Evan Karagias 4. 2019-3337-AJHIS-HIS 1 1 Alexander the Great and Hephaestion: 2 Censorship and Bisexual Erasure in Post-Macedonian 3 Society 4 5 6 Same-sex relations were common in ancient Greece and having both male and female 7 physical relationships was a cultural norm. And that where I reassured myself, Alexander will never considered Bagoas more that friend. Don't make Hephaes like this please. Hephaestion later married a Persian princess, Drypetis gameplay will centre on both already established members and the new initiates as they try to work towards their common goal: the accumulation of power at all costs. He was born in Macedonia in 356 B. C. He was a member of Alexander the Great’s personal bodyguard, which then he went on to command the Companion cavalry, and was entrusted with many other tasks through Alexander’s ten-year campaign in Asia. Alexander the Great, History Patrick Garvey January 30, 2016 Arrian, Arrian's Anabasis, Alexander and Hephaestion, Alexander the Great and Achilles 2 Comments Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 Reddit Tumblr Hephaestion asking nothing in return. Curtius on Alexander the Great and Hephaestion . UPDATE: Episode III of the Achilles Gene podcast, which investigates the mystery of Alexander and Hephaestion, is now available!It features stories from their life and analysis from the world's leading expert on this topic. The New Men were the generals of Alexander’s generation and Hephaestion was, of course, pre-eminent among them. Alexander weakness. More information... People also love these ideas Pinterest. For fans of the underrated historical badass Hephaestion and his less underrated but impossible to overrate lover, Alexander the Great. If Alexander and Hephaestion were lovers, the sources would explicitly state it. Of course, he could not have done this without th… Hephaestion might imagining Alexander shock face but he was shock in return. I sound as stupid as a school boy, but you're everything I care for. "You still hold you head cocked like that. See a recent post on Tumblr from @paipie207 about alexander hephaestion. In 324 BC, Hephaestion contracted typhoid. Then you, Achilles.". I don’t think I would ever be able to satisfy him. Aufl., Oxford University Press, Oxford 1996, ISBN 0-19-866172-X.Carney, Elizabeth D. Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Aristocracy. How broken Hephaestion was when Alexander marrying Roxane. He led his army on a ten-year odyssey across Asia Minor and into Persia, Egypt and India. I want their story. Alexander the Great, History, Greek Heroes Patrick Garvey February 23, 2016 Alexander the Great's sexuality, Hephaestion, Alexander and Hephaestion, Robin Lane Fox, Achilles and Patroclus. See more ideas about alexander the great, jared leto, alexander. When the king lost Hephaistion, his very foundation crumbled. Dammit. What would you do if you ever reached the end of the world? Hephaestion was born, like Alexander, in around 365 BC. I've missed you. And I will follow you down to the house of death. But, Hephaestion understand he can never give what Alexander need the most as a king. 'Til the end.". • Hephaestion is a major character in "Memories of Hephaestion: A Story of Alexander the Great" by A.R. In Call Me By Your Name we see Oliver only through his relationship with Elio. No other.". He was a son of Amyntor, a noble man of Macedonia. Divine Hero. Jun 15, 2015 - Explore Conrad's board "Hephaestion" on Pinterest. Art, artifacts, quotes, reading material, documentaries, fanart, musings, humour and writing are all welcome here. By the age of age of 18, he brought down the greatest empire the world has ever seen. My friend is in trouble, and he needs help. Who would later become the 2nd most powerful man in Alexander's empire. ;) Yall have watched me struggle to get this dude’s character design down since I started this project and now I can truly say, FINALLY! For love of Patroclus, why you hurt me this way all I can imagine Hephaestion searching for that fucking ring. does anyone knows a good book about Alexander The Great and his relationship with Hephaestion that's not afraid to say "fuck that 'only best buddies bullshit'?" If this movie was a book, I will treasure it just like The song of Achilles but I really hope for Hephaestion verse of The song of Alexander. He regards him as a man of limited military ability and ‘an unpleasant, jealous individual’ (p.83). Alexander rise and fall. Now let talk about this two important person Hephaestion and Bagoas. From 334 to 323 BCE Alexander the Great conquered much of the known world. He might the only one who ever saw Alexander true fear. I’m happy with Hefy’s face now. It's currently 2 books, "Becoming" and "Rise" (hopefully … ", "And then what happens? This boi had fall for the before Alexander and the current Alexander. Plutarch says "...Alexander's grief was uncontrollable, he flung himself on the body of his friend and lay there nearly all day long in tears, and refused to be parted from him until he was dragged away by force by his companions. Robin Lane Fox's Hephaestion . Voir plus d'idées sur le thème alexandre le grand, memes gay, jared leto. This boi had fall for the before Alexander and the current Alexander. "[Hephaistion on his death bed] I'll feel better. For fans of the underrated historical badass Hephaestion and his less underrated but impossible to overrate lover, Alexander the Great. Long after Alexander own death one philosopher wrote, Alexander was only defeated once and that was by Hephaestion's thighs. Labels: Great Muta, Mike Awesome. Alexander the Great and Hephaestion Preslash: Hephaestion— I do not want to be the inhibitor. ", "Who knows these things? Interestingly, some translations of this passage are explicitly sexual/romantic, using the terms "erastes" and "eromenos", words associated with the ancient Greek practice of pederasty. Alexander III of Macedon son of King Philip II, would grow up to be the worlds greatest military commander. Colin Farrell and Jared Leto in Oliver Stone’s Alexander (2004). ", "...I remember the young man who wanted to be Achilles, and then out did him. Is there not love in your life, Alexander? your own Pins on Pinterest For I won’t even be a competitive inhibitor, I would be the uncompetitive inhibitor that could get easily overcome by Alex’s own overpowering desire for others. Concluding with another verse from “Mystery of Love”, both Hephaestion and Oliver are. Nov 2, 2020 - Explore lovejleto ♥'s board "Hephaestion (Alexander)", followed by 792 people on Pinterest. Alexander 2004. In Call Me By Your Name we see Oliver only through his relationship with Elio. Eventually, after his defeat of Darius III, he became the self-proclaimed King of Asia. Some New Thoughts on the Death of Alexander the Great, The Ancient World 31.1 (2000) 1-9.Bosworth, Albert Brian. Hephaestion was also worshipped as a divine hero. And by the sweet breath of Aphrodite I'm so jealous of losing you to this world you want so badly. Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 Reddit Tumblr. Hephaestion, son of Amyntor, was a Macedonian nobleman and a general in the army of Alexander the Great. The Barbarian. Hephaestion was Alexander's best man when he married Roxane, his first wife. Soon I'll be up. Nov 2, 2020 - Explore lovejleto ♥'s board "Hephaestion (Alexander)", followed by 792 people on Pinterest. As I investigate what the nature of Alexander the Great's relationship with Hephaestion, I'm reviewing what the main sources of antiquity have to say on the matter. It's like TSOA but EVEN BETTER. Yet, it was Hephaestion he want to confirmed it for him. Are there no other forces? ", "Well, if I'm Patroclus, I die first. No matter his heroic acts or his importance in Alexander’s conquests, Hephaestion is always remembered only for his relationship with Alexander. He can’t accept that there is a place and time where Oliver isn’t his lover and calls those moments when they are separated “a coma”, as if they were alive only when they are together, rejecting Oliver’s explanation of “parallel lives”. Alexander the Great, History Patrick Garvey February 7, … Alexander was losing himself. That was a myth only young men believe! ", "How we reach, we fall! He led his army on a ten-year odyssey across Asia Minor and into Persia, Egypt and India. Posts; Ask the divine hero ; Submit a post; Archive; youdontownme101. I just learned about the love between Hephaestion and Alexander the Great and how when Hephaestion died then Alexander was overcome with grief and basically died of a broken heart. UPDATE: Episode III of the Achilles Gene podcast, which investigates the mystery of Alexander and Hephaestion, is now available!It features stories from their life and analysis from the world's leading expert on this topic. You're a great man. I'll always think of you as the sun, Alexander. Today. When Alexander mother telling Alexander that she was the only one who tresure Alexander more than anything, more than the world, yet she was asking for something as a return. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Alexander The Great Art Painting Art For Art Sake Persia Beautiful Paintings Battle Of Issus Historical Art Illustration Art Art. Next. He was the Patroclus of Achilles that Alexander worshipping. He’d just lost his “ground of being,” to borrow a phrase from theologian Paul Tillich. I understand it is natural for a young man”. 3 years ago #:(#aw man; #that makes me so sad; #how am i only … He was described as his dearest friend, the person who was witness to the most significant moments in Alexander's life, but also the one with whom the king shared his most perso… It refers to the story of Alexander The Great and one of his most trusted generals, Hephaestion, who was presumably his lover. And when Bagoas was introduced, I was shock and truthfully I felt attack. Straight ™ historians about Alexander the Great. We see Elio on his own, learn about his life before and after he meets Oliver, (we know his last name), instead we know nothing about the Oliver who isn’t Elio’s lover. #but like prolly the former cuz y wld alex have gone crazy after h’s death then? Tumblr. Alexander sent messengers to the oracle at Siwa to ask if Amon would permit Hephaestion to be worshipped as a god. Alexander (Colin Farrell) Hephaestion (Jared Leto) #Alexander. 42. The Spartans, for example, were said to place lovers together in the line of battle on the basis that they would not only fight for Sparta, but also for their partner. And by the sweet breath of Aphrodite, I'm so jealous of losing you to this world you want so badly.” - Hephaestion to Alexander, Alexander Hephaestion my love &Graves and Joker N1. Many will love you, Alexander, but none so pure and deep...". Video clip taken from History Channel's Alexander the Great Documentary. His fall for Alexander when the king make his entrance. Now, on to Aelian, a Roman author who lived in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. I rly want this Alexander the Great boardgame i saw at the bookstore ion care I’ll play it alone. She parachuted into occupied territory to fight the Nazis. Next. Please help my friend (and get a shout out on vine) youdontownme101. to be forever remembered only as their lover’s lover. 195 likes. Discover more posts about alexander hephaestion. Even until the end. bestnoncannonship. Alexander would describe his relationship with Hephaestion, to that of Achilles and Patroclus. Hephaestion accompanied Alexander the Great on many of his victorious battles, however, it is probable that Hephaestion was a better strategist and diplomat than commander. Evan Karagias vs. Because he believes, Hephaestion known him better than himself. Elio panics at the prospect of seeing Oliver’s family, because if he met them, “Elio’s lover” would become “someone’s husband” / “the boys’ father”. Truthfully there are lots of thing that need to be talk here. Hephaestion Amyntoros. Beware of what you hoping for Hephaestion. Previous. This page is dedicated to Alexander the Great's best friend, Hephaestion Amyntoros. something like tsoa in short! Art, artifacts, quotes, reading material, documentaries, fanart, musings, humour and writing are all welcome here. Bagoas fall for the current Alexander and it will never match Hephaestion. You can listen here.. English historian Robin Lane Fox is one of the world's most influential scholars when it comes to Alexander the Great. Hephaestion was a member of Alexander the Great’s personal bodyguard and the Macedonian king’s closest and lifelong friend and advisor. summary : is an oc appless rich kids rp for muses 25+. Even Alexander believe in no one but Hephaestion. Posted by Sean Pford at 9:01 AM No comments: Email This BlogThis! colin farrell alexander alejandro magno alexander the great jared leto hephaestion hefestion echelon thirty seconds to mars 30 Seconds To Mars cartoon caricature caricatura fan art art work sketch illustration drawing crayons bobblehead hand made hand drawn lauracbreezy lauracbreezyart "Did Patroclus doubt Achilles when they stood side by side at the seat of Troy?". Oh, Hephaistion.". So far, I've looked at what Arrian, Plutarch, and Curtius had to say about Alexander the Great's relationship with Hephaestion. Great Muta. First, I looked at Arrian, probably the most reliable source on the details of Alexander's campaigns. 3. Between young men such a relationship carried no social stigma. It is you I love, Hephaistion. it centers around a secret society that is currently initiating its newest batch of recruits, preparing them for a life of privilege, wealth, and influence the likes of which they can never imagine. Divine Hero. You have eyes like no other. This is so much clear in the last chapter of the book, when the two lovers meet again. And because we read the book from Elio’s perspective we also reject any other form of Oliver: he is and will forever be only Elio’s lover. "[Hephaistion crying softly, he shows Alexander a ring] I found it in Egypt... the man who sold it to me said it came from a time when man worshiped sun, and stars. "Don't Alex!!! Hannah Senesh was part of the Jewish resistance to the Nazis during World War II. Did I really want the “best cinematic experience” or did I buy Alexander: the ultimate cut instead of the theatrical because I wanted to see all those previously deleted scenes of Alexander and Hepheastion being in love and Alexander being portrayed as the bisexual he was? ", "You'll never lose me, Hephaistion. Hephaestion saw how messed up Alexander childhood. However, Alexander the Great is almost 8 always portrayed in modern depictions as heterosexual, and the disappearance of his At the time, such a relationship was encouraged between warriors. A same things happened to Patroclus isn't it?! nothing makes me as happy as ancient boyfriends, “You’re everything I care for. In: Simon Hornblower, Antony Spawforth (Hrsg. Dec 25, 2018 - Explore E-Art's board "Hephaestion and Alexander" on Pinterest. Alexander became notably more cynical and distrustful over time, yet Hephaistion remains immune. You were Achilles to Patroclus. Discover more posts about Alexander and Hephaestion. You saved me from myself. It was Hephaestion. In Book 12, verse 7 of Aelian's Varia Historia, the author writes that "...Alexander laid a wreath on Achilles' tomb and Hephaestion on Patroclus', hinting that he was the object of Alexander's love, as Patroclus was of Achilles." As a child Alexander had a passion for philosophy. And by the sweet breath of Aphrodite, I'm so jealous of losing you to this world you want so badly.” - Hephaestion to Alexander, reading an Alexander x Hephaestion fanfiction while waiting at the doctor’s office, On one hand, I’m like ‘wow, hephaestion and Alexander really loved each other’ but on the other hand, I’m like, ‘damn hephaestion had some good ass blackmail on Alexander’. The "Dancing with the Lion" series by Jeanne Reames! The latest "Big Little Lies" episode on HBO featured Alexander Skarsgard penis as Perry tries to get Celeste to sleep with him. ", Dammit look at this two dork! Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 Reddit Tumblr. garden www hair mine Love Dance thin Operation 7 II haven't Era Zero provided. Indeed I do!! While never losing a battle. For Alexander that answer is pretty easy: by the end of Hephaistion’s life, he was Alexander’s emotional lifeline, the only person Alexander seems to have trusted unconditionally. 91. So much so, Hephaestion’s death would bring the young king to tears. THESE BOOKS!!!!! Even more than his own mother. Explore. Too tragic. Alexander the Great was one of the greatest military leaders and conquerors ever. Dammit for love of Achilles why can't this two pair just be free? As I found out when I bought Who’s Who in the Age of Alexander the Great, Heckel does not have much time for the son of Amyntor. ", Arrian states "...for two whole days after Hephaestion's death Alexander tasted no food and paid no attention in any way to bodily needs, but lay on his bed now crying lamentably, now in the silence of grief. Robin Lane Fox's Hephaestion . This is really sad. He knows every part of Alexander weakest and strongest side. He also had a 60-metre-high pyre commissioned with 7 layers of golden objects. Who are said to be lovers by Plato and Aeschylus. The sources are open about everything and know no censure or editing. I saved this blog (and Tumblr question) till the end, as it’s about the future.I DO hope to continue Dancing with the Lion into Alexander’s Asian campaign, but much depends on how well the first two books perform.. Publishers are pragmatic. WHY!!! This boi fall for Alexander when they first exchange glance. It was the answer that he needs to find himself. Modern Historians: "Political secrets? Just shoot us in the face, Oliver Stone. There will never in million way Alexander betrayed Hephaestion. #to be utterly lost in his eyes and his touch, #tag your favourite rulers who are also gay ‘because of refraction’, #gods I haven't posted any Alex content for so long. Monday, April 20, 2020. ", "We leave for Arabia in the spring, I can't leave without you! As I investigate what the nature of Alexander the Great's relationship with Hephaestion, I'm reviewing what the main sources of antiquity have to say on the matter. - stream 6 alexander x hephaestion playlists including Alexander, Alexander the Great, and hephaestion music from your desktop or mobile device. Hephaestion was a friend, companion and a general in the army of Alexander. When I was a child my mother thought me divine; my father, weak. Achilles: No! But let go to the main serving, Hephaestion and Bagoas. #alexander the great #Alexander the bisexual #Alexander (2004) #hephaestion #alexander x hephaestion #I rlly spent the same amount #it was kind of both bc I rlly did like the movie for the mediocrity that it was Once arrived in Asia, [Alexander] went up to Troy, sacrificed to Athena and poured libations to the heroes of the Greek army. I think that’s why, when Hephaistion died, Alexander followed not long after. Mar 16, 2020 - Explore Annie Yan's board "Alexander the Great and Hephaestion" on Pinterest. Not in a million years. All Hephaestion was worried about is Alexander. It is near the book's end, at Hephaestion's death, where we learn the most about Alexander's feelings for Hephaestion. See more ideas about achilles and patroclus, greek gods, greek mythology. I don’t think I would ever be able to satisfy him. And soon their relationship grows. Like really?! See more ideas about alexander the great, greatful, ancient greece. Alexander weakness. If you want a shout out on my vine … "You once said the fear of death drives all men. He didn't kept his promise. Even Alexander believe in no one but Hephaestion. First, I looked at Arrian, probably the most reliable source on the details of Alexander's campaigns. His love, his passion is pure and real. Saved by Αλεξανδρα Κωνσταντοπουλου. A child. More information... People also love these ideas Labels: Barbarian, Evan … Alexander was asking for impossible. That's our joint tombstone. Alexander rushes back to the palace after hearing news of his friend's illness, but he is too late. "If you do...If you were to fall Hephaestion, even if Mecadonia were to lose a king...I will avenge you. Shrines were erected in his memory. I wonder sometimes, if it's not your mother you run from, so many years, so many miles between you, what is it you fear? Conquered most of the known world by the age of 33. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. official-hephaestion. Please don't leave me, Hephaistion. See a recent post on Tumblr from @patroclusdefencesquad about Alexander and Hephaestion. Hephaestion was the one who save him from himself. , "No, like a dear listening in the wind you strike me still, Alexander. Online, everywhere. Achilles will never do that to Patroclus!!". Alexander is losing to the world. Hephaistion. The only one honest to him. Discover (and save!) Alexander 2004 Alexander The Great Hot Men Hot Guys Greeks 30 Seconds Jared Leto Great Movies Movies Showing. Did this movie have to remind me about Patroclus all over again? #and the sad fact is that ill never know which is true. Which am I, Hephaistion? How can the gods seperated them cruelly like that. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. He was "by far the dearest of all the king's friends; he had been brought up with Alexander and shared all his secrets." It refers to the story of Alexander The Great and one of his most trusted generals, Hephaestion, who was presumably his lover. He becomes obsessed to searching for home he never sure of where, when it was obvious in my eyes home that he been searching for is right in front of him. I was kind of mad to Alexander. Cause by the time they went into war. "The accounts of Alexander's grief at this loss are many and various. Like clearly they were lovers but even in history they are separated and written down as only “the best of friends.” That just hurts my heart. Previous. Alexander was pleading to him to not leave him alone. Hopefully it reflects his personality as much as I think it does. But, all those hidden moment between Alexander and Hephaestion. This part saddened me really. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. He attended lectures at Mieza, tutor by Aristotle. The relationship between Alexander and Hephaestion may well have been sexual. 28 oct. 2020 - Découvrez le tableau "Alexander the Great" de Lostinmagic sur Pinterest. So much so, Hephaestion’s death would bring the young king to tears. Log in. It is certainly true that Alexander saw in his relationship with Hephaestion a reflection of the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus as told by Homer in the Iliad. Robin Lane Fox, wrote: "Already the two were intimate, Patroclus and Achilles even to those around them; the comparison would remain to the end of their days and is proof of their life as lovers…”. Their tutor Aristotle described the friendship as "one soul abiding in two bodies". See more ideas about jared leto, alexander the great, jared. All I know is I trust only you in this world. ", Alexander cut his hair short in mourning, this last a poignant reminder of Achilles' last gift to Patroclus on his funeral pyre: Arrian states "... he laid the lock of hair in the hands of his beloved companion, and the whole company was moved to tears.". “You’re everything I care for. Hephaestion saw how messed up Alexander childhood. See more ideas about jared leto, alexander the great, jared. gofundme.com. Article by Courtney Kruzan. Alexander the Great, History, Greek Heroes Patrick Garvey February 23, 2016 Alexander the Great's sexuality, Hephaestion, Alexander and Hephaestion, Robin Lane Fox, Achilles and Patroclus Comment Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 Reddit Tumblr Pinterest 0 I need you. ", "Arabia... you used to dress me up like a sheik and wave your wooden scimitar...", "You were the only one who'd never let me win. #it was kind of both bc I rlly did like the movie for the mediocrity that it was. Alexander rise and fall. About their child. Weak or divine? I relate to alexander the great because I, too, am weak for a pair of solid thighs. For fans of the underrated historical badass Hephaestion and his less underrated but impossible to overrate lover, Alexander the Great. 8tracks radio. I'll be with you always. ): The Oxford Classical Dictionary. It was a position that Alexander must know himself. Isn't this beautiful? Alexander the Great, History, Greek Heroes Patrick Garvey February 23, 2016 Alexander the Great's sexuality, Hephaestion, Alexander and Hephaestion, Robin Lane Fox, Achilles and Patroclus. I was fully aware about the relationship between Alexander and Hephaestion. Alexander even talking about their future. Alexander the Great and Hephaestion Preslash: Hephaestion— I do not want to be the inhibitor. From 334 to 323 BCE Alexander the Great conquered much of the known world. Posted by Sean Pford at 9:01 AM No comments: Email This BlogThis! To celebrate the newly published Landmark edition of Arrian's biography of Alexander the Great, the NYU Center for Ancient Studies and the Reading Odyssey are hosting a … This is from Robin Lane Fox: Alexander the Great: Hephaestion was the man Alexander loved, and for the rest of their lives their relationship remained as intimate as it is now irrecoverable: Alexander was only defeated once, the Cynic philosophers said long after his death, and that was by Hephaestion's thighs. I need it like really. According to the ancient resources, he had a special bond with the king. Even when Alexander in his darkest side, Hephaestion was standing proud shadowing him, always be there behind the curtain. But then, I remind myself, Alexander will never betrayed Hephaestion like that!! Hephaestion. Achilles: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I care about Patroclus a little bit... Odysseus: You doodled your wedding invitations. It’s quicker. And that will never can match Hephaestion's love. Cause I kind of overprotective toward this two boi (Alexander and Hephaestion) XD. You can listen here.. However othe… For I won’t even be a competitive inhibitor, I would be the uncompetitive inhibitor that could get easily overcome by Alex’s own overpowering desire for others. Oliver doesn’t exist as an independent and full entity: he exist only to serve Elio’s story. Alexander mention how important Hephaestion to his life. Hephaestion, son of Amyntor, was an ancient Macedonian nobleman and a general in the army of Alexander the Great. (From ‘An Evening with Oliver Stone: Dialogue on Classic Filmmaking’). Hephaestion, Alexander the Great’s 2nd in command, childhood best friend and soulmate. Feb 23, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Αλεξανδρα Κωνσταντοπουλου. He knows every part of Alexander weakest and strongest side. He might the only one who ever saw Alexander true fear. Alexander ordered a period of mourning throughout the empire. No matter his heroic acts or his importance in Alexander’s conquests, Hephaestion is always remembered only for his relationship with Alexander. I almost can felt Hephaestion broken heart. When Alexander the Greats dearest friend Hephaestion died Alexander threw him a lavish funeral worth around 1500000000. I thought they will never put a scene where Alexander was screaming when Hephaestion die but they did and I felt satisfied but crying on a same thing. Hannah Senesh. He was divided between his divine side and human side. Valeson. While there he would meet Hephaestion. How happy he was when he found what he searching for. This is a female version of his name. He smeared himself with oil and ran a race naked with his companions, as the custom is, and then crowned with a wreath the column which marks the grave of Achilles; he also remarked that Achilles was happy in having found a faithful friend while he lived and a great … And I pray your dream will shine on all men.". I rlly think it’s the funniest shit ever that Alexander (2004) had to be rereleased because it was too gay after editing out all the homoerotic subtext, and Oliver stone just said fuck it and rereleased it again adding even more homoerotic subtext than the og and then 7 years later rereleasing it AGAIN and adding more subtext, just as a subtle ‘fuck you’, “You will be nineteen this summer and the girls already say you don't like them, you like Hephaistion more. ", my favourite quote ever about alexander the great is that one that's like "alexander was only defeated once...by hephaestion's thighs" bc sjdjsbsjs that's so fucking gay bro, i dont want a boyfriend i want a bond so profound that making out seems like the most logical next step, the troy ones were so funny I thought I'd find some reviews for my second favourite worst movie : alexander (2004). "[puts the ring on Alexander's ring finger, then embraces him] I wish you a son. As well as Alexander's life long lover and confidant. Hephaestion was a member of Alexander the Great’s personal bodyguard and the Macedonian king’s closest and lifelong friend and advisor. Word came back that he could not be worshiped as a god, but as a divine hero.
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