Du hast die Qual der Wahl aus unseren Modellen Concept, Elite, Premier und Arena. Find a top quality handball perfect for juniors, men and women so everyone can enjoy the game. Large selection of hummel Handball. Nastavení vlastních preferencí cookies můžete kdykoli upravit odkazem ve spodní části stránek. Free shipping on orders above 50 GBP. Egal, ob Du einen Hummel Handball in Größe 0, 1, 2 oder Größe 3 suchst. The Hummel brand has a great passion for handball and for this reason this brand offers a large selection of Hummel handballs. Hummel Concept Pro Balloon. HUMMEL Concept Pro Håndbold En af topmodellerne fra Hummel - Hummel Concept Pro Håndbold er en IHF godkendt kamp og trænings bold - Hummel Concept Pro Håndbold ekstra blød overflade med et godt grip i materialet som er PU Microfiber - Specielt Quick Shop. *Diese Größe gibt es bei den Kids Classic Bee Styles. Delivery and returns. Preis ab 79,94 Euro (11.01.2021). Free shipping on orders above 400 DKK and delivery within 1-2 business days Buy one of the great Hummel handballs at handballshop.com, so that you are perfectly equipped for the next handball training or match. Versandkostenfreie Lieferung für Bestellungen ab 50 EUR und lieferung innerhalb von 2-3 tagen Ob Du Kleber verwendest oder einen Ball brauchst, den Du auch ohne Harz gut greifen kannst. 207514-9021. Jetzt kaufen! Hummel Concept Pro Handball. BLACK. Air-touch foam, latex bladder, AirTrap valve, leaves no marks, 2-year guarantee on seam and shape, normal fit. The latex bladder and air-trap valve also ensure longer air retention. Delivery and returns. In the Concept Plus category, Hummel offers professional match balls and training balls that have been approved by the IHF. hummel Bälle gibt es für jede Situation. HUMMEL FIRST COMPRESSION LONG TIGHTS. 6. hummel Handbälle haben den perfekten Grip für den noch perfekteren Wurf. Im Januar 2016 habe ich die 2016er Hummel Handbälle getestet und genauer unter die Lupe genommen. Due to weather conditions parcels can experience delays of 1-5 working days. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Den hummel Concept, Elite und Premier Handball, sowie die neuen STORM PRO 2.0 Handbälle. The handballs are available in different color combinations and in sizes from 0-3, handballs suitable for men and women and for boys and girls of all ages. Shop hummel Concept Plus Handball, Unisex, CONCEPT PLUS HANDBALL, White/Red/Black, 2. Different sizes are used depending on age - if in doubt, contact your trainer and in this table. Product successfully added to your shopping cart Quantity. Easy returns. Find in this category the different ranges adapted to the different game stations. Our range includes handballs from leading brands Mitre, Zoft, Molten and Hummel. The microfibre air-touch foam is enhanced with a textured hummel® chevron grip all over. Size 2 (Junior/Women's) High quality hummel handball. Large selection of hummel Handbälle und Zubehör. 299,95 DKK. hmlLEGACY ZIP HOODIE. Den Hummel Handball Concept Plus habe ich bereits ausführlich getestet. Sign up for our newsletter and stay up-to-date with the latest collection, the latest trends and the best deals! Handballs suitable for training right through to premier competition play. SPORTSMATE ApS Sønderjyllands Allé 1 2000 Frederiksberg C CVR. Jeztz shoppen Handbälle und Zubehör Sport im offiziellen hummel® Webshop. The Hummel Kids Handball is a high quality competition and training handball, ideal for children and youth players. HUMMEL FIRST PERFORMANCE JERSEY S/S. Product successfully added to your shopping cart Quantity. Der beliebte Hummel Handball ist in der Größe 2 und der Größe 3 erhältlich und kann im Training sowie im Punktspiel verwendet werden. The ball consists of microfibre PU and a very firm surface with hummel corners. Total Condition: New product. © 2021 Passasports.com • Tielenstraat 13 5145 RC Waalwijk The Netherlands Dabei hat sich der Concept Plus 2016, neben dem testsieger Synergy Pro, zu meinem absoluten Favorit entwickelt ; See more of Handbal Club Sportiv Tectonic Bucuresti on Facebook. Die geprägte Oberfläche sorgt für eine angenehme Ballkontrolle und das … Item No. •. The specially developed Air-Touch foam ensures a perfect balance between bounce quality and grip and the unique Air-Trap valve guarantees a longer air retention. See the large selection of Football for Men. Der Ball besteht aus Microfaser-PU und einer mit Hummel-Winkeln geprägten sehr griffigen Oberfläche. hummel CONCEPT PRO HANDBALL in weiss bei weplayhandball.de bestellen Rechnungskauf kostenlose Retoure schnelle Lieferung All hummel handballs offer top quality and durability and have a good grip so that children can train to fine tune hard throws. The latex bladder and … - Professional quality match and training handball More details. With a specially developed Air-Touch foam and Air-Trap valve, the hummel handball offers a perfect balance between dribbling and grip. The microfibre air-touch foam is enhanced with a textured hummel® chevron grip all over. 9. 17068539 T. +45 70203060 E-mail: info@sportsmate.com ÅBNINGSTIDER MAN-FRE 10.00-17.30 LØRDAG 10.00-14.00 Hummel Storm Pro 2.0 Handball Se alle vores produkter hos SPORT24.DK | Altid fri fragt og retur for VIP Medlemmer | 1-2 dages leveringstid Der hochwertige hummel CONCEPT HANDBALL vereint strapazierfähiges PU mit speziell entwickeltem Air-Touch-Schaumstoff für ideales Prellverhalten und Griffigkeit. Free delivery and returns on all eligible orders. Der Hummel Handball Concept Plus. Quality: 100% PU. Der hummel Concept Pro Handball … 1 color. Size and fit. Die geprägte Oberfläche sorgt für Ballkontrolle und das spezielle Air-Trap-Ventil hält die Luft länger im Ball. The high-quality Hummel Concept Pro Handball combines durable PU with specially developed Air-Touch foam for ideal bounce quality and grip. Concept + Handball. Delivery within 5-7 business days. The high-quality Hummel Concept Pro Handball combines durable PU with specially developed Air-Touch foam for ideal bounce quality and grip. With a ball of this caliber there is no excuse for not really accelerating. Shop hummel CONCEPT PRO FB. Durable and suitable for resin. SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER AND GET 10% OFF YOUR NEXT ORDER, HMLCONCEPT PRO, WHITE/TURQUOISE, packshot, Approved by International Handball Federation. The surface is debossed for extra control, and the unique Air-Trap valve allows the ball to retain air for longer. Concept Plus Handball - Size 2 Only -... Concept + Handball Size 2 (Junior/Women's) High quality hummel handball Hummel handballs such as the Premier Handball have great grip properties thanks to the perfect combination of soft foam and surface treatment: an excellent ball feeling is guaranteed. 3+. Hummel Concept Handball Der hochwertige Concept Handball von Hummel vereint strapazierfähiges PU mit speziell entwickeltem Air-Touch-Schaumstoff für ideales Prellverhalten und Griffigkeit. The embossed surface ensures optimum ball control and the special air valve keeps the air in the ball longer. Choose between Valentin Porte's Dual Plate, Laura Flipes' Aerocharge or the Liga GK goalie shoe. Die Handball Größe 2 hat einen Umfang von 54 bis 56 Zentimeter und ein Gewicht von 325 bis 375 Gramm. £22.00. Schlagwurf, Kreuzeck, Tooor! They hold the air optimally and are also suitable for the use of resin. This makes them particularly soft and gives them optimum grip. Hummel Elite Grip Handball: These handballs are equipped with a unique printed surface of microfiber PU. The Hummel Elite Handball is a high-quality competition and training ball and is made of soft, durable PU. You have no items in your shopping cart. Who doesn't want to be able to play as a top player like Mikkel Hansen or Nikola Karabatic? With its soft, non-slip PU and its unique embossed surface, the Hummel Premier Handball offers superior grip and ball control. Reference: 091787. Durable and suitable for resin. 7 colors. £60.00. BEETLE. 2 werden häufig als Frauenball bezeichnet, da unter anderem mit ihm im Frauenbereich gespielt wird. Auch für die Kids findest du bei uns eine große Auswahl an hummel … The Hummel Elite Grip Handball is now available with an extra grip-resistant surface. + 2. £18.00. Shop Handball Men on the official hummel® webshop. Item. Der hummel Concept Pro Handball ist ein hochwertiger Spiel- und Trainingsball mit spezieller Winkel-Oberfläche und weichem Schaumstoff. Free shipping on orders above 120 EUR and delivery within 5-7 business days. Concept Plus Handball - Size 2 Only - Closeout!! Tienda balonmano online hecha para los amantes de este deporte. The Hummel Concept is suitable for the use of resin. A cool, angular print was embossed on the surface. BLUE NIGHTS. hummel CONCEPT PRO HANDBALL in weiss bei hummelonlineshop-muenchen.de bestellen Rechnungskauf kostenlose Retoure schnelle Lieferung You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Pro základní funkčnost, zpříjemnění používání webu, analytické účely a v případě udělení souhlasu také pro účely cílení reklamy využíváme soubory cookies. The embossed surface ensures optimum ball control and the special air valve keeps the air in the ball longer. Hummel Storm Pro 2.0 Handball: Der neue Hummel Storm Pro 2.0 Handball ist ein Hybrid Spielball (genäht und geklebt) für die leistungsorientierten Handballer(innen) unter uns. The most important Hummel feature: all models have a strong focus on optimum grip. The Hummel Concept is suitable for the use of resin. The ball is suitable for both training and competitions. Der Hummel Concept ist für Harz geeignet. Der beste Handball den Hummel uns bieten kann ist der Concept Plus. Size and fit. Recognised for its superior quality and suitability for championship games, the HMLCONCEPT PRO is one of our top-of-the-line handballs for serious fixture games. With the large selection of Hummel handballs it can sometimes be difficult to choose the right model. Recognised for its superior quality and suitability for championship games, the HMLCONCEPT PRO is one of our top-of-the-line handballs for serious fixture games. Total The microfibre air-touch foam is enhanced with a textured hummel® chevron grip all over. Alle Maße sind in Zentimetern angegeben. Der Hummel Handball Concept Plus im Test. Also suitable for the use of resin. The new Hummel Storm Pro 2.0 Handball is a hybrid competition ball (sewn and glued) for the performance-oriented handball players among us. You can buy Hummel handballs in all sizes from us. It is equipped with Air-Touch foam for extra softness and good bounce quality and has our specially developed latex bladder with an Air Trap valve that optimally holds the air in the ball. Handball Hummel HML CONCEPT PRO Handball Größe 2 weiß-türkis. Dank der einzigartigen Latexblase und dem Lufteinschlussventil verliert der Ball auch nach langem und strapazierendem Gebrauch keine Luft. 4 farver. hummel Balón de Balonmano IHF para Deporte y Entrenamiento Profesional – Tamaño 2 o 3 – Storm Pro HB – Pelota de Entrenamiento de Resina en Azul neón y Amarillo – Bola con válvula Air-Trap. Die Bälle der Gr. Hummel IHF Handball für Profi Sport & Training - Größe 2 oder 3 - STORM PRO HB - Harz Trainingsball in Neon Blau & Gelb - Ball mit Air-Trap-Ventil 3,1 von 5 Sternen 10 39,90 € 39,90 € The very popular brand in the handball world, Hummel offers many models and colours of shoes. The Hummel Energizer Handball is the affordable entry-level model made of 100% PU, oblique surface, soft foam, latex bladder, Air-Trap valve, also suitable for the use of resin and you have a 2-year guarantee on seams and shape. Bereits ab 49,90 € Große Shopvielfalt Testberichte & Meinungen | Jetzt Hummel Concept Pro günstig kaufen bei idealo.de GREY MELANGE. HUMMEL FIRST PERFORMANCE TIGHT SHORTS. Hummel Concept Handball The CONCEPT handball is a top of the range handball combining durable PU with the specially developed Air-Touch foam for bounce and grip. Hummel Handbälle landen gerne im Tor. Recognised for its superior quality and suitability for championship games, the HMLCONCEPT PRO is one of our top-of-the-line handballs for serious fixture games. Køb hummel Concept Pro Håndbold - (Spar 150 DKK). Handball Größe 2 – Der Frauenball. The latex bladder and … Sie können variieren und sind nur als Orientierungshilfe gedacht. Amazon.com: Hummel Concept Handball Unisex, Unisex, Concept Handball, Nasturtium/Ombre Blue/White: Sports & Outdoors
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