journal of agricultural sciences belgrade

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If more than two authors are cited, after the last (family) name of the first author, the abbreviation ''et al.'' The mode of its determination under the conditions prior to and following land drainage was given as well. On the other hand, in the second year of investigations at both locations harvesting started 10 to 12 days earlier compared to the previous year. Listing of all results with repetition of numbers previously specified in Results and Discussion should be avoided. The title of the paper should describe the content of the paper as accurately and concisely as possible. In seed obtained in 2002, when average temperatures were higher, number of swollen seeds was higher. The marigold and scarlet sage seedlings were grown in poly-propylene containers (speedling system) and poly-propylene pots (pot system). The development goals for agriculture were set forth early (in 1992) and were modeled on the EU standards, and they remained unchanged throughout the transition. Sugar beet varieties' micro trials were conducted at Kikinda site in 2005 and at five localities from the provincial trial network in 2006. During the analysis of economic efficiency the dynamical methods of investment evaluation have been used, as well as the appropriate method for risk estimation of investments. Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Differences between variants A and B were statistically significant at all examined temperatures. The Journal of Tropical Agriculture is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes scientific articles concerned with all aspects of crop science, agroecosystem management and conservation, and in particular the application of biological, engineering, ecological, and social knowledge to the management of agricultural crops in the tropics including plantation and horticultural crops. (9.9%), Kustom larvo WT (8.2%) and Trichoderma spp. Mathematical models are the basic tools to predict the timing of phenological events. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science Keywords Siboney de Cuba females anaerobic digesters biomass, production, climate, chemical composition, digestibility, energy composition copper doses growth curves high load technology indicator injectable manganese meat milk replacers milking cows pequi, Acari, weather, leaf surface pig breeding wastes river buffalos yield zinc Application of fertilizer has significantly influenced the yield, so in both study years (2004, 2005) the highest yield was achieved in fertilization variant with Baktofil 80 I/ha. Faculty got its own building in Zemun in 1932, where is still located. The results obtained by the analysis of the samples of coffee mostly consumed on our market showed that the coffee quality corresponds to the values as given in the Law of Health Food. It is shown that the applied drying temperatures of 42ºC (curd A) and 45ºC (curd B) do not have significant influence on the curd composition. The registration of the authors and the submission of the papers should be done via the following link: Tobacco leaves from Šabac production area have a little higher metal content than tobacco grown in other production areas, because a larger amount of copper was found. The modern econometry transfers managerial tasks into the language of mathematics and it primarily serves for performing of theoretical results on real examples in a way to balance the constant disequilibria between actual and desired state of business system. The overuse of colours and hues should be avoided for aesthetic reasons. Review article - The article which contains original, detailed and critical review of research problem or area where the author has made a certain contribution, noticed by auto citation (at least 10). All graphs, diagrams and photographs should be titled ''Figure'' (1, 2, etc.). (pp. The results from the literature show that adding technologically processed natural zeolite (Min-a-Zel, produced by ITNMS, Belgrade) while ensiling beet pulp has significant influence on the increase of lactic acid production, decrease in bonded acetic acid content and lower pH value. Home / Editorial Team JOURNAL. The material and methods should be clearly outlined explaining all applied procedures in the paper. The channels are invaded by annual and perennial plants, channel cross-sections are silted with mud, there are landslides of the slopes parts of water cross-sections are blocked, etc. University of Belgrade-Faculty of Agriculture - 11081 Belgrade-Zemun, Nemanjina 6, … The results showed that varieties with triple tolerance to diseases (Solea and Gazeta) had marked performance in the trial at Kikinda site as compared to other varieties. The variant A of silver carp meat gels has shown the maximum of WBA and HW at 80 oC, and the variant B at 75 oC. ), Proceedings of the IXth EUCARPIA meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae (pp. Preliminary communication - Original research paper of full format, small-scale or preliminary character. Agricultural and Food Science Vol 24 No 3 (2015) - Articles Phytic acid, inorganic phosphorus, antioxidants in bread and durum wheat and their associations with agronomic traits Abstract PDF Supplementary Table 1 Supplementary Table 2 Supplementary Table 3 Supplementary Table 4 The colon should be used after the title, and then the list of key words in lower-case letters should be given with the full stop at the end. The duration of each developmental stage was egg: 6.05 days; first instar: 3.8 days; second instar: 4.7 days; third instar: 5.6 days; fourth instar: 6.2 days; fifth instar: 6.8 days and pupa: 4.8 days. When the book is cited, the publisher and place of publishing should be given. The major reason for this is that consumer demand for food increases only slightly with rising incomes. . The references, cited in the text should be stated in the list of references in the original form, alphabetically, without numbering. Platnick, N. I. 115–121). The application of natural bio-stimulants may be justifiable with the saplings that have previously been produced in smaller containers, since they have auspicious effect upon development of the root, i.e. The obligatory parts of each Original scientific paper and Preliminary communication are the following: Title of the paper, Name(s) of author(s), Complete postal address(es) of affiliations, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References and Summary in Serbian (if manuscript is submitted in English and vice versa). References entry should contain: the last (family) name of the author, the first letter of the author's name, the year of publishing in the brackets, the title of the paper, the title of the journal, the volume and the number of pages (the first-the last). The official journal of Agricultural Sciences published by the Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Chenkalady, Sri Lanka.AGRIEAST publishes research information of broad practical significance pertaining to both tropical and subtropical Agriculture. The variant with moistening and cooling of seed regardless of the location and origin possessed better germination energy and total germination compared to seed that has only been cooled, and especially in regard to the control (no cooling). Each table must be mentioned in the text. They are also screened for plagiarism. The highest coefficients of genetic and phenotypic variation were determined for leaf resistance to Plasmopara viticola in crossing combination Muscat Hamburg x S.V.I2375, and for bunch resistance to Botrytis cinerea in crossing combination Muscat Hamburg x Seedling 108. In the year 2000, in regard to the seed proportionally medium fractions were more present, which is, among other things, the result of the influence of higher precipitation amount. In regard to germination energy and total germination, the best value was determined for genotype "B" and the lowest for standard cultivar "Mira". Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade) (alternative link) ISSN: 1450-8109. In this study five different substrates were used, such as: compost; mixture of compost, Lumbrikus H and garden soil; mixture of compost and Lumbrikus H; mixture of compost, Lumbrikus H and peat Galicina and Seedling Klassman substrate. In the present work the effect of the use of synthetic sound during incubation in chicken of the Hampshire breed was studied. The values of the hydro-thermic coefficient indicated that in the area of vineyards, where the research was conducted, there was an irregular schedule of humidity. Below the title, the text of the summary should follow, without any indentation, and immediately after the text of the summary, the key words are given with the full stop at the end. Ballard, J. The title of key words should be bolded and indented by pressing the tab key. This indicates the most probable fact that coffee is of the same origin, and that later, on during production, a different mixture was made, which affects the final product and gives aroma and taste to the liquid. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences is an English language, peer-review scholarly publication which publishes research articles and critical reviews from every area of Agricultural sciences and plant science. The references should not be given in the abstract. Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade), the Official Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, publishes scientific papers of all agricultural areas: Crop and Vegetable Sciences, Fruit Science and Viticulture, Zootechnics, Soil Management, Phytomedicine, Agricultural Engineering, Food Technology and Biochemistry, Agricultural Economics. In the comment of the results, references should be quoted at the end of the paper, providing the comparison between the obtained results and previous knowledge of the certain area. If authors belong to different institutions, the numerals should be placed as the superscript before the name of institution to provide information on the institution where each of the stated authors is employed. Effects of agricultural policy on the development of Slovenian agriculture during the transition and the process of accession to the European Union, Effects of the use of acetic acid as the conservant in lucerne ensiling, Occurrence, structures and estimation of daily intake of trans fatty acids, Antimicrobial activities of constituents from isolona cauliflora verdc and cleistochlamys krikii benth, oliv. Each equation must be mentioned in the text as Eq. The conservation of the soil moisture was observed along the vertical profiles of soil. The efficiency of the drainage canal network is closely linked with its maintenance. The so called type of soil Rigosol was covered by wheat and maize. Measure units should be expressed using International System of Units (SI). Economics of Agriculture. They should be placed in the text. Gamaspectrometric analysis showed the presence of free natural radionuclide in low activities. Journals can be searched using free text and filtered by category, language and presence on other databases. On the basis of the obtained results, it could be concluded that all the analyzed samples of dietary chocolates had approximately the same color characteristics qualities (lightness, nuance and color saturation), having only negligible variations, during keeping and storage at 15°C for up to 1 year. upon its length. The full name and address of the institution where the author is employed should be provided. Acknowledgements should contain the title and the number of the project that is the title of the program within which the paper was written, as well as the name of the institution which financed the project or program. Key words should be provided in Serbian and English after abstract on both languages. The meaning of all symbols should be given immediately after the equation where these symbols are first used. The curd A and B gained without washing of the curd had 50.91% and 50.60% of moisture, respectively. Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade) 1450-8109 (Print) / 2406-0968 (Online) Website About; Articles; About. Otherwise, the manuscripts shall be returned to the authors with observations, comments and annotations. The annual rain sum was 665 mm, and ranged from 483 mm to 927 mm. Basil seedling was produced in containers according to "speeding" system. Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Scopus SJR for 2019 – 0.191. The composition of curd A and curd B was investigated as influenced by the technological process known as curd washing after removing 1/3 or 1/2 of whey and replacing by the same volume of water at the drying temperatures of 42ºC and 45ºC, respectively. The names should be written below the title, in lower-case letters, centred and bolded. EBSCO - Academic Search Ultimate CAB Abstracts Google Scholar. The title of the introduction should be centred and bolded, written in lower-case letters, below which using one line spacing, the text of the introduction should follow, justified. This variety showed the best tolerance to Cercospora beticola, being scored with only 0.4 points on the ranking scale for infestation level. The influence of acetic acid as the chemical conservant in three doses (4, 6 8 g/kg green mass) on the intensity of fermentation and proteolysis in lucerne silage was investigated. The agricultural share of a total output generally declines in the process of economic growth. Some significant apple breeding stations around the world. ), and if a great number of publications is of the same year then the letters are added (2005a, 2005b, 2005c, etc.). Authors are recommended to use words in the title which are suitable for indexing and browsing purposes. Generally known methods should be presented briefly, and a detailed explanation should be given if there is a deviation from previously published procedures. Bell, R. L., Quamme, H. A., Layne, R. E. C., & Skirvin, R. M. (1996). The vegetative rain sum had a value of 342 mm, and ranged from 200 mm to 541mm. the upper limit of its value was used as well. The increase of free and bonded acetic acid was discovered with the increase of conservant dose. The Rigosol was formed by special treatment of the parent soil the Eutric Cambisol. If two or more papers of the same author are cited, they must be listed chronologically (1997, 2002, 2006, etc.). Special attention was paid to the measurements of soil moisture in the period when crop water requirements are the greatest. In addition to its basic purpose, this channel has recently also become the receiving channel of the municipal waste water, agro-industrial and processing waste water, discharged without purification and causing significant pollution of the water in the channel. The abbreviations can be used for other expressions provided these expressions are stated in the full form when appear for the first time with the abbreviated form in the brackets. The obligatory parts of each Review article are the following: Title of the paper, Name(s) of author(s), Complete postal address(es) of affiliations, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Analysis-discussion of a certain topic, Conclusion, References and Summary in Serbian (if manuscript is submitted in English and vice versa). The International Journal of Agricultural Science is an open access journal. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors. The first volume was published in 1966. In addition, the aim was to analyze the possibility of improving feed mill management. All future associates are asked to prepare the paper according to the given instructions in order to facilitate the work of the Editorial Board. Research comprised essential parameters of business conditions on the farms and results of their business. Pears. In order to achieve an earlier beginning of beak clapping, a faster whole group beak clapping time, and a shorter hatching time of chickens, sound stimulation should begin at the 433 rd hour of hatching. However, germination energy and total germination for all genotypes was better in the second year, when the sum of temperatures during the vegetation period was 37580C compared to the first year when the sum of temperatures recorded was 35230C. The present research in the study of the effect of application of natural bio-stimulants and slow-release fertilizers on commercial production of begonia (Begonia semperflorens) saplings. It is in the interests of the author that the abstract contains terms used for indexing and browsing purposes. kurstaki (Kostar 76 LW-1 ml/pot), Saccharopolyspora spinosa (Treisr 480 EC-1 ml/pot), Fusarium spp. . Variety Prestige, also triple tolerant to diseases, showed the best performance in the granulated sugar yield, yielding 13.969 t/ha. A large number of cited papers out of brackets should be separated by comma (,) and if in brackets, by semicolon (;). Only standardised abbreviations should be used in the paper. Thus, from the economic standpoint farms involved in cattle fattening would have a justifiable production. Based on a number of investigations, it is found that station barns have some advantage when milk yield is considered, while free stalls have preference when the reproduction of cows, productivity of labor, health protection and longevity of cows are considered. The first step was focused on determining the lower limit of capacity use by comparing the economic effects of irrigation with the costs of the irrigation system use. (2), etc. Year as a factor (in this case probably higher precipitation in 2004 by 127 mm) has significantly influenced the yield of anise seed and in all fertilization variants (even in the variant without fertilization - control) seed yield was higher in 2004. In regard to the exploitation value of the seed, better germination was registered for seed produced in 2000 (at both locations), although it had lower mass compared to the seed produced in 1999. Compared to control silage (III quality class according to DLG and Zelter method), a significant increase of acetic acid in silages resulted in the decline of their quality, and they were ranked as not useful (V quality class according to DLG method), or on the margin of usefulness (IV quality class according to Zelter method). The linear programming model was used in order to contribute to the successful management of all the phases in the production chain. Authors are exclusively responsible for the contents of their submissions, the validity of the experimental results and must make sure that they have permission from all involved parties to make the data public. A family farm model was used in order to study the economic importance of pasture utilization in sheep breeding and cattle fattening during the summer period. Results of the laboratory study of the quality of gentian seed are analyzed in this paper. At lower concentration of 100-200 ppm, the crude extract of Caulindole, mixture of Caulindole E and F, Pinocembrion and Oxyheptanoid had effect on most of the investigated plant pathogens. Journal of Agricultural Sciences Belgrade, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Agriculture - 11081 Belgrade-Zemun, Nemanjina 6, PO Box 14, Serbia Tel: + 381 11 2615-315/467; Fax: + 381 11 2193-659; E-mail:, Published by University of Belgrade - Faculty of Agriculture,, The complete nomenclature (chemical and biochemical, taxonomical, genetic etc.) Higher concentration of 500-1000 ppm had moderate to weak effect on the Aspergillus spp. Examinations were carried out in five various production areas, for each tobacco type, during two years, 1998 and 1999; those were extreme years for production.Considering the results, it can be concluded: The most important factor for heavy metal content in tobacco leaves are weather conditions especially the amount of rainfall, since there is a direct correlation between the rainfall and size of roots, a dominant vegetation organ. Before the main text of the summary, as well as in English, the title of the paper, first name, middle initial(s) and last (family) name of all authors and the names and addresses of affiliations should be given.The title of the summary is centred and written separately. In silages treated the absolute and relative domination of acetic acid was found in total acid content. ''Journal of Agricultural Sciences'', the Official Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade-Zemun, publishes scientific papers of all agricultural areas (Crop and Vegetable Sciences, Fruit Science and Viticulture, Zootechnics, Soil Management, Phytomedicine, Agricultural Engineering, Food Technology and Biochemistry, Agricultural Economics). Drainage system Galovica is situated in southeast Srem. The corresponding author should be designated with an asterisk as the superscript, after the last (family) name, and his/her e-mail address should be given under the line, at the bottom of the first page of the paper. 1000 m above sea level) collected during the same period. However, due to the changing market conditions it was necessary to determine the processing prices at different price levels of fattened cattle, animals for fattening and the production value per breeding ewe. Only those contributions which conform to the following instructions can be accepted for peer-review. It should contain between 200 and 250 words and be placed between the name of the authors' affiliations and key words. The highest yield of seed in both study years was registered in genotype "King orange", and the lowest in genotype "R". In intensive milk production particular attention is given to genetic improvement of cattle for high milk production and high quality of milk. berliner (Kustom larvo WT-1 ml/pot), var. In some parts of the studied area, drainage canals have become virtual open sewers. Females had an average fecundity of 80.2 eggs. Journal of Agricultural Science Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Behera, T. K., Staub, J. E., Behera, S., Rao, A. R., & Mason, S. (2008). In the ensiling of the beet pulp stored in the longer period of time, the more intensive fermentation processes were achieved and the production of organic acids was larger which has better conserving effects on silage. The effect of buckwheat seed storage duration on major indices of the quality was analyzed. The pure compound had strong to moderate inhibitory effect on Pseudomonas syringae pv. As the consequence, the favorable conditions for crop growth and yields were observed. If a greater number of publications of the same author is cited, then the papers where the author is the single author should first be cited and then the publications of the same author with one and then with more co-authors. Authors wishing to include figures or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers.

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