louis vii accomplishments

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1137: 22 July: Louis VII became duke of Aquitaine by marriage to the duchess Eleanor. Hulton Archive/Hulton Archive/Getty Images. Louis maintained his father’s hostility toward their leading vassal, Thibaud IV, count of Blois, brother of King Stephen of England, and campaigned against him in 1142-1143. King Louis XIII of France was the second king from the House Bourbon to rule over France. Born the fourth of 11 children to King Louis VIII and Queen Blanche, Louis became heir to the throne after his three older siblings died. [6] Louis reacted by coming down with a fever, and returned to the Ile-de France. [3] The Council of Beaugency declared that Louis VII and Eleanor were too closely related to each other for their marruige to be legal. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The fifth Capetian king of France, Louis VI was a giant of a man, proud of his physical strength and courage in battle. By Eleanor of Aquitaine,[7] he had: The reign of Louis VII was, from the point of view of royal territory and military power, a difficult and unfortunate one. After receiving provisions from the Hungarian king, the armies continued the march to the East (the good relationships between both kingdoms continued flourishing, and decades later Louis's daughter Margaret was taken as wife by Géza's son Béla III of Hungary). Louis XIII was king of France from 1610 to 1643. He was a member of the House of Capet. Louis is one of the main characters in Elizabeth Chadwick's latest novel The Summer Queen. The expedition came to a great cost to the royal treasury and military. He ruled from 1137 until his death. Only a few years later, at age 19, she knelt in the cathedral of Vézelay before the celebrated Abbé Bernard of Clairvaux offering him thousands of her vassals for the Second Crusade. He was the son of James I. Charles I was born in the palace in Dunfermline, Scotland. Coming to the throne at a tender age, tutored by Cardinal Mazarin, the Sun King embodied the principles of absolutism. This brought the interdict upon the King's lands. Already stricken with paralysis, King Louis VII himself could not be present at the ceremony. [1] In this way, Louis VI sought to add the large, sprawling territory of the Aquitaine to his family's holdings in France. Taxation and other economic issues arose, which affected France negatively. Louis VII led an ineffective war against Henry for having married without the authorisation of his suzerain; the result was a humiliation for the enemies of Henry and Eleanor, who saw their troops routed, their lands ravaged, and their property stolen. France succeeded in crushing the rebellion, in a campaign headed by the Duke of Angoulême. Louis VII (Louis the Young), c.1120–1180, king of France (1137–80), son and successor of King Louis VI. People Regardless of this, Henry VII and Maximillian defeated Louis at the Battle of Spurs in Artois in 1513. For the first three years of rule, his mother Marie de’ Medici acted as his regent and refused to give up her hold even after the king came of age. He came to the throne in 1610 at the age of eight and ruled until his death in 1643. He gave much more religious freedom to French non-Catholics so they could practice their own faith. One of his few successes, in 1159, was his trip to Toulouse to aid Raymond V, Count of Toulouse who had been attacked by Henry II: after he entered into the city with a small escort, claiming to be visiting the Countess his sister, Henry declared that he could not attack the city whilst his liege lord was inside, and went home. 1223–1226 Louis VIII (the Lion) 1226–1270 Louis IX (St. Louis) 1270–1285 Philip III (the Bold) 1285–1314 Philip IV (the Fair) 1314–1316 Louis X (the Stubborn) 1316–John I; 1316–1322 Philip V (the Tall) 1322–1328 Charles IV (the Fair) Valois Dynasty . Omissions? He ruled from 1137 until his death. [citation needed] In his youth he spent much time in S… Louis married three times. He strengthened the authority of the royal court, went on the Second Crusade, and repelled the aggressions of Henry II of England.. Sixth Capetian king of France, Louis VII succeeded his father, Louis VI, in 1137.Louis VII was a devout king with a passion for justice, but for many years one lacking in political good sense. Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2014, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Louis_VII_of_France?oldid=4954380. Louis VII is remembered for his contribution to the ‘Second Crusade,’ which eventually ended … Louis VII, called the Younger or the Young, French: Louis le Jeune (1120 – 18 September 1180), was King of France, the son and successor of Louis VI (hence his nickname). His was an eventful reign. Louis VII (called the Younger or the Young) (French language: Louis le Jeune) (1120 – 18 September 1180) was King of the Franks, the son and successor of Louis VI (hence his nickname). He ruled from 1137 until his death. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Louis-VII, Fact Monster - People - Biography of Louis VII. Although Eleanor was married to the king of France, according to law Aquitaine would remain independent of France until her oldest son became both King of the Franks and Duke of Aquitaine.The marriage of Eleanor and Louis, which was already experiencing difficulties as … She was married to Louis VII of France shortly after the death of her father in ... of the most influential women of her time. 1152: 21 March: The marriage of Louis VII and Eleanor was annulled. Raymond of Poitiers welcoming Louis VII in Antioch #5 Her marriage with Louis VII was annulled after 15 years in 1152. Second fils de Louis VI, dit « le Gros », roi des Francs, et dAdélaïde de Savoie (v. 1092-1154)1. Armies from different countries were called on to lead the war, especially the King. Born in 1120 in Paris[citation needed] as the second son of Louis VI of France and of Adelaide of Maurienne, the young Prince Louis received his early education with a view to his following an ecclesiastical career-path. Louis VII receiving clergymen, from a late medieval manuscript. After the death of Louis’s second wife, he married Alix of Champagne, whose Carolingian blood brought added prestige to the monarchy (1160); their son became Philip II Augustus. Short Biography. Louis VII became king. Suger, abbot of Saint-Denis, who acted as regent in 1147–49 while Louis was away on the Second Crusade, is the primary historian for Louis’s reign. It was unusual for women to participate in the Crusades, but Eleanor insisted and accompanied King Louis VII. The reign of Louis XIV is often referred to as “Le Grand Siècle” (the Great Century), forever associated with the image of an absolute monarch and a strong, centralised state. Louis VII (called the Younger or the Young) (French language: Louis le Jeune) (1120 – 18 September 1180) was King of the Franks, the son and successor of Louis VI (hence his nickname). He disrupted politics, with the belief of a Divine Right Monarchy and wanting to expand France. In the first part of Louis VII's reign he was vigorous and zealous of his prerogatives, but after his Crusade his piety limited his ability to become an effective statesman. Accomplishments. What Were the Accomplishments of King Louis XIV? He also supported Henry's rebellious sons, and encouraged Plantagenet disunity by making Henry's sons, rather than Henry himself, the feudal overlords of the Angevin territories in France; but the rivalry amongst Henry's sons and Louis's own indecisiveness broke up the coalition (1173–1174) between them. In 1154 Louis VII married Constance of Castile, daughter of Alfonso VII of Castile. Louis VII (ca. His reign was dominated by feudal struggles (in particular with the Angevin family), and saw the beginning of the long rivalry between France and England. At age 15 she married Louis VII, King of France, bringing into the union her vast possessions from the River Loire to the Pyrenees. Updates? From 1216 to 1217, he also claimed the Kingdom of England.Louis was the only surviving son of King Philip II of France by his first wife, Isabelle of Hainaut, from whom he inherited the County of Artois. A well-learned and exceptionally devout man, Louis VII was better suited for life as a priest than as a monarch. During his early years, the people favored him due to the fact that he didn't raise taxes for the people. Death. Louis VII (called the Younger or the Young) (French: ) (1120 – 18 September 1180) was King of France, the son and successor of Louis VI (hence his nickname). Sixième souverain de la dynastie des Capétiens directs, il épouse successivement Aliénor d'Aquitaine, Constance de Castille puis Adèle de Champagne. The Swiss got as far as Dijon. [2] Louis and Eleanor had only two daughters, Marie and Alix.[3]. Louis XIV, also called Le ran Monarque, and the Sun God, hurt France during his reign. … Ironically, this act was probably to Capetian advantage because Aquitaine might have drained the resources of Louis’s kingdom while bringing him little revenue. He ruled from 1137 until his death. Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. He was close to his advisor, Abbot Suger. Very supportive of independence for the American colonies. But thereafter his relations with the popes were good; Alexander II, whom he supported against Frederick Barbarossa, took refuge in France. #1 She became heir to the largest and richest province of France. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The pretext of kinship was the basis for annulment; in fact, it owed more to the state of hostility between the two, and the decreasing odds that their marriage would produce a male heir to the throne of France. Champagne also sided with the Pope in the dispute over Bourges. Corrections? Know more about the one of the most famous monarchs in history by studying the 10 major accomplishments of Louis XIV. Louis VI (1081-1137) was king of France from 1108 to 1137. Géza II of Hungary and Louis VII of France. 1108–1137 Louis VI (the Fat) 1137–1180 Louis VII (the Young) 1180–1223 Philip II Augustus; 1223–1226 Louis VIII (the Lion) 1226–1270 Louis IX (St. Louis) 1270–1285 Philip III (the Bold) 1285–1314 Philip IV (the Fair) 1314–1316 Louis X (the Stubborn) 1316–John I; 1316–1322 Philip V (the Tall) 1322–1328 Charles IV (the Fair) In 1165, Louis' third wife bore him a son and heir, Philip II Augustus. When the schism broke out, Louis VII took the part of the Pope Alexander III, the enemy of Frederick I, and after two comical failures of Frederick I to meet Louis VII at Saint Jean de Losne (on 29 August and 22 September 1162), Louis VII definitely gave himself up to the cause of Alexander III, who lived at Sens from 1163 to 1165. Louis tried to buy off his opponents in the Holy League. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. In 1212 Louis seized Saint-Omer and Aire to prevent a powerful Flanders from being on the flank of his county of Artois. At the same time the emperor Frederick I (1152–1190) in the east was making good the imperial claims on Arles. Thus, Prince Louis became King of France reigning as "Louis VII." Aided by politicians such as Jean-Baptiste Colbert, and more especially, Jules Mazarin, Louis stamped his rule on his kingdom. His accession was marked by no disturbances, save the uprisings of the burgesses of Orléans and of Poitiers, who wished to organise communes. [5] Thus the marriage was annulled on 21 March 1152. The archbishopric of Bourges became vacant, and the King supported as candidate the chancellor Cadurc, against the Pope's nominee Pierre de la Chatre, swearing upon relics that so long as he lived Pierre should never enter Bourges. Desiring to atone for his sins, he then declared on Christmas Day 1145 at Bourges his intention of going on a crusade. [4] Perhaps the marriage to Eleanor might have continue if the royal couple had had a male heir, but this did not happen. Louis XIV’s domestic policy was to transform France.Louis XIV built on Louis XIII’s policy of extending absolute royal rule (centralised absolutism) to all parts of the kingdom.Louis was the archetypal absolutist monarch. Louis VII. Anglo-Norman family disputes saved Louis’s kingdom from severe incursions during the many conflicts that Louis had with Henry between 1152 and 1174. His queen Eleanor supported her uncle, Raymond of Antioch, and prevailed upon Louis to help Antioch against Aleppo. Louis’s last major achievement was to arrange a marriage between his son Louis VII and Eleanor, heiress of William X, duke of Aquitaine. Louis VII, the king of France, was not happy with Henry's new position as Duke of Normandy. Louis understood the danger of the growing Angevin power; however, through indecision and lack of fiscal and military resources compared to Henry II's, he failed to oppose Angevin hegemony effectively. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Born in 1120 in Paris[citation needed] as the second son of Louis VI of France and of Adelaide of Maurienne, the young Prince Louis received his early education with a view to his following an ecclesiastical career-path. Louis VII then became involved in a war with Theobald II of Champagne, by permitting Raoul I of Vermandois and seneschal of France, to repudiate his wife, Theobald II's niece, and to marry Petronilla of Aquitaine, sister of the queen of France. This is my powerpoint for history class. In addition to the tenuous claim of Charles VIII to Naples, which Louis XII inherited, Louis himself had a family claim upon the duchy of Milan. The French were bombarded by arrows and heavy stones, the Turks swarmed down from the mountains and the massacre began. But Louis VII's interest lay in Jerusalem, and so he slipped out of Antioch in secret. It also saw the beginning of construction on Notre-Dame de Paris, the founding of the University of Paris and the disastrous Second Crusade. Louis had him crowned at Reims in 1179, in the Capetian tradition (Philip would in fact be the last King so crowned). He succeeded his father, Charles VII. The Italian campaigns had been a disaster for Louis. But God willed that his cuirass should protect him from the arrows, and to prevent himself from being captured he defended the crag with his bloody sword, cutting off many heads and hands. Louis continued his father’s pacification program by building the prestige of the kingship through an administrative government based on trustworthy men of humble origin and by consolidating his rule over his royal domains rather than by adding new acquisitions. From 1141 to 1143 he was involved in a fruitless conflict with Count Thibaut of Champagne and the papacy. Meanwhile in 1144, Geoffrey the Handsome, Count of Anjou, completed his conquest of Normandy. The war lasted two years (1142–1144) and ended with the occupation of Champagne by the royal army. The early part of his reign proved unstable. 1180: 18 September: Louis VII died. Louis XIV (1638 – 1715) was the longest reigning and one of the most powerful monarchs in European history. 1 August: Louis the Fat died. 1 August: Louis the Fat died. On May 23, 1200, Louis married Blanche of Castile, daughter of Alfonso VIII of Castile, who effectively acted as regent after Louis’s death. Under his reign, France became a leading European power. Yet the royal authority made progress in the parts of France distant from the royal domains: more direct and more frequent connection was made with distant vassals, a result largely due to the alliance of the clergy with the crown. Louis VII and the French army returned home in 1149. Louis VII became king. Louis, surprisingly, agreed to this proposal, and by the Treaty of Gisors (1158) betrothed the young pair, giving as a dowry the Norman Vexin and Gisors. In the 1964 film adaptation he was portrayed by John Gielgud, who was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. Subscribe Now . Those people can’t hold a candle to Louis XV. Louis' son, the future Louis VII, the Young, was crowned the junior king and heir to the throne. 1120-1180) was king of France from 1137 to 1180. Soon they arrived to the Kingdom of Hungary where they were welcomed by the king Géza II of Hungary, who was already waiting with the German emperor. Considering the significant disparity of political leverage and financial resources between Louis VII and his Angevin rival, not to mention Henry II's superior military skills, Louis VII should be credited with preserving the Capetian dynasty. Louis entered into open rebellion against his father in a short-lived revolt known as the Praguerie in 1440.

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