false Jedi scholar, was a member of this particular family of infiltrators, and like his forefathers he went out of his way within the Order to visit the tombs of the Sith in various locations, disguising the travels as study of the mysteries of the Force. Eventually, all of the Sith in previous Sith Empire space were brought under the rule of the Dark Lord of the Sith. This led to certain talismans being hidden while others were placed in hazardous locations such as nebulas or stars in order to prevent them from falling into anyone's hands.[11]. The Celegian Jedi Master Ooroo released toxic cyanogen gas to poison the Sith in the area, sacrificing his life in the process, but still the Sith continued to push forward. Edit. [9] One of these valleys was known as the Valley of Golg, an example of the many "Valleys of the Sith Lords" that covered the planet at this time. [3], Meanwhile, fifteen years after landing on Kesh, the Red Sith portion of the Lost Tribe of Sith secretly used cyanogen silicate to kill off all the people in a Keshiri village. Such feats were used to engineer the Tuk'ata that served as guardians for various Sith tombs. This dark god was one of the Sith wyrms that Sadow had produced through his experimental Sith alchemy years earlier,[2] and attempted to devourer Kun. The influence of the Dark Jedi on the Sith peoples even managed to benefit the already awe-inspiring Sith architecture. Sith During other eras however, chances of this happening became less likely. Sith[7] It does. They were notable for engaging in supposedly primitive practices such as sentient sacrifices in the name of their gods. There are many within the tradition that believe that a Sith can be "Anyone." [2], Meanwhile, throughout the events of the Great Sith War, Jedi Civil War, and afterwards, the Sith Emperor who had escaped the carnage of the Great Hyperspace War continued to build his Empire[57] on the distant planet[76] of Dromund Kaas,[56] patiently planning his vengeance against the Jedi. Thus those with the marks of the old Sith came to call themselves Purebloods with the obvious insinuation that they are superior to those without. He used the knowledge he had obtained from this to turn his apprentice into his puppet—the first and only of the so-called "Emperor's Children". These dark side Force-users[8] investigated heavily into the use of the Force, enough to drive some members mad. Thos… All of this was purely the realm of fashion and societal politics, though no non-Pureblood would stand up and say the entire claim was foolish. Lead by Sith Lord Shar Dakhan, the Sith landing forces there forced their way to the steps of Senate Hall, where a last band of Jedi continued to repel the waves of Sith onslaught. [75], During this time it was rare to have Sith adventurers exploring Republic space. She had secretly been killing all the Red Sith offspring born over their time on Kesh, and once she realized what the Red Sith were doing under the leadership of a Sith named Ravilan Wroth, she framed them. They drew their power from anger, hatred, and the Dark Side of the Force. Sith Purebloods are a playable species in Star Wars: The Old Republic.They are available only to Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor characters of the Sith Empire unless unlocked through the Legacy or Cartel Market.. Background [edit | edit source]. The Emperor had expected to sweep through the galaxy destroying the Jedi and the Republic without the need for alliances, however he did not foresee the sacrifices his enemies were willing to make, such as the heroic stand on Bothawui that restored hope, and rallied the Republic's forces to fight with renewed courage. Category page. [57] For twenty years the Sith armada drifted through deep space after the Great Hyperspace War, utilizing random hyperspace jumps and blind scouting missions to lead their way. [1] The new Sith Lords felt the Sith culture suited their philosophy well,[22] and under the rule of the Dark Lord of the Sith, the crude, rigid and highly stratified Sith caste system remained in place, based off the Sith's many subspecies. Within the dense jungles of the world the capital of Kaas city was constructed, and a citadel was built as a symbol of the power of the Emperor,[56] to serve as a palace, fortress, and meeting place for the Dark Council. Adas was raised as a chosen being due to the unusual nature of his charcoal colored skin, and he grew into a powerful being, demonstrating great skill in fighting as well as great intelligence. The Jedi departed the moon, set on restoring and rebuilding the galaxy, while Yavin IV was left a barren wasteland. The Jedi sent representatives to Tund, and tried to recruit them at first into their Jedi Order and turn them away from their views on the Force—which the Jedi viewed as a trapping for the Sorcerers. By the time of the Great Hyperspace War in 5000 BBY (1347 BTC) the original Sith species had all but been subsumed by the new hybrid Human-Sith species and those with a greater amount of Sith … [38] Adas took his battle axe to the invaders and managed to outsmart the immensely powerful Infinite Empire despite the advanced technology the Sith were up against, eventually defeating the conquerors. [12][18] A few months later,[18] he deployed his forces simultaneously to consume the entire Republic,[46] while he held back at Primus Goluud in his meditation sphere. After learning all he could from Sadow and his knowledge stores, Nadd defeated Sadow's spirit, and with the Holocrons of both King Adas[1] and Darth Andeddu,[13] he went on to found a Sith Order not directly associated with the Sith species. Neti - Several Thousand YearsThe home planet of this sentient plant species is called Ryyk, and their … Background. Largely the species was believed not to be seen or heard of since their Golden Age. By the time of the Great Hyperspace War in 5000 BBY, the majority of the Sith within the Empire displayed mainly Sith traits. [48], At this point the Empire posed no threat to the Republic,[49] however Supreme Chancellor Pultimo[8] was unsatisfied. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. [15], When Ragnos died he left a power vacuum in his absence, which Kressh and Sadow immediately stepped up to fill. Explorers in these regions were likely to come across Sith settlements during these times and throughout the Old Republic era. Talismans were not the only Force empowered artifacts that the Sith were capable of creating. The Pureblood Warriors used their rage of their fallen ancestors to their advantage, dominating and intimidating those on their battlefield with their presence. [77], Sith Purebloods were born into positions of privilege within the Empire during this time, and were known to have been prepared from childhood to train at the Sith academy on Korriban. The baseline Cathar had fur-covered bodies with thick manes. [31], The Emperor was known to keep many Purebloods around him; many of his inner circle[31] and his personal apprentice bared the characteristic red-skin of the Purebloods. Some of these species have played bigger roles in the story than others. [8], In 41 ABY a ship named the Harbinger was pulled out of hyperspace 5,000 years after they entered it, a freak time shift caused by the Jedi Master Relin Druur destroying half of the Harbinger's hyperdrive before the jump. Once you've decided your character's species and Class, assign Ability Scores to particular Abilities. The Sith Council believed his trickery, and through that, the majority of the Council voted Sadow as the new Dark Lord of the Sith. The species also did not join the ranks of the Jedi at this time, and even in the new Sith Empire formal training of their species by Sith masters was prohibited—but that's not to say that it could not occur during this time. [11], Following their defeat of the Great Hyperspace War and the carnage on Korriban, a small armada carrying at least a few hundred Sith[54][55] fled in the direction of the unknown regions,[8] using random hyperspace co-ordinates in desperation to escape the Jedi and the Republic. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. [5] Eventually, his people came to believe that his reign would be eternal, and that Adas was immortal. However, after fully embracing the dark side through a Sith amulet, Kun was able to destroy the creature; earning the honor of the Massassi. [47], In Sith space, Ludo Kressh had survived. From the view of the Red Sith, none other than themselves should be considered Sith. He believed that through the Golden Age of the Sith, the Sith Empire had become stagnant and that it was necessary for the Sith to expand and conquer new worlds to bring glory to the Empire, in opposition to Kressh's views. Roty started a show around 23 BBY and 22 BBY in the CoCo District Theatre as a professional magician. One of the oldest and greatest strengths of the Sith was their knowledge of sorcery. [12] After 2000 years deformities seen in the Lost Tribe were associated as being related to the Red Sith originally in the Lost Tribe,[20] and even in 44 ABY it was deemed possible for Lost Tribe descendants to still have traces of Sith DNA. Skywalker saga. In this sense, Lords focused on recruiting and training new acolytes, to increase the Empire's power and prepare for their final confrontation with the Jedi. [63], Qel-Droma then went about making steps to conquer the galaxy under the Sith, as did Kun; by bringing Jedi to Yavin IV as students. [1], One thousand years after the fall of the Sith Empire, dark side devotees had begun to discover these Sith caches on remote worlds, where those that did not perish in the Great Hyperspace War sought to preserve their knowledge for future generations. [15], Sadow also never succeeded in expanding from his the fourth moon of Yavin as time passed. Species; Sith Purebloods; Rattataki; Miraluka; Twi'leks; Mirialans; Chiss; Zabraks; All items (171) # A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Y; Z; Other [5], One aspect that originated from Korriban was the position of Shadow Hand; a title that was analogous to that of a Jedi Padawan. [34], Kressh soon discovered Sadow's trickery, and he and his factions launched an attack upon Sadow's private fortress on Khar Delba. The Sith were a proud and violent species of humanoids[1] that originated on Korriban, a planet within the Horuset system in an isolated Outer Rim region called the Stygian Caldera. Most would remain independent however, until Imperial Intelligence managed to produce a puppet Mandalore figure for Mandalorian mercenaries and Bounty Hunters to rally under. 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[8][1] Gepta was interested in the pursuit of power—more so than the rest of the Sorcerers—and hence exploited what knowledge he learned from the Sorcerers to extend his reach across the galaxy. [48], The Sith worlds were absorbed into the Republic,[21] but the Jedi chose not to destroy all the palaces, strongholds, libraries, and talismans of the Sith after the war, selecting a few to keep intact and study should the Sith threaten them again. [9] One piece of technology that did not originate from the Sith was holocrons which had been originally adapted from the Rakata. Eventually in 3756 BBY, Ovair and his apprentice traveled to the ancient temples on Yavin IV to investigate the tomb of long deceased Naga Sadow. [5][2] From there, he took control of the Rakatan hyperspace-capable craft and spread his rule and Sith civilization to neighboring worlds, including nearby Ziost. Years later, it was revealed that Ovair had failed to seal Sadow's spirit in his tomb for good, as he encountered his apprentice—possessed by Sadow's spirit, and convinced to destroy Ovair. In this surprise attack, he caught Kressh's forces off guard and forced Kressh and his remaining followers into a retreat.

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