césar vichard de saint‑réal

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The only merit of his Don Carlos (1673) is that of having furnished Schiller with several of the speeches in his drama. Varillas gave him his taste for history and served as his model; he wrote hardly anything but historical novels. César Vichard de Saint-Réal (Chambéry, 1639 – Chambéry, 1692) è stato uno storico, abate e scrittore francese, fra i primi autori del romanzo storico.. Fu confidente della duchessa Ortensia Mancini e stette con lei in Inghilterra nel 1679.. Fu in polemica col teologo giansenista Antoine Arnauld.. Opere. He studied with the Jesuits in Lyon, trained by Father Ménestrier, a … - Storico savoiardo (Chambéry 1639 - ivi 1692), figlio di un magistrato della Savoia, abate. He studied with the Jesuits in Lyon, trained by Father Ménestrier, a great scholar, then in Paris. César Vichard de Saint-Réal ( 1643 - 1692), polygraph, was one of the historiographers of Savoie. He was born in Chambéry, Savoy, but educated in Lyon by the Jesuits.He used to work in the royal library with Antoine Varillas.This French historiographer influenced the way Saint-Réal wrote history. CESAR VICHARD DE SAINT-REAL (1639-1692), French historian, was born in Savoy, but educated in Paris by the Jesuits. César Vichard de Saint-Réal ( 1643 - 1692), polygraph, was one of the historiographers of Savoie. César Vichard de Saint-Réal ( 1643 - 1692), polygraph, was one of the historiographers of Savoie. Saint-Réal, César Vichard de, 1639-1692. Saint Réal, César Vichard de (1639-1692) foaf: familyName de Saint Réal [1] He used to be reader and friend of Hortense Mancini, duchesse de Mazarin, who took him with her to England (1675). Antoine Varillas fue su modelo; prácticamente escribió sólo novelas históricas. Son of a high Savoyard magistrate. Saint-Réal ‹... reàl›, César Vichard de. Although he had taken the ecclesiastical robes, he remained a simple cleric. Although he had taken the ecclesiastical robes, he remained a simple cleric. He studied with the Jesuits in Lyon, trained by Father Ménestrier, a great scholar, then in Paris. Sources. Si trasferì giovanissimo a Parigi e si segnalò per un suo genere di storia romanzata, del quale scrisse una specie di metodologia (De l'usage de l'histoire, 1671). César Vichard de Saint-Réal (1639-1692) fue un novelista francés.Nacido en Chambéry, en la Saboya, pero educado en París por los jesuitas. César Vichard de Saint-Réal Label from public data source Wikidata; Saint-Réal, M. l'abbé de (César Vichard), 1639-1692; Earlier Established Forms. Son of a high Savoyard magistrate. César Vichard de Saint-Réal Don Carlos (1672) Madame de Villedieu Les Désordres de l'amour (1675) Jean de Préchac L'Héroïne mousquetaire (1677) Jean de Préchac Le voyage de Fontainebleau (1678) Madame de Lafayette La Princesse de Clèves (1678) Jean de Préchac L'Illustre Parisienne, histoire galante et véritable (1679) Son of a high Savoyard magistrate. Varillas gave him his taste for history and served as his model; he wrote hardly anything but historical novels. New edition bound in beautiful period red morocco illustrated with 8 out of text engravings. Dom Carlos, parfois orthographié Don Carlos, est une nouvelle historique de César Vichard de Saint-Réal, parue en 1672. César Vichard de Saint-Réal (1639–1692) was a French polygraph.. SAINT-RÉAL, CÉSAR VICHARD DE (1639–1692), French historian, was born in Savoy, but educated in Paris by the Jesuits.

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