ptolemaios ii philadelphus

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CBS-742 Ptolemaios 2 Kai (aka Ptolemy ), is the upgraded version of CBS-74 Ptolemaios 2 in Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer. Aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie . koning van Masedonië geword het. fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi . Dia merupakan anak dari pendiri kerajaan Ptolemaik yaitu Ptolemaios I Soter dan Berenike I, dia mendapatkan pengajaran dari Philitas dari Kos. jw2019 (1 Maccabees 5:15, 22, 55; 12:45-48; 13:12) By then its name had been changed to Ptolemais, a name originated by Ptolemy II Philadelphus of Egypt. Kleopatra VII ve Mark Antony'nin oğlu için bkz Ptolemy Philadelphus (Kleopatra'nın oğlu). *Ptolemy I associated his son Philadelphus with him as co regent in 285 BC, and he inherited the kingdom in 282 BC. Ptolemaios II Philadelphus - Ptolemy II Philadelphus. under Ptolemaios II Filadelfos’ regering. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaios Philadelphos "Ptolemy, friend of his siblings"; 308/9 – 28 January 246 BCE) was the pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt from 283 to 246 BCE. z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie . Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaios Philadelphos "Ptolemy, friend of his siblings"; 308/9 – 28 January 246 BCE) was the pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt from 283 to 246 BCE. Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who succeeded his father as King of Egypt in 283 BC, was a peaceful and cultured king, and no great warrior. OpenLink Faceted Browser; OpenLink Structured Data Editor jw2019 jw2019 (1 Maccabees 5:15, 22, 55; 12:45-48; 13:12) By then its name had been changed to Ptolemais, a name originated by Ptolemy II Philadelphus of Egypt. He was the son of the founder of the Ptolemaic kingdom Ptolemy I Soter and Berenice, and was educated by … Ptolemy II 11.0.1 Common Download . Filadelfos („Milující sestru“ ) , který se stal králem po svém otci v roce 283 př. Ptolemaios II. tot met sy dood koning van Antieke Egipte.Hy was die seun van die stigter van die Ptolemeïese Ryk, Ptolemeus I Soter.Hy het twee broers gehad: Ptolemeus Keraunos en Meleager, wat onderskeidelik in 281 en 279 v.C. Ptolemy XVI Philadelphus Antonius (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος ὁ Φιλάδελφος, "Ptolemy the brother-loving", August/September 36 BC – 29 BC) was a Ptolemaic prince and was the youngest and fourth child of Greek Ptolemaic Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt, and her third with Roman Triumvir Mark Antony Philadelphia King 283 246 BC. Toggle navigation. Denne artikkelen handler om den egyptiske herskeren. Ptolemy II ruling the Lagides’ dynasty reached his apogee. born 308, Cos. died 246 BC. Ptolemy II Philadelphus - Wikipedi . Philadelphus married… začal nejprve vládnout jako spoluvladař svého otce Ptolemaia I. mezi lety 288 – 285 př. několik válek. Ptolemaios 2 Kai is an enhanced/upgraded version of CBS-74 Ptolemaios 2. This idealizes portrait was, probably, carved after his death. For den middelalderske italienske tellingen, se Ptolemaios II i Tusculum . 75 relations. Tento článek je o egyptském vládci. Configuración Ptolemaios II Philadelphos (dalam bahasa Yunani: Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaĩos Philádelphos"), lahir pada 309 SM dan meninggal pada 246 SM adalah seorang raja Dinasti Ptolemaik (Ptolemaios Mesir) dari tahun 283 - 246 SM. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaios Philadelphos "Ptolemy, friend of his siblings"; 308/9 – 28 January 246 BCE) was the pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt from 283 to 246 BCE. Ptolemy II was the son of his father’s third wife, Berenice. Faceted Browser ; Sparql Endpoint ; Browse using . Ptolemaios' sønn Ptolemaios II utropte sin avdøde far til gud, og gjorde seg selv ubeskjedent til en levende gud. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaîos Philádelphos, 309–246 … Ông là … Bu makale Mısırlı hükümdar hakkındadır. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaîos Philádelphos, 309–246 BC) was the king of Ptolemaic Egypt from 283 to 246 BC. n. l., byl oproti Ptolemaiovi I. spíše mírumilovným a kultivovaným králem než válečníkem. Ptolemy II Philadelphus. Ptolemaeus II Philadelphus ( Grieks : Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος , Ptolemaios Philadelphos "Ptolemaeus, vriend van zijn broers en zussen"; 308/9 - 28 januari 246 voor Christus) was de farao van Ptolemeïsch Egypte van 283 tot 246 voor Christus. Dess skapare var den grekiske arkitekten Sostratos, och det byggdes omkring år 270 f.v.t. Ptolemy II of Tusculum . Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Greek: Πτολεμαίος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaios Philadelphos "Ptolemy, lover of his sister"; 308/9 – 28 January 246 BCE) was the pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt from 283 to 246 BCE. Ortaçağ İtalyan sayımı için bkz. For sønn av Kleopatra VII og Markus Antonius, se Ptolemaios Philadelphus (sønn av Kleopatra) . Siya ang anak ng tagapagtatag ng Kahariang Ptolemaiko na si Ptolomeo I Soter at Berenice I ng Ehipto. Philadelphus - Ptolemy II Philadelphus. Pro syna Kleopatry VII a Marka Antonia viz Ptolemaios Philadelphus (syn Kleopatry) . In about 285 BC, Ptolemy I Soter probably took as his co-ruler one of his sons by Berenice, Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who became the sole ruler of Egypt and the rest of his father's empire upon the elder king's death in about 282 BC. During his reign Egypt reached the zenith of her power under the *Ptolemies. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaios Philadelphos "Ptolemy, friend of his siblings"; 308/9 – 28 January 246 BC) was the pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt from 283 to 246 BC. Ved deres anstrengelser, og muligvis ved kong Ptolemaios II Filadelfos’ medvirken, fik man efterhånden udarbejdet en oversættelse af Bibelen fra hebraisk til græsk. Informace o středověkém italském počtu viz Ptolemaios II. Ptolemeus II Philadelphus: Ptolemaeus, Ptolemaios Ptolemeus II Philadelphus (voor) en sy suster/vrou Arsinoe II. Yahoo Search. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaios Philadelphos "Ptolemy, friend of his siblings"; 308/9 – 28 January 246 BC) was the pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt from 283 to 246 BC. Für den Sohn von Kleopatra VII. Para sa ibang paggamit ng Ptolomeo o Tolomeo, tingnan ang Ptolomeo (paglilinaw).. Si Ptolomeo II Philadelphus (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaîos Philádelphos, 309 BCE – 246 BCE) ang hari ng Ehiptong Ptolemaiko mula 283 BCE hanggang 246 BCE. Ptolemaios II Philadelphus - nghĩa là người (đàn ông) yêu chị mình vì ông cưới chị là Arsinoe II (tiếng Hy Lạp: Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaîos Philádelphos" 309 – 246 trước Công nguyên) là vua nhà Ptolemaios của Ai Cập thuộc Hy Lạp từ năm 283 đến năm 246 trước Công nguyên. Ptolemy II Philadelphus. Ptolemaios II Philadelphus - Ptolemy II Philadelphus. WikiMatrix Near the beach side of the area, there are the remains of a tower built by Ptolemy II Philadelphus . Source: Louvre information note Hellenistic-Egyptian Marble portrait Abou… He took the Egyptian name, Meryamun Setepenre, which means "Beloved of Amun, Chosen of Re". He continued his reign until his death in 246 bc. Roku 274 př. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaîos Philádelphos "Ptolemy Beloved of his Sibling"; 308/9–246 BCE) was the king of Ptolemaic Egypt from 283 to 246 BCE. Ptolemaios II. Ptolemy II Philadelphus. Koning van Egipte: Ptolemeus II Philadelphus. Dieser Artikel handelt vom ägyptischen Herrscher. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaîos Philádelphos "Ptolemy Beloved o his Sibling"; 309–246 BCE) wis the king o Ptolemaic Egyp frae 283 tae 246 BCE. He served as co-regent with his father from 285–282 bc. King of Egypt (285–246 BC), second king of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος, Ptolemaîos Philádelphos "Ptolemy Beloved of his Sibling"; 309–246 BCE) was the king of Ptolemaic Egypt from 283 to 246 BCE. Ptolemaios var en högt bildad och konstälskande furste, men ingalunda oklanderlig till. under Ptolemaios II Filadelfos’ regering. The ship is commanded by Sumeragi Lee Noriega. He was the son of the founder of the Ptolemaic kingdom Ptolemy I Soter and Berenice, and was educated by Philitas of Cos. was van 283 v.C. Dess skapare var den grekiske arkitekten Sostratos, och det byggdes omkring år 270 f.v.t. Z Tuscula . Ptolemaios II Filadelfos (Grekiska: Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος), född 309 f.Kr., död 246 f.Kr., kung i ptolemeiska riket, son till Ptolemaios I Soter, far till Ptolemaios III Euergetes. Ptolémée II Philadelphus ( grec : Πτολεμαῖος Φιλάδελφος , Ptolemaios Philadelphos "Ptolémée, ami de ses frères et sœurs"; 308/9 - 28 janvier 246 avant JC) était le pharaon de l'Égypte ptolémaïque de 283 à 246 avant JC. n. l. a udržovat výstavní palác v Alexandrii.. Během své vlády vedl Ptolemaios II. 06.07.2018 - Ptolemy II Philadelphus “Who loves his sister” (309–246 BC) was the king of Ptolemaic Egypt from 283 BCE to 246 BCE. Ptolemy II married his half-sister Arsinoe I, daughter of Alexander’s general Lysimachus. Ptolemeus II Philadelphus (309–246 v.C.) Yahoo Search Búsqueda en la Web. Und Markus Antonius siehe Ptolemaios Philadelphus (Sohn von Kleopatra) . jw2019 (Daniel 11:1-19) During the reign of the Egyptian “king of the south,” Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285-246 B.C.E.

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