endstream endobj startxref This coding information may assist you as you complete the payer forms for PERJETA. ��#�a��~��2`h�0�Ql?J�U�.Ą _4�z(�( Administer Soliris at the recommended dosage regimen time points, or within two days of these time points. Indications and Usage (1.3) 10/2017 Dosage and Administration (2.4, 2.5) 10/2017 Dosage and Administration (2.5, 2.6, 2.7) 07/2018 PROCEDURES AND BILLING CODES To report provider services, use appropriate CPT* codes, Alpha Numeric (HCPCS level 2) codes, 3�Vb%�H(?��Z���#E'{槌+D7�f89�;�:��p�/�R��d�����)+����%J��gK�㏀�E��)CH320�� i1��" ���e&� -��4�Dc'@� a�K� �# SOLIRIS is a medicine that affects your immune system. The Soliris admixture should be administered by intravenous infusion over 35 minutes via gravity feed, a syringe-type pump, or an infusion pump. J1300 Injection, eculizumab (Soliris®), 10 mg J1303 Injection, ravulizumab-cwvz, (Ultomiris®) 10 mg (new code effective 10/1/19) Note: CPT codes, descriptions and materials are copyrighted by the American Medical Association (AMA). Under the Soliris REMS, prescribers must enroll in the program. Added HCPCS code Q5102 to coding section. For the administration of a … ���Z��h�� ��,(��ahY�/x�S���tX���0b���q�}�/���� �(S�� .h�Y��Q&A� dВ0� �`Co�Hr�������mS��55�5�5����g�>��Y�����c��L�q 631 0 obj <> endobj Added “Aria” to Simponi to designate IV formulation. VI. There are 0 new musculoskeletal CPT codes added with 0 deletions and 2 major revisions along with an extensive update to arthroscopic loose body removal requirements. %PDF-1.5 %���� Other policies and coverage guidelines may apply. Dosing information for Soliris® (eculizumab). PERJETA Sample Coding. Under the Soliris REMS , prescribers must enroll in the program (5.2). per Administration HCPCS Code Maximum Allowed Brand Generic Soliris eculizumab aHUS 1200 mg J1300 120 HCPCS units (10 mg per unit) MG/NMOSD 1200 mg J1300 120 HCPCS units (10 mg per unit) PNH 900 mg J1300 90 HCPCS units (10 mg per unit) HCPCS Code Based Maximum Dosage Information Listing of a code in this policy does not imply that the service is covered and is not a guarantee of payment. VI. Eculizumab (Soliris®) and ravulizumab-cwvz (Ultomiris TM) are recombinant humanized monoclonal antibodies that bind to complement protein C5 and inhibits its enzymatic cleavage, blocks formation of the terminal complement complex, and thus prevents red cell lysis. SOLIRIS can lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections. Please visit CMS.gov or other payers’ websites to obtain additional guidance on their processes related to billing and coding for single-use vials and wastage. Code Maximum Allowed Brand Generic Soliris eculizumab aHUS 300 mg vials 25682-0001-01 4 vials/120 ml MG/NMOSD 300 mg vials 25682-0001-01 4 vials/120ml PNH 300 mg vials 25682-0001-01 3 vials/90ml Ultomiris ravulizumab-cwvz - 300 mg/30 mL solution in vials 25682-0022-01 360 mL endstream endobj 632 0 obj <. Policy section and coding updated with Soliris. Visit Anthem.com to learn more about how these policies are used to determine patient coverage and medical necessity. h�bbd``b`6S�� ��$X}AI@��'��ⶃX�@,C�� �$����/KH��``bd�2��q��O^0 �4 � 09/01/17 Interim Review, approved August 15, 2017. CPT Jcode - J0850, J1459, J1561, J1568, J2788 - Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIG) endstream endobj 367 0 obj <>/Metadata 27 0 R/Outlines 49 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 364 0 R/StructTreeRoot 52 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 368 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 369 0 obj <>stream 06/20/17 Minor edit. Q�h6�S SOLIRIS is only available through a program called the SOLIRIS REMS. Description. Meningococcal infections may quickly become life-threatening and cause death if not recognized and treated early. Dosage and Administration Approvals may be subject to dosing limits in accordance with FDA-approved labeling, accepted compendia, and/or evidence-based practice guidelines. Coding. HCPCS Billing Code/Availability Information HCPCS code: J1300 – Injection, eculizumab, 10 mg; 1 billable unit = 10 mg NDC: Soliris 300 mg/30 mL single-use vials for injection: 25682-0001-xx VII. endstream endobj startxref Instead, the administration of the following drugs in their subcutaneous forms should be billed using CPT code 96372, (therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug); subcutaneous or intramuscular). Soliris REMS program and additional information are available by telephone: 1-888-SOLIRIS (1-888-765-4747) or at www.solirisrems.com. Code Description HCPCS . See Important Safety Information, including Boxed Warning, and full Prescribing Information. Enrollment in the Soliris REMS program and additional information are available by telephone: 1-888-SOLIRIS (1-888-765-4747) or at www.solirisrems.com. Article: Ravulizumab (ALXN1210) vs. eculizumab in adult patients with PNH naïve to complement inhibitors: the 301 study ... Infusion-Related Reactions Administration of ULTOMIRIS may result in infusion-related reactions. CODING The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®), Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS), and ICD -10 codes that may be listed in this policy are for reference purposes only. These tables are provided for informational purposes only. Soliris Policy: Drug Policy (Effective 10/01/2014) 1 ... APPLICABLE CODES..... 6. Soliris® (eculizumab) treats anti-AChR antibody-positive gMG. 366 0 obj <> endobj %%EOF a The mean (SD) terminal elimination half-life and clearance of ravulizumab-cwvz in patients with PNH are 49.7 (8.9) days and 0.08 (0.022) L/day, respectively. 0 718 0 obj <>stream For the drugs that are administered IV the CPT codes for IV injection/infusion should be used codes 96365-96368 and 96374-96375. ***Note: This Medical Policy is complex and technical. Half-life of eculizumab is 11.25-17.25 days. Generic Name Trade Name … h�b```b``Ve`e`�*`d@ A6 ���d�°>��_s�+ׇ��-n�{W�P*������a��r�E�Y���pe>�a�(pe�c���@�� /T�4�W���������D0��t� �8� CPT Code 90620 (2-dose schedule) and meningococcal recombinant lipoprotein vaccine, Trumenba®, CPT Code 90621 (3-dose schedule). c'�{B¥��D h�b```��,�� ��ea���"��F������P�J��:������6��ڸZ�6p4p4t r4�+QF�H �6���$�?DX�h�T�"���sG�����Q`}b�&�@ʁ�-�30��@�e 9��#��e`�v�(cL0 4�'� Billing Code/Availability Information HCPCS Code: J1303 − Injection, ravulizumab-cwvz, 10 mg; 1 billable unit = 10 mg NDC: Ultomiris 300 mg/3 mL single-use vials for injection: 25682-0025-xx SOLIRIS increases your chance of getting serious and life-threatening meningococcal infections. GR-68742 (11-20) Page 1 of 2 Soliris® (eculizumab) Injectable Medication Precertification Request Aetna Precertification Notification Phone: 1-866-752-7021 . Soliris [package insert]. Background U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-Approved Indications. 0 RECENT MAJOR CHANGES . HCPCS Code. J1300. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) to reduce hemolysis Source: Alexion Pharmaceuticals, 2019a. %PDF-1.5 %���� Use this page to view details for the Local Coverage Article for billing and coding: eculizumab; soliris -j1300. *Note: for Soliris switch therapy please refer to the package insert for appropriate switch dosing. J1300 has been in effect since 01/01/2008. Soliris is indicated for the treatment of patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) to reduce hemolysis. Soliris is available only through a restricted program under a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS). 383 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2E9928000B8EBF4096C6B1771E7E9D5E>]/Index[366 66]/Info 365 0 R/Length 88/Prev 89526/Root 367 0 R/Size 432/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream For questions concerning the technical h��[mo�F�+�r@���}9l�NԮa9��F�JtLT& �n�3�]jIS�#]�8!��rwv�ٗy8�܈�$�ȄR�J�P�k�I$1P�D ��$њAMK`ܲ�.��A�H(�8*���@���:���l�P���� �R%�hh "y��l-��G0[H2&�!� �H�_��`6�Pf�$����s C�0 See Important Safety Information, including Boxed Warning, and full Prescribing Information. Admixed solutions of Soliris are stable for 24 hours at 2-8° C (36-46° F) and at room temperature. Under the Soliris REMS, prescribers must enroll in the program. Eculizumab (Soliris®) On June 27, 2019, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Eculizumab (Soliris®) for the treatment of adult patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) who are anti-aquaporin-4 (AQP4) antibody positive. J1300 is a valid 2021 HCPCS code for Injection, eculizumab, 10 mg or just “ Eculizumab injection ” for short, used in Medical care . Injection, eculizumab, 10 mg. If an adverse reaction occurs during the administration of Soliris… – Patient has had fewer relapses while on Soliris therapy Reauthorization is for 12 months Age Must be 2 months or older for aHUS diagnosis Must be 18 years of age or older for PNH, gMG or NMOSD diagnosis Suggested Codes ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes D59.3, D59.5, G70.00, G36.0 Billing HCPCS code J1300 (injection, eculizumab, 10 mg) 6b�m1@�q�M����. References 1. Enrollment in the Soliris REMS program and additional information are available by telephone: 1-888-SOLIRIS (1-888-765-4747) or at www.solirisrems.com. h�bbd```b``�"W�H�o ��X|*X�,�D���H�zV+��&X� �d�V�e��&4�Eb��ȁH�z�?D���`���)�I0 Instead, the administration of the following drugs in their subcutaneous or intramuscular forms should be billed using CPT code 96372. Soliris is available only through a restricted program under a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS). Medical policies and clinical utilization management guidelines help us determine if a procedure is medically necessary. 1 INDICATIONS AND USAGE 1.1 Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) Soliris is indicated for the treatment of patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) to reduce hemolysis. Boston, MA; Alexion … �!Ks����BA`�p�`F x0�@CL��&Q��t++� �h�44Xb� X��� �1 431 0 obj <>stream Added Renflexis to coverage criteria and to the coding section. Drugs administered other than oral method, chemotherapy drugs. 666 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2110C510EF60944CB2F00F02C3A2A744>]/Index[631 88]/Info 630 0 R/Length 144/Prev 172762/Root 632 0 R/Size 719/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream [���RU���1�_�'y[쐴p@��~X�j A��0�GX�J&"`,Cr��"�d�9�s�J+:�"1���a�����1�� ��&�u�~ 8Y�w�\;Ϸ-D�A7�X��N.� %%EOF FAX: 1-888-267-3277 * *PLEASE NOTE NEW ALPHA NUMERIC CHDP PROGRAM SERVICE CODES. Medi-Cal Code Medi-Cal Description Age Group CHDP Code CHDP Description Reimbursement 90620 Bexsero® 10 years through 18 years 11 months* M1 VFC $9 Soliris is available only through a restricted program under a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS). �n~�ӓj9ϗ釄�y�n�(�Kߥ��u>�oaO'6��M��P��J$����i�|��W�2/넦��kT�cQ��8.˪~��C0�A��� ����F1ؽ0k�*D=|#�a0� z �( � ���c�Qr/�/=�A����>�[z�nI�(�� �a�����^�[z�nIG9�ٽ0x�����r$'{a��ꀡA�ǰ�#o���ӓl��!�jޢ�.۾Xϧ�}�X����Z>f���8���t�G~���w�q��tz��~�2o,��[�vZgu��27�zj�5;��5w���4{z���R�J�ϛ�#�dz��>��ҳ��ON��n�\�3Pp�Fϲ�b��7��"[|�z.�GX8>_ܸئ��=��`ׇ�0oz^g�bv\~^� �T�?�=1�Y�"�e�TW����+�u���C���嬚���CQ���}>+����! ULTOMIRIS Coding & Billing Guide in PNH DOWNLOAD. 03/01/17 Annual Review, approved February 14, 2017.
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