condense sentence examples

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Condensation is a physical change in the state of matter of a substance. Example Sentences for "condensation "(The cooling may be hastened[Pg 76] by touching the loop on one of the drops of moisture which are usually to be found condensed on the interior of the glass tube, or by dipping it into the condensation water at the bottom; at the same time care must be taken in the case of cultures on solid media to avoid touching either the medium or the growth. Map Reduce provides a cluster based implementation where data is processed in a distributed manner . Chrikaru 2959099 There's been a reduction in personnel at our factory. reduce (v): to make smaller or less: Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with nouns: " I want to reduce my cholesterol. " How to Use "Reduce" with Example Sentences. If we reflect on the fact that the stars CONDENSE, BURN and. Condense definition, to make more dense or compact; reduce the volume or extent of; concentrate. Check past tense of reduce here. Side note: Mars’s atmosphere does condense at the poles. Condensation dripped from the air conditioner. '. In other words, the substance is in the gas form because the molecules have a high amount of moving energy and when they lose energy, they slow down and form a liquid. His shaving mirror was covered with condensation. 2 [noncount] technical: the process by which a gas cools and becomes a liquid. sharptoothed 54903 A further reduction would make us go into the red. CK 2958898 We protested against the reduction in wages. There is no standard definition, in this context, for "simplifying". Notice that there are some important requirements for a simple sentence: 1. See how to use reduce in a sentence. Only buy what you need; don’t stock the cupboards with things you may or may not use. Every week, they condense several hours of videotape into a one half-hour TV show. For example: I want the sporty red car, but I will lease the practical blue one. Examples of condensed milk in a sentence, how to use it. That means each half needs a subject and a verb. All sentences after it have to give more information about that sentence, prove it by offering facts about it, or describe it in more detail. Remove unnecessary words , which does not change the meaning of the sentence. Find conjugation of reduce. Must express a complete thought. Finally turning off unused sources of power such as televisions and heaters will help the environment, as well as save you money. The reduce list of example sentences with reduce. These independent clauses refer to a type of clause that consists of a subject and a verb and conveys a complete thought. To summarize is to condense the content but retain the concepts. Must only have one clause. 2. 2. 3. (reduce) " The noise is growing louder. " A simple sentence is one independent clause that has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. Simple Sentence Examples. Reduce repetition, which occurs when words or ideas are repeated. In this case his notes did not condense the case. If you really want to improve your writing and make it more concise, then you can start off by writing and practicing more. The cooler temperatures cause the gas to condense into a liquid. The Word "Reduction" in Example Sentences Page 1. When we learn a language, when we learn a word in that language, it will be very useful for us to learn both the opposite and the synonyms of this word. (produced, makes, generates) " We listened to the noise. " How to use compress in a sentence. Jan 2, 2021 - Opposite Of Reduce, Antonyms of Reduce, Meaning and Example Sentences Antonym opposite words contradict each other and meet opposite meanings. 2. More example sentences ‘Limiting the number of series Vick will play will free him to be responsible for only a condensed version of the weekly game plan.’ ‘Song downloads will be limited to a catalogue of 500 mobile mixes, or condensed versions lasting 90 to 120 seconds.’ [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. Peace: Peace is essential for survival. (verb) The store has drastically reduced winter coats. Personally, found this link quite useful to understand the concept . Learn collocations of Noise with free vocabulary lessons. A topic sentence essentially tells readers what the rest of the paragraph is about. What does reduce mean? (amount, volume) " We have to reduce our spending. " Anger: Anger can ruin many good things. Must have a subject and a verb. reduce. See how to use and done in a sentence. 2 [no object]: to change from a gas into a liquid. sharptoothed 25369 We wish to advise … How to use reduce in a sentence. to decrease. (be + growing, be + getting, be +becoming) " The machine produces a lot of noise. " Ways to reduce corporate waste in offices are being discussed by those that want to decrease spending. Example Sentences for "reduce" Criminologists believe that the reduction in violent crime in this country is due to the fact that our population is aging, and our birth rate is down, so there are fewer people of the age that most commonly commit crimesThe government hopes that by raising taxes on cigarettes, it will be able to reduce the number of teenagers who start smoking. Condense definition is - to make denser or more compact; especially : to subject to condensation. Opposite Of Reduce, Antonyms of Reduce, Meaning and Example Sentences Antonym opposite words contradict each other and meet opposite meanings. 1362585 He advocated the reduction of taxes. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. A word has synonyms as well as antonyms. See more. Joe went to the store. Here is a wikipedia article explaining what map-reduce is all about. ... " We were asked to reduce the noise. " There was a lot of condensation on the windo Imperative Sentence Examples; What is a Compound Sentence? Condense the sentence; Whats rong with the sentence. Analogies; Definitions; Fill in the blank; Forward & backward words; Heteronyms; Homographs; Homonyms; Onomatopoeias; Palindromes; Unscramble the words; Words within words; Word Play. A word has synonyms as well as antonyms. Another good example is Finding Friends via map reduce can be a powerful example to understand the concept, and a well used use-case. CM 1343914 He was clearly angling for a reduction on his rent. Examples of Simple Sentence: 1. A compound sentence is typically composed of at least two independent clauses that are linked by a comma (,), a semicolon (;), a dash (—) or a conjunction. Examples of condense in a sentence John managed to condense his education and previous job skills to one page on his resume. Learn how to use Noise using many example sentences. Definition of Reduce. 3. 100 examples: The use of condensed milk did vary from place to place. Reuse whatever you can, like containers and paper, and recycle what you cannot reuse. - A far greater danger… When we heat the house in the winter, condensation forms on the windows. The book condenses nearly 50 years of history into 200 pages. Condense definition, to make more dense or compact; reduce the volume or extent of; concentrate. Examples of Reduce in a sentence. To condense the. Target: reduce heating and cooling costs by 14%. Play / pause. Knowledge: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Create a story; What would you do? This change of state involves matter changing from a gas form to a liquid form because energy in the molecules involved was released. Synonym Discussion of compress. To lose weight, one must reduce the number of calories they eat. Stories & Sticky Situations. 0:00. volume < previous > next. 297+2 sentence examples: 1. Verbal Know-how. Compress definition is - to press or squeeze together. 0:00. Girl petting cat as compound sentence examples In either case, each half of the sentence must be able to stand on its own as a complete sentence. Sentence Examples: Love: A mother’s love is eternal. Reduce meaning and example sentences with reduce. Find 48 ways to say condense, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Bravery: Bravery is a rare trait. It will also be possible to open windows as an alternative to air conditioning according to teacher preference. 4. Shrink a clause down to a phrase and a phrase down to a few single words. Reduce, reuse and recycle. In the sentence above, the subjects are italicized and the verbs are in bold. Synonym Discussion of condense. Reduce the energy consumption of schools by installing windows that are energy efficient that can be controlled by teachers to block intense light on hot days and let in more light on cool days. The report is a brilliant condensation of several years'work. The company has angered its employees with its decision to reduce the number of hours worked to part-time. Lot of example sentences with the word and done. One of the best things you can do is to reduce things slowly. Truncated sentences are often referred to as short sentences, click through to find out the difference between short sentences and truncated sentences. Brilliance : Brilliance alone does not ensure success. Purpose of the Topic Sentence. Simple Sentence. Why does the Hab’s air condense? More example sentences ‘Where the Davis Cup is played over the course of four rounds, home and away, the Fed Cup condenses its semi-final and final rounds into one week.’ ‘Each two-decade period is assigned an overarching theme giving it a broad historical overview while serving to limit and condense the curatorial scope.’ See more. We get a lot of condensation on the walls in the winter. When we learn a language, when we learn a word in that language, it will be very useful for us to learn both the opposite and the synonyms of this word. This is a reference page for reduce verb forms in present, past and participle tenses. (cholesterol, blood pressure, stress) " We need to reduce the amount of waste produced here. " And soon this mist began to condense into snow. Top definition is 'Cut down on; make a reduction in. How to use condense in a sentence. Lot of example sentences with the word reduce. To lower the price of. Pride: Pride has led to downfall of many mighty men. It will take some time to completely remove the habit, and even then you may still do it from every now and then. Most Searched Words (with Video) 40. It really is as simple as that. Condense in a sentence | condense example sentences. Honesty: Honesty is the best policy.

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