You can list your stronghold so people can visit it without you inviting them. When you roll over your armour, you will be able to see the modifications’ ‘item rating’ in parantheses beside the name of the modifications. On the left, you can switch between Personal and Guild strongholds. These things mostly result in “more damage”. Strongholds with higher prestige are listed higher on the public strongholds listing if you choose to list your stronghold there. This is both insanely expensive on the GTN and you will likely not even be able to buy them yourself with your credit cap. He studied at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum and was a companion of Jaina Solo, Jacen Solo, Anakin Solo, Zekk and Tenel Ka. It will be beside a ‘medal’ symbol under the world ‘Personal’ on the left sidebar. In our personnel non-scientific experience, the more people in the party the more likely a decoration is to drop. For DPS, the most important stat to pay attention to is ACCURACY. Support projects on this website by making a pledge on Patreon! Once you have your first stronghold, you can use the strongholds panel. You should also get a personal bank (green one), a guild bank (purple one, if you are in a guild), a GTN, and an augment kit station if you are max-level. To enable them, press ESC > PREFERENCES > then User Interface, scroll to Tooltips and check “Show Detailed Item Tooltips”. Support projects on this website by making a pledge on Patreon! These are called hooks – they are locations where you can place a decoration. Right-click on any of these squares to add a decoration. Questions or comments? You can also use augments to supplement your stats to get the right combination. You can open your stronghold panel and click “Invite” under your stronghold. You can view all the “useful” decorations here. If you can’t afford the purple ones, feel free to get the blue ones in the meantime! Gültig ab: 19. That decoration will now be accessible by all your legacy characters in any of your strongholds. Completing your personal Conquest for the week will net you three, If you’ve finished a class’s chapter 3 storyline, you’ll have 50 copies of their. 898 talking about this. This upcoming advice is for update 4.0 Knights of the Fallen Empire… but in general, still applies. Tous les décès depuis 1970, évolution de l'espérance de vie en France, par département, commune, prénom et nom de famille ! The funnest way to show off your stronghold is to post in general chat on the fleet that you are giving a tour, then invite people. They are for tanks. Faites votre choix parmi les films, séries TV, reportages ou documentaires qui seront diffusés ce soir à la télé et concoctez-vous une soirée TV réussie ! Unfortunately this gear is random – you may get a better or worse piece every time you open a crate. Let’s talk about stats! A ton of decorations can be crafted! Flashpoint decorations are a potential drop from certain flashpoints. Lowbacca (meaning "dutiful friend" in Shyriiwook3) or "Lowie" was a Wookiee Jedi Knight during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Lastly, DPS put stats into Mastery, Power, and Crit. Now when you roll over your armour you will be able to see exactly what it has in it. Are you short on accuracy to reach the minimum? The best way to reach me is by messaging me on Twitter. The best part is once you go to your stronghold, you can then “Travel Back” to your original location – so if you are questing, you can make a quick run to your bank, your mailbox or the GTN then travel back to exactly where you were. If you are not subscribed to the game as preferred or free-to-play, you will have a very difficult time gearing because you can not wear the best gear in the game. If you are in a guild, they may also have a stronghold or flagship you can visit! A silver key will allow them visit whenever they want and to invite others., Click ‘Edit Mode’ to decorate a stronghold you own, Halloween Cartel Market Singles (Retired), Life Day Ecosamples Bundle (Semi-Retired), You can do the initial stronghold quest on all your characters for free basic decorations, For every Flashpoint or operation boss you defeat, you will get a Trophy decoration to hang on your wall. Tanks don’t need any accuracy or crit, and dump Power and Mastery at any chance they get in favour of other defensive stats. The Chiss were a tall, blue-skinned Near-Human civilization from the planet Csilla in the Unknown Regions, best known to most Humans as the people to which Grand Admiral Thrawn belonged. Each of these can be pulled out and switched in an out with different versions – each with different stats. This will lead you to a forum post by Bant that you can use to figure out your gear. Use my referral link to sign up and get a FREE Preferred Friends Bundle and 7 Free Days of Subscription! They either want very high endurance which allows them to be hit for higher numbers while staying alive, or a high combination of defensive stats like Absorbtion and Shields which allows them to take less damage in the first place. Decorated every room? Alacrity is a lot more important for healers – they need to heal, fast! Operations also offer a very unique type of Armouring for your gear – set bonus armourings. 47939 Recherche de jeux. I highly recommend placing down your legacy bank and mailbox first, which you get from your intial quest. You will need to either subscribe or purchase AUTHORIZATION: ARTIFACT EQUIPMENT for 1200 Cartel Coins, or the account-wide unlock for even more. Min-maxing is micro-managing your gear and stats to get the best output when in combat – only players interested in hardmode and nightmare mode operations will ever really need to do this. DR - Bonanza. So you want to get into operations and master flashpoints at max-level? You do not have to be present – you can be away questing or pvping, but still allow people to see your house. For example, you can have 4 Basic Metal Chairs as long as you buy four from the vendor, and you will be able to place a total of four down across all your strongholds. You can also upgrade your moddable armour when you get better Armourings, Mods or Enhancements. Scroll down to the item level you have or are trying to obtain, then click the spoiler button under the “Mastery Stim” title. Great if you want to get back in the game or haven't subbed in a while! You can buy multiple strongholds and have real estate across the galaxy. I highly recommend placing down your legacy bank and mailbox first, which you get from your intial quest. Your gear consists of MODDABLE and UNMODDABLE pieces. Davon profitierst du immer dann, wenn du mit PayPal, Kreditkarte oder Lastschrift zahlst. Once you have right-clicked them, they will be added to your decorations list. Tanks are in a wierd spot right now – they currently get more “Defense” stats on their gear than they even need. Knights of the Eternal Throne gear comes in different tiers… and you’ll want to make sure you’re going into difficult content with the higher tiers of gear. Each of the three types of tanks wants a slightly different ratio of Shield to Absorbtion. Gearing up is how you make your character stronger in battle. I'd love to hear it - the best way to let me know is to leave a comment on the corresponding video on YouTube or send me a message on Twitter! All DPS classes need to invest into Alacrity. Tanks have two methods of gearing. Einkaufen bei eBay ist sicher – dank Käuferschutz. Using Bant’s guide is very easy as a tank. Some modifications are stronger than others. How about alacrity – are you at your class’s ideal number? He was the nephew of Chewbacca, the son of Kallabow and Mahraccor, and the brother of Sirrakuk. You can do this quest on every one of your characters for free decorations! In theory, strongholds that top the Public Listing will therefore be the ones that are the most ‘complete’ that are owned by players who have the largest variety of decorations. Derniers chiffres du Coronavirus issus du CSSE 12/03/2021 (vendredi 12 mars 2021). La réponse est peut-être ici ! It’s time to show off! Every time you complete a match, you receive components that can be turned in for set-bonus gear. You can then invite others to see your stronghold, or place it on the public listings so people can find it and tour your house. Be warned – they don’t have to leave once they have entered! These are the stats that Bant recommends you obtain if you are at that item level – try and get as close as you can. However you can pick it back up again and put it down somewhere else. Only you can have a gold key to your stronghold which allows you to decorate. GIFI n’est pas une entreprise comme les autres où les relations humaines sont souvent de façade,... En savoir plus The good news is if you are doing anything mostly by yourself like Heroics or Solo Flashpoints, you should never need set bonuses, so don’t stress! Flagships are accessed from the same panel as strongholds, but it’s a lot more work to get them! The second way to get gear is through galactic command. Find your class and combat proficiency on Bant’s optimal stats list. Verkäufer aus dem Ausland können Ihnen Artikel regulär über einen internationalen Versandservice zuschicken. There are three ways to invite someone you know to your stronghold: If they are in your group or nearby, you can right click their name and invite them. Ready to get started on your first stronghold? They can then go and visit. Individual Stronghold Prestige – Each of your Strongholds is scored by multiplying its completion percentage by your Legacy’s Prestige score. Go to the decorations category, then check each sub-category. Subscribed to SWTOR in the past, but haven't been referred for 90+ days? Because of this problem, you may also find 220 mods and enhancements to be more favourable than the ones from any set-bonus gear. Herzlich Willkommen bei meinem „Dirk Müller Premium Aktien" Fonds. Removing modifications costs credits, adding new ones is free. Drag your piece of armour onto it while you have your Augment Kit in your inventory, and add the slot. You’ll then be able to find your exact class and combat proficiency. You can’t change the stats of unmoddable pieces – your earpiece, your two implants and your two relics. To publicly list your stronghold click the key symbol in the stronghold panel beside your stronghold. You can drag them in to your inventory to remove them, or drag modifications from your inventory into your gear to replace old ones. Once you are in your stronghold, a new box will pop up on your screen. September 2014. If you have extra commendations, you can buy extra gear pieces and pull out their mods and enhancements. To go to your stronghold once you have purchased it, click the “Travel” button in the strongholds panel. The most useful decorations to get are the ones you can use! Use Bant’s numbers to find out the ideal amount for your character. It will teleport you there. All of this augmenting and modification swapping can be very expensive – an easy way to make credits is to sell any materials you win from operations, or to run Heroics from the Heroics terminal on the fleet… they are currently the quickest way to earn some credits to set you on the path of stat optimization! Bei eBay finden Sie Artikel aus der ganzen Welt. When you publicly list your stronghold, others can go to the stronghold terminals and find your stronghold on a list of public strongholds. Subscribed to SWTOR in the past, but haven't been referred for 90+ days? If so, you can start balancing them out! Make sure to run them on hardmode and to do the bonus boss! To get your first stronghold you must do the initial quest. ~ Swtorista. Her kan du se lidt af det bedste - og værste af det, der er blevet produceret i årenes løb. So try to drop defense as much as you can in favour of Endurance, Absorbtion and Shields. If you do not want strangers in your house, do not list your stronghold publicly! You will need to acquire a lot of pieces of gear and pull out the modifications to add them to your “master” set of gear, so you can get the right combination of stats. Check the GTN! Vollen Schutz genießt du außerdem bei allen Artikeln mit eBay-Garantie und Zahlungsabwicklung über eBay. Better modifications can be earned by doing more difficult content, like operations. Ich habe dieses Projekt gestartet, da es zwar zahllose Aktienfonds gibt, aber keiner mich so zufriedengestellt hat, dass ich gerne mein eigenes Geld dort investiert hätte. They have a small chance of dropping from the final boss of the flashpoint, and a high chance of dropping from the bonus boss if the flashpoint has one. Das Programm zum weltweiten Versand (USA) und das Programm zum weltweiten Versand (UK) (im weiteren Verlauf zusammen als das „GSP“ bezeichnet) machen bestimmte Artikel („GSP-Artikel“) aus den USA und dem Vereinigten Königreich für Käufer auf der ganzen Welt verfügbar. You will eventually want to switch these out with moddable gear that has a purple or orange border. I post all news about SWTOR and my projects on To get a personal bank, you can either craft one, buy one from the GTN, buy one from the Cartel market, or get one from the Security Key vendor. Star Wars: The Old Republic is a premier MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts set in the Star Wars universe. Once you click it a bunch of colored boxes will pop up on the floors, walls and ceilings. For example, my stronghold with a 1,000 prestige will be listed a lot lower than someone who has unlocked a ton of decorations. Use Bant’s numbers to see what an ideal combination is for your class. Some starter endgame gear can be crafted with a bit of effort. The higher the number, the more powerful it is. Finding the right combination of stats for your gear is rough if you want to be “mix-maxed”.
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