Not wanting to get involved with another rebel group and happy with life as it was, Jyn told him that she wouldn't. Galen noticed the figure looked similar to him, and Jyn told him he could be Brin if he wanted. She is later rescued by a Rebel extremist named Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker) who cared for her after Galen's capture. Taking out a small holoprojector, Gerrera placed it on the ground and activated it, producing a hologram recording of Jyn's father. Out of the corner of her eye, Jyn spotted several people armed with weapons atop the surrounding buildings. [5], As a result of being trained by Saw Gerrera and being abandoned, she wielded a calm yet cold demeanor in interactions with others or when completing tasks. Characters of Star Wars: The High Republic, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (novelization), From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 2, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volumes 1 & 2, Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition, Star Wars: Rogue One Graphic Novel Adaptation, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, SWCA: Conversation with Gareth Edwards Panel Liveblog, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Together" TV Spot, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Hope" TV Spot, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Dream" TV Spot, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Jyn & Cassian" Extended TV Spot, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Breath" TV Spot, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Worth It" TV Spot (:30), Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Introducing Jyn Erso" Featurette, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Prevail" TV Spot (:30), Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Official Chinese Trailer, Entertainment Weekly's Ultimate Guide to Rogue One, Art of Coloring: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars: Rogue One: Ultimate Sticker Encyclopedia, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Star Wars: Forces of Destiny: Meet the Heroes, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage, Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z, Databank A-Z: Davish Krail–Kuat Drive Yards, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition, Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, Highlights of the Saga: The Battle of Scarif, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, New Edition, The Death Star | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Fun Facts, Every Droid in Star Wars | Star Wars By the Numbers, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills, Starfighter Aces: K-2SO – Reprogrammed as a Rebel, Weapons & Uniforms: Rebel Leaders at Yavin 4, The Star Wars Saga's Secret Weapon: A Visual Effects Nerd with a Big Story to Tell. The Rebel Alliance used the plans to discover the flaw Galen built into the battle station, and the weapon was destroyed by Luke Skywalker during the Battle of Yavin, starting a chain reaction which would see the doom of the Empire. Our Jyn and Juice is a classic gin and juice cocktail made in honor of Jyn, the female lead in the new Rogue One movie. Getting back atop the platform, Jyn once again made her way over to the console but was stopped by Krennic. [5], Jyn shot the glass and jumped across onto the data tower, with Andor following her. With Bodhi having informed them that Galen was currently on the storm-stricken planet of Eadu, Jyn told them about the hologram message and that they need to find him. -- Jyn … [5], Jyn was sent to the UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft that she, Andor and K-2SO would be using for the mission. Rebel Rising, Accidental Allies, Jyn's Trade, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (novelization), Rogue One Adaptation 2, Star Wars 52, Star Wars 54, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Alphabet Squadron, Shadow Fall, Victory's Price, Star Wars: The Rebel Files, and The Heroes of Rogue One–class. ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY. Nov 17, 2018 - Explore Scavenge Patch Kid's board "Rogue One: Jyn Erso", followed by 121 people on Pinterest. Jyn during the firefight in the Holy City. 21 BBY, Vallt[1] There are two conflicting sources for this article: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In a new 23-second clip of Rogue One, Jyn … Light[3] It's beautiful character development and a fitting line, especially considering that Rogue One is a prequel for A New Hope. Realizing it was time to get away, Jyn ran to the hideout as Krennic took Galen and ordered his death troopers to search for her. Like. After entering the city, Jyn was surprised to find that Andor was relying on the hope of her name being enough to get a meeting with Saw, being told in response that "rebellions are built on hope." After all, Jyn is presumably in her mid-20s for the majority of "Rogue One," and we know that 19 years have passed between the events of "Revenge of the Sith" and "A New Hope." Running outside to escape, Erso was clotheslined by former Imperial[5] KX-series security droid[4] K-2SO who threw her to the ground and told her not to resist, informing her that she was being rescued. Desperately trying to think of one, Rook replied with "Rogue One," but was told there was no "Rogue One." [7] Being discarded like that left Jyn with little capacity to trust others[5] and nursing bitter feelings and hatred for the two fathers who had abandoned her. [5], After spending some time in the underground room, Jyn heard footsteps approaching above. As Jyn lay on the ground, Krennic hastily looked back before boarding his shuttle. When the Partisans were hired by Arane Oreida, Gerrera tasked Jyn with forging documents of admission to a ceremony on the planet Inusagi during the Sakoola blossom festival. When an Imperial approached her, Jyn was reluctant and scared to shoot him, and despite threatening him, allowed him to attack her before he was killed by another Partisan. [23] She is voiced by Helen Sadler. While the trio headed through the complex, the others prepared for the diversion by planting explosives at various landing pads. this is basically a re-write of rogue one; Alternate Universe; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Jyn is a Partisan; the odds of future f/f pairings are extremely high; Summary. Jyn and Cassian have a strictly platonic friendship in Rogue One, but that wasn't always the case. Although banned by the Empire, the recording inspired Chass na Chadic to change her life, fly with the Cavern Angels, and eventually join the Rebel Alliance. Jyn hadn't even been able to smuggle in a knife to protect herself. Jyn and rogue one. Îmwe, Malbus, and Rook soon followed suit, with K2 telling her he would fight with her, but only because Andor said that he had to. "[20], Jyn is also featured in Star Wars Forces of Destiny, an animated web series focusing on female heroes including Princess Leia and Ahsoka Tano. [24] Upon the movie's release, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide[4] and the film's novelization confirmed that Jyn was in fact given the rank of sergeant by Lieutenant Taidu Sefla during the team's descent onto Scarif. When Galen tried to comprehend what he was seeing, he was struck by a blast from a Y-wing's proton torpedo. Jyn, knowing she couldn't save him, continued climbing. [6], Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide states that Jyn was born in 22 BBY;[4] however, Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel states Jyn was born sometime after the Second Battle of Geonosis,[3] which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 21 BBY.[25]. Embarrassed and ashamed of her failure, she apologized to Saw, who nonetheless reprimanded her for her lack of decisiveness. Galen and his wife Lyra begin to suspect Krennic's ulterior motives, and plot to free themselves and their daughter Jyn from his grasp. Unknown to them, the Clone Wars had just ended. Jyn first appears as a young girl on Lah'mu. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. Jyn being given a kyber crystal by her mother. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. McMillan speculated that the character was a possible "casualty" of Rogue One's reshoots.[28]. Jyn Erso Quotes: Jyn Erso: We have hope. Jyn Erso is more than just hope, though. Discovering there were too many stormtroopers to make it to the data vault, Andor ordered Melshi to detonate the explosives to divert the Imperial forces away.[5]. [5], Inside one of the Great Temple's hangars, Andor approached Jyn with a group of Rebel Marines behind him. Before she could do anything, however, the platform was attacked by Rebel Alliance X-wing starfighters that had been sent after the group's presumed demise, with the attack killing most of the stormtroopers. Asking if anyone else saw the message, Andor received shaking heads, causing Jyn to become angry and admonish them for not believing her.[5]. As Krennic ordered Galen into the shuttle, Jyn shouted out to her father. Died K2 attempted to divert the stormtroopers to supposed "rebels," but Andor asked through comms why he had closed the vault door, forcing the droid to take out the soldiers. Establishing a cover as tertiary units on a propaganda documentary filming on the site, Jyn forged the scandocs for their cover, giving herself the alias "Kestrel Dawn." Fifteen years later,[a] Jyn is being held in Imperial custody on several criminal charges, but the Rebel Alliance frees her during a prisoner transport on the planet Wobani. She was the daughter of Lyra Erso, a devout member of the Church of the Force, and scientist Galen Erso, who was forced into helping the Galactic Empire build the Death Star. [5], As Jyn and Andor tried to escape, a group of stormtroopers caught up with them. As he ordered his troopers to fire, Lyra managed to fire off one shot into Krennic's shoulder before being killed. Handing Jyn a kyber crystal pendant necklace, Lyra told Jyn to go to the hideout before leaving to also confront Krennic. Entertainment Weekly took a small closer look at the main hero of Rogue One, Jyn Erso, and her father Galen. A Holovid of Jyn's speech on Yavin was captured by Rebel journalist Corwi Selgrothe[16] and circulated during the war. [7], Unfortunately, the night before they planned to leave, stormtroopers arrived at the home, suspecting that Jyn was the same "Jyn" involved with the rebels at the Tamsye Prime factory incident. [18] Saw Gerrera appears with an eleven-year-old Jyn Erso in the novelization of the film Solo: A Star Wars Story.[19]. [10], Jyn's relationship with Andor was complicated, as the two didn't trust one another when they first met. After the shuttle settled down on landing pad nine, an inspection crew consisting of two stormtroopers, an officer, and a ground technician boarded. Released in 2016, Rogue One was the first in what was supposed to be a line of Star Wars anthology films. [7], They arrived on site, only to be betrayed by one of their own, Tallent, who also suspected Jyn's true identity. She transmitted the plans to the Alliance Fleet that arrived in orbit, but the Death Star soon fired on Scarif in an attempt to eliminate the Rebel threat. "[6], Jyn's only luck was that the Imperials thought she really was Liana Hallik, not realizing her true identity, and that they let her keep her kyber crystal necklace, mistaking it for a piece of glass. The first Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer has fans heavily speculating that Felicity Jones' character is the long-lost mother of Rey. Every main character in Rogue One, from Jyn (Felicity Jones) to the comic relief droid K-2SO (Alan Tudyk), dies. [6], Jyn is introduced as a child in the prequel novel Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel by James Luceno, published in November 2016. With the insurgents neutralizing the last of the Imperial forces surrounding the tank, they retrieved the kyber crystals being transported on board. [5], Andor, who had spotted Jyn through the scope of his A280-CFE blaster, came up to Jyn and told her they needed to leave, telling her Galen was dead and that she couldn't do anything about it. Pin. [22], Jyn is a playable character in the 2015 action shooter video game Star Wars Battlefront, as part of the 2016 downloadable content (DLC) Rogue One: Scarif expansion pack. [7], Orphaned for the third time, Jyn spent the next five years focusing on survival, becoming a street figure, smuggler, and petty criminal. He said that in order to find the exhaust port, one had to steal the station's plans. Jyn attempts to convince the Alliance High Command of her father's efforts to sabotage the Death Star. When Orson Krennic and some Death Troopers arrived, Galen Erso told his daughter to run away with her mother. Despite her aggressive and cold demeanor, she showed herself to be selfless and caring, saving a child from death during a battle against stormtroopers on Jedha[5] as well as assisting a small girl being harassed by stormtroopers on Garel. Despite being told not to enter the chieftess's palace, Jyn did so and witnessed the Partisans slaughter a large group of people with flechette launchers. [4] In February 2015, it was reported that Jones was in final talks to star in the film,[5] and her official casting was announced in March 2015. Erso was remembered fondly by the Rebel leader, Mon Mothma, who believed that she would have become an even more extraordinary person had she survived. As they regrouped, a squad of stormtroopers caught up with them and prepared to fire. Movies. Later, as Nest boarded a shuttle to conduct a further discussion with Gerrera, Erso whispered that Gerrera would underestimate her. She assaulted the stormtroopers and fled with the Tooka-cat down an alleyway. Jyn was planted in a courtyard and instructed to pass out the forged documents to disguised rebels who gave her the codephrase "cloud." Realizing that the Imperials would work out that their ship had used forged codes to leave, the man directed them to junkers he had contact with to sell the ship so it could be taken apart and the trail erased. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. She wipes her face with a cloth and stares through the bars. Erso was buying fruit from an Ortolan merchant when she heard two stormtroopers forcibly seizing a pet Tooka-cat from a young girl. [7] IndieWire's David Ehrlich compared Jyn to Rey (Ridley) from The Force Awakens, and described her as "indistinguishable from the bland and plucky heroine of Episode VII save for her privileged disillusionment". Knoll created the character as a role model for his daughters and developed her as part of his original story for the film, circa 2003. That being said, the pain she held on to was expressed when seeing her father's hologram message, becoming teary-eyed, falling to her knees once the message had finished. The Character Quotes / Rogue One (2016) / Jyn Erso. [6][7] She grows up under the watch of "extremist militant" Saw Gerrera, who also mentors and trains her in military combat. How Jyn Erso in ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ contains echoes of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Chadic also revealed that she had met Jyn once on the Five Points Station where Jyn saved her life by shooting a Chevin who was attempting to kidnap Chadic. Jyn identified herself as Jyn Erso before walking away. [5], As the shuttle exited hyperspace, Scarif and its enveloping planetary deflector shield came into view. Jyn was trained with a blaster, truncheons, a code replicator, and in hand-to-hand combat by Gerrera to ensure she could survive. Jyn begins the movie as a cynical character focused on her self-preservation, yet she becomes someone who believes in the unifying power of hope. Her actions allowed the Rebel Alliance to exploit the Death Star's weakness with the help of Luke Skywalker[13] and pave the way for the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Jakku five years later. When Jyn realized they were trapped, K2 suggested transmitting the plans but told them that the size of the data files meant that the shield would have to be taken down in order to send them to the fleet. Erso retrieves the data-tape from inside the data vault. After contacting Saw Gerrera, Galen said a solemn goodbye to Jyn before heading out to face Krennic, while Lyra led Jyn around the back. [11], Jyn and Oolin Musters together in their cell, In 0 BBY,[12] Jyn's luck ran out. Jyn and rogue one Sign in to follow this . As the Empire began to tighten its grip, the young lovers eventually convinced Akshaya were eventually forced to make preparations to leave for the Five Points system to make a new start. While admitting that she didn't know for sure what would've happened, Mothma also expressed the opinion that Jyn would've gone on to an extraordinary life had she lived. Knoll created the character as a role model for his daughters and developed her as part of his original story for the film, circa 2003. Before the Alliance member could say another word, Rook lifted the ship off the ground and took off from the moon and plotted a course for Scarif, the location of the Death Star plans. With the space around Skuhl a battle zone between the Empire and rebel fighters, the freighter was destroyed, killing Hadder and Akshaya, leaving Jyn to arrive at the Five Points station by herself. Andor covered Jyn's escape, killing the two death troopers before a bolt from Krennic caused him to fall and hit a platform unconscious. Well, in ROGUE ONE, Jyn Erso is the spark. Though she was sad that she had to leave her toys and Mac-Vee behind, Jyn found comfort in the company of her parents and the fact she had found a new friend in Saw Gerrera.[3]. Jyn admitted she did not know anything about being a mechanic, but Ponta maintained her generous offer, which Jyn gladly accepted. Jyn Erso. Unbeknownst to Jyn, their indifference was a product of their conflicting views of Project Celestial Power, with each of her parents keeping secrets from the other. Jyn continued to search through the files and stopped at "Stardust," the same nickname her father gave her and realized that they must be the plans. Rogue One is the first film in the Star Wars anthology series, a series of standalone spin-off films in the Star Wars franchise. [3], Jyn is the daughter of Galen Erso, a scientist forced by the Empire to develop their Death Star superweapon. While the elder Ponta didn't want to leave the home that she had made for her family, Jyn and Hadder realized that there was no way to get around it. As the Clone Wars approached its end, Jyn's father was notified by Krennic that he had been offered a position in Helical HyperCom on the planet Lokori. Suddenly, Krennic's shuttle passed overhead, landing at the end of a platform. She is tragedy. Following the foundation of the Galactic Empire, a wayward band of Rebel fighters comes together to carry out a desperate mission: to steal the plans for the Death Star before it can be used to enforce the Emperor'srule. The Star Wars franchise has always been chock full of symbolism. Jyn aids the Rebel Alliance in a desperate attempt to steal the plans to the Death Star, a powerful weapon possessed by the Empire with enough power to destroy an entire planet. Jyn ran over to the console and managed to transmit the plans to the Rebel vessel Profundity before going over to the wounded Andor to brace him. Menu. The crew entered the factory to capture information on film and send it to other rebel groups. However, Jyn decided to follow and hide in the long grass, watching as Lyra pulled a blaster pistol on Krennic. Jyn reappears in the series in the episode, "Accidental Allies," where she encounters Sabine Wren from Star Wars Rebels. This was cut from the final film, although several pieces of merchandise still identified her as Sergeant Jyn Erso. One of the stormtroopers ordered K2 to tell him where he was taking the "prisoners." [20], Chris Nashawaty of Entertainment Weekly called Jyn "the kind role model any moviegoing parent would want to expose their daughters (and sons) to", adding that "Jones plays her with a fiery warmth that turns her into more than just a pawn piece going through the larger storytelling paces. Making it without resistance to the data vault, K2 knocked out the technician in charge of the vault and assumed control of the computer. The message played, revealing that Galen had accepted a job to develop the superweapon equipped battle station, which the Empire was calling the "Death Star," in order to purposefully engineer a flaw in the form of a vulnerable thermal exhaust port leading directly to the station's reactor. [7], Settling in with Ponta, who had a son about Jyn's age, Hadder, Jyn was allowe to sleep in the room previously used by Ponta's deceased daughter Tanith, who had died of bloodburn. Her speech was enough to sway many of the council members, but without full support from everyone, the chances were too great and no action could be taken. Finding a lone KX-series droid, K2 accessed its data banks and retrieved a map of the complex. Erso and Andor were the last surviving members of their squad, and they died when the blast reached the complex. ], In an earlier draft of Rogue One, Jyn was given the rank of sergeant. K2 implored them to climb and locked the vault before being killed by stormtroopers. When the last trooper was down, another group came around the corner but were suddenly killed when a human named Baze Malbus, armed with a heavy repeater cannon, came up from behind. During her time in the Alphabet Squadron, Chadic told her squadron that Jyn was a martyr and a hero who did everything that mattered in the effort to destroy the Death Star. Send. When Îmwe noted that Andor's weapon was in the sniper configuration, Jyn left to follow them, while Îmwe and Malbus, in turn, followed her. Rounding a corner, the trio found themselves in front of another stormtrooper patrol. Starting with the first Rogue One teaser, we knew right off the bat that Jyn Erso was a rebel. As the troopers fired, the robed man used his hands and his staff strike the soldiers down, using some of them as cover from blaster bolts. [4] Initially, Jyn cared little about the Rebels' cause, but after watching the hologram message from her father, Jyn realized how important it was that the Empire be rid from the galaxy and sacrificed herself for their cause. [7], As the months went by, Jyn adapted to her new life, moving on from everything about her old one as a freedom fighter. She and Hadder, who had taken something of an interest in her from the beginning, began to grow closer. Arriving back at the Rebel base, a meeting of the Alliance Cabinet was held to discuss how the Rebellion should deal with the Death Star. Later, Jyn was sent on her first solo mission, where she would be dropped off by Staven on Horuz to assassinate Dorin Bell, an Imperial scientist known to be working with kyber crystals. [6], Jyn's determination and bravery led to her becoming one of the most important figures of the war. [5], Jyn Erso was created by John Knoll for the 2016 film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Gerrera introduced Erso as his ward, and Nest wondered why he would bring her to such a dangerous meeting. fans 264 rating 8.6 /10 (90 users) rate her fan fan About Her . [7] She was eventually transferred to the Imperial labor camp on the planet Wobani,[5] sentenced to twenty years of labor in the planets farms, sharing a cell with a Blutopian Oolin Musters, also known as "Kennel. [8] At the age of twelve, Jyn met Arhul Nemo of the Commenor Underground, who considered her his favorite of Gerrera's militia. Jyn Erso is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, portrayed by English actress Felicity Jones in the 2016 film Rogue One. A stormtrooper walks past, checking on the cell. [6], Ubin Des revered Jyn and lamented that she was unable to join her at Scarif having been confined to sick bay at the time. Refusing, Jyn told him trust goes both ways, convincing Andor to allow her to keep it, even after K-2SO remarked that there was a very high likelihood of Jyn using it on him.[5]. Galen Erso has nearly completed his superweapon. Most of the group agreed that, against such a destructive weapon, the Alliance stood no chance of stealing the plans and that the word of a "criminal" was not enough to take such a risk. The trio told her that an Imperial defector claimed to have been tasked by her father to pass information to the Rebel Alliance pertaining to a planet-destroying superweapon. She also appears in the novelization of Rogue One by Alexander Freed. Of course, she rebels. Rogue One starts with a prologue, with Jyn and her father and her mother and Ben Mendelsohn as the man who will kill her parents. [22] While Jyn appeared in trailers facing a recitation of a list of past crimes and stating "This is a rebellion, isn't it? --Jyn Erso is a Partisan. In the Rogue One prologue, when Jyn and her family are caught in exhile by Director Krennic, Jyn’s mother, Lyra, gives her a special jewelry keepsake before she meets her fate. Jyn reappears once more in the episode "Jyn's Trade", where she helps a young thief learn a valuable life lesson. [9] Despite her rough life, Jyn was also not a murderer, killing only in self-defense, in defense of others, or in war. She makes her human. Agreeing with her that they have to do something, Andor offered his service, telling her he couldn't live with himself if he gave up. She was raised by resistance fighter Saw Gerrera and became a child soldier in his army. Jyn returned the pet to the grateful girl, who asked her what was her name. After being abandoned at sixteen, Jyn was forced to adapt and developed fighting skills and a keen knowledge of the galactic underworld. When Sabine realizes she has lost the map, she helps Jyn evade the stormtroopers and shares her own experience of working alone to persuade Jyn to give her the map. [4] During her time with Saw Gerrera's insurgents, she developed a strong bond with the extremists. On top of everything, Kennel had promised to kill her the next time they were assigned to the same work shift. She found a holographic recording of her father who confirmed the existence of the Death Star and that the plans kept on Scarif would reveal a fatal weakness he planted in its design. Andor became angry and told her that some don't have the luxury to make their own choices and that, even though he had the chance to, he didn't kill Galen.[5]. Before she left into the vault, Jyn handed K2 a blaster pistol recovered from the unconscious Putna, and the droid told her that her behavior was continually unexpected. She was voiced by Felicity Jones in the first season and Helen Sadler in the second season. Jyn took the planet hopper while Hadder and his mother took the freighter. After learning that the Alliance ordered him to kill Galen, she became furious with hiim for lying to her. Arriving at Jedha, Jyn and Andor agreed that K2 should stay behind on the ship so that they could blend in with the crowds of the Holy City more easily. Speaking in an alien language, one of the insurgents ordered they all be restrained and brought to Gerrera.[5]. She wandered through the galaxy, using and discarding aliases such as Liana Hallik, Tanith Ponta,[4] Lyra Rallik, and Nari McVee to hide her true identity. Knoll envisioned Jyn as a female protagonist who could be an inspiration for his daughters. Confirming no one was injured or killed, Andor proceeded to depart with Rook, telling the group they were leaving to conduct reconnaissance. Her sacrifice was not in vain, however. The first photo of Jyn was released during the 2015 D23 Expo, and the first footage of the character was shown in the Rogue One teaser trailer on April 7, 2016.
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