best blogs 2020

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Love That Max. Corporette is created by fashionista at heart Kat Griffin while working at a Wall Street firm as a litigator. This includes managing one’s finances, handling relationships, paying off debts, and so on. It’s an online portal that equips the current generation with information on new technology, lifestyle trends, events, and finance. This completes the list of top 25 best HR blogs you must follow. Through a strong work ethic, they created one of the best lifestyle blogs for women despite having limited resources. She also refers to herself as a “crazy cat lady,” but that’s just a small part of her. To all proactive marketers (both beginners and veterans) who are always ready to learn from other fellow marketers, here is a list of digital marketing blogs to look out for in 2020. If you're looking for investment recommendations, check out the track record of The Motley Fool. Some blogs are standalone sites, but others are a more personal section that fits into a larger, corporate web site. She can teach you about mixing textures to create your own outfits and establishing your own fashion brand. We’ve found our real passion in writing about travel, so expect to see a lot more of that in the future! Using her talents, skills, and deep pool of marketing knowledge, Sarah helps modern women conquer the corporate world with style. TMZ. The site relies more on images that tell a story rather than paragraphs of meaningless text. Published on March 1, 2021 - Written By: Lars Lofgren. You won’t find any slideshows or infographics in this site — only professional, crisp, and to-the-point written insights. Amber Fillerup Clark treats her blog, Barefoot Blonde, as her online diary. Wednesday January 22 2020 | In recent years the world of blogging has exploded. He started the blog along with his digital marketing agency based in Los Angeles, California. D’Marge Magazine’s content development front includes contributors from various regions, like Tokyo, Melbourne, London, and New York. However, those aspects of the blog only added to the brand’s wholesome image. The Verge. By the way, Lauren also has her own clothing brand which can be purchased through the “Boutique” page. Other than high-quality photos and tidbits of story-driven text, there’s absolutely zero visual clutter to disrupt the user experience. How to Blog: 20 Blogging Tips to Improve Your Writing. 4. Needless to say, 2020 has been no picnic. That’s why I decided to wrap up this post with The Rugged Male. By combining their expertise, the pair helps thousands of readers achieve inner peace and healing through Conscious Lifestyle Magazine’s content. That's why I added the new niche blogs to the list. 6 Estimates say there are close to 2,500 finance-related blogs. These establishments are called goop Labs. Corporate Career Girl’s content strategy is pretty straightforward. This lineup includes Chris Beastall, Chris Chasseaud, Jessica Punter, Johnny Burn, Josh Sims, Sam Kessler, and Paddy Madison. ... November 23, 2020 at 6:47 pm. The YesStylist also shares pieces from the team’s favorite bloggers to help their readers better understand and appreciate Asian fashion. That said, she clearly knows a thing or two on getting the town talking about the latest fashion trends. She’s most active on Instagram and Facebook, but you may also check out her YouTube channel if you prefer videos. u����f��������/�|����+ ���ٵ�\u��R��Bb�%�iT�MX���PB&|���p���&��JZ�=S/�%�dc�_�g�c�����"N"؞����@����a�-D���J[u���/�Į��U��0r��1�:���0�� ���%�V���7ah��a�-8���%���&[a��K����� ��[n����!_j�ǵVR�? It covers a range of topics, including men’s fashion, grooming, style, fitness, watches, tech, and culture. This reminds me of the old school blogs (before affiliate marketing and monetizing was so popular.) This site is from one of the most popular brands of sporting gear and equipment. When it comes to leading a happy life, how you manage your money and time decides everything. If you’re an aspiring fashion or lifestyle blogger, an OOTD on your site is one idea worth looking into. 2. Ankit Singla is a full-time blogger and founder of Master Blogging. ... and you can rely on the founders to only share the very best. If you’re not in the mood to read, you can check out HBFIT TV where Hannah shares tips in video form. Stylish by Nature is an Indian fashion, luxury, and lifestyle blog founded by Shalini Chopra. It’s an all-around lifestyle blog that covers a wide range of topics for pretty much everyone. Final thoughts. Joanna works with an in-house editorial team, which includes a couple of content writers. Based on your views, we present the 5 most popular blogs of 2020 below. After reading her blog, you’ll know that she isn’t bound to any rule that pertains to content writing. Aside from fashion, Julie also talks about beauty tips, travel, and her everyday experiences. Readers can also easily turn information into transactions through the affiliate links peppered throughout the site. For me, it’s always a pleasure to come across blogging success stories from my own country. Best blogging platform picks for 2021. Master Blogging is your go to resource to not just learn but MASTER the art of Blogging. It started out as an email that contained Liz’s weekend plans — broadcasted weekly to a select few. You can genuinely feel her enthusiasm just by reading her bio, which is as minimalistic as you can get. Here, Julie uploads daily outfit ideas that are not only stylish, but also practical and comfortable. Like many big-name brands in the lifestyle niche, Elsie and Emma work with an in-house team, which isn’t surprising. For example, she occasionally posts about love — both for her life partner and daughter. 2��q��r���kV�(����܃WxJ�jt�������xu��j����Pl.�%"���&E|G��Xs�Gq� �}&qw����u���K�s�H"��Gb SV���\��R`M�����,5Ԥ�s �P��+���F��g�-�M�l.�:;����Q$e��9��1�b� �Nf�M�ĝ,��E#Ut���O��s�vcl�r�I�f%f�d���4I�T6f��8Y;dS ��O���B6p���_�\���j�b�t0w����I��ו�q�& ����C���wʨu���xAd��+�/���y��M���x)n‘�H� ���29�xF�6������g ����|8�m��a��m(�I�}���7����/���S�6x�����Qh7�Y�%|�Lݮ�k`G��IU�������E��}����l��˜�š��T�įp��%���6U/�o��V�~} ��}����ߴ���V>ƲUz�7��05&v�Na%gj�>���͐��nH4��%1����� K&�s�/&���ڸ���DGC� �5.y-,���� �g�$�. And yes — she is the founder of the next featured lifestyle blog, goop. There are so many sites packed with wedding inspiration and planning tips that … Men Style Fashion is a blog that doles out practical insights on topics like fashion, travel, sports, gaming, and cars. And guess what — she totally smashed that goal. These accomplishments, of course, are well justified. You do get the feeling that her content is made specifically for other middle-aged women. Sadly, not all of them are positive. Thanks @visakan! On the lookout for the best lifestyle blogs on the internet? Today, Barefoot Blonde has truckloads of content on fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and travel. Highsnobiety is a streetwear blog launched by David Fischer in 2005. Thank you so much for the feature! Several best blog sites offer a range of capabilities – and one is bound to suit your needs. This is solid proof that you can come up with unique ideas if you’re passionate enough about your niche. What do successful lifestyle blogs have in common? It’s also a travel blog, beauty blog, fashion blog, and online store rolled into one. Aileen also regularly connects with a sizeable audience on social media. The highlight of the blog is probably the “Daily Looks” section. To accomplish this, Shalini pours her heart out into content creation — be it for her blog or social media. Oh, and the blog talks a lot about skiing as well. When it comes to the ‘official version’, so to speak, of food blogging, the culinary magazines are on top. It was hard narrowing the list down to the top 25. Unlike most other men’s blogs, Gentleman’s Gazette doesn’t just cover common topics like wellness, grooming, and fashion. That’s how Wit & Delight was born — starting out as a collection of Kate’s personal essays about her journey. At times, Hannah also publishes pieces about travel experiences. Apart from publishing insightful content about her many passions, Joanna also consistently donates a percentage of her earnings to charity. We've algorithmically ranked the 50 top marketing blogs you should be reading in 2021, updated every 24 hours. The Best Single Mom Blogs of 2020. My guess is that it was Katie Michelle Reyes’s utilization of photographs that look professional, story-driven, and, above all, authentic. Fun fact: Gwyneth chose the name “goop” because of a joke that all big-name online companies have two O’s. Her success as a healthy food, fashion, and travel blogger should be more than enough proof. The Best Fitness Blogs of 2020. Reply. By targeting readers in a specific geographic location, Liz produces highly relatable and relevant posts that can spread like wildfire. Just like most people, Kiersten was raised under the belief that graduating and securing stable employment were keys to success. Billboard. Posted in BEST IT Blogs, General IT and Technology, IT News Feeds, Tips and Tricks on 1-5-20. In 2015, Harvard Business School had a study case based on her entire career. She mostly uploads “Travel Diary” entries, but you should also see a lot of video tutorials. Here are 20 Yoga & Wellness Blogs for you to follow and read in 2020: 1. Amber Fillerup lives in NYC and she’s the creator of Barefoot Blonde, a lifestyle blog where she... 3. Despite all the changes that Sunday Chapter underwent through the years, the blog stayed true to Angela’s vision. She helps empower her readers with tips on workwear, office politics, and the confidence-boosting lifestyle. Best Blogs of 2020. In 2011, Kiersten took a break from work to travel across Thailand, Australia, Vietnam, Bali, New Zealand, and Australia. 50 Best Yoga Blogs You Can Follow in 2020. Stylish by Nature’s mission is to help readers realize that they can be stylish in all life’s facets. How did we ever manage to cook before the arrival of the internet? It’s also counterintuitive to me how the site doesn’t seem to focus on a particular sub-niche. 7Ҋ] iE _E�2��J�{�>�Z�#}��a�'�Adže�e]�9�rUٲQT�7qRD�'M��se�o�5�7Ȭ�y����c��Ndbώ�v{TP6���rsus���5ա*(.>,�����1�d�$M9��}n�� ��l�2��s�o ��d�B��5 м[n���5�A0����nO@�?�k5��>���V�&�tn�@n�۶`���@�� Most of these blogs I personally follow and I love to read these blogs. Every girl — regardless of background — needs inspiration and guidance. Goop was one of the first lifestyle blogs to hit the circuit, way back in 2008. It covers a range of topics including travel, beauty, skincare, food, weddings, fitness, and style. It can also describe someone who’s tough and determined, which are qualities every man in this day and age needs. Vulcan Post is not your average lifestyle blog. Today, Aileen spends most of her time traveling and producing quality travel-related articles on her blog. Despite these quirks, SuperHit Ideas do get thousands of traffic each month. Hana Hamzic The story behind Brooklyn, I’m Trying is actually quite similar to goop’s. Blogger Julie Engel created Gal Meets Glam to share her daily inspirations with her audience. Using her blog, Rachel rallied thousands of millennials across the globe to face the challenges of “adulting” together. Thirteen Thoughts is the brainchild of Paula — a blogger and self-taught photography expert. But one common and a very popular source is Yoga. The articles on the site are witty, outlandish, and sometimes a little controversial. Tech Savvy Mama. The Blonde Salad owner Chiara Ferragni’s track record is nothing short of impressive. Kimchi Mamas. Gentleman’s Gazette also leverages YouTube, along with various social media networks, to get their word out. Written by the Healthline Editorial Team — Updated on July 30, 2020.

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