In the past decade HPLC, with its automation and its quantitative power, has appeared to be an appropriate candidate for direct identification and sensitive quantification of major and minor, normal and abnormal, hemoglobin fractions (6)(9),(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19). Pregnancy brings up so many emotions and new experiences. HbManitoba and HbMontgomery showed different mobilities on electrophoresis, which was necessary for identification (data not shown). Observations in a 6-month prospective survey. Steinberg MH Forget BG Higgs DR Nagel RL eds. Thanks for reply .. mine himoglobin is 8.8 so doctor suggested to have this test. The test is limited to a three-month average because the average lifespan of a red blood cell is four months. 1 , 3 , and 4 ) would be very difficult, if not impossible, to evaluate without the unknown sample being electrophoresed directly adjacent to the reference hemoglobin mixture or adjacent to several known stored specimens. Lafferty JD, McFarlane AG, Chui DHK. Definite identification usually requires DNA analysis or amino acid sequencing. Alkaline phosphatase normally increases during pregnancy because of production of the placental isoenzyme and, by term, may reach three times the normal adult upper reference value. Interestingly, three of these specimens did not show an easily discernible band on alkaline electrophoresis when performed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Eighteen variants and 2 tetramers could be identified solely by retention time and 3 variants by retention time and proportion of total hemoglobin. As reported previously (23), HbO-Arab and HbC had statistically different retention times (P <0.001), whereas the %Hb values were not statistically different (P = 0.84). 4 , lane 3) and slightly cathodal to HbC on acid electrophoresis (data not shown). Although two variants, HbManitoba and HbMontgomery, have retention times identical to that of HbA2′, it is easily identified by its statistically significantly reduced %Hb. In this series, the α-variants all had mean %Hb values <30%, whereas the β-variants all had mean %Hb values >34% except for HbE [30.3 (4.0)%] and HbG-Siriraj (24.2%). There was no statistical difference (P = 0.10 and 0.51, respectively), and all subsequent data analyses were performed with use of the retention time. Results: The mean (SD) imprecision (CV) of the retention time was 1.0 (0.7)% with no statistical difference compared with the imprecision for normalized retention times. Shown in Table 2 are the number of observations, retention times, %Hb, interval period in months between the first and last observation for each hemoglobin variant, and the type of variant with the specific amino acid substitution for the 34 observed variants, the 2 tetramers, HbF, HbA0, and HbA2. The elution peak for HbHasharon, an α-variant, fell in the time interval for unknowns. The Pregnancy GTT test or the glucose tolerance test is carried out to determine your sensitivity to the same, during your pregnancy. The current reference values for the diagnosis of OC appear to be appropriate. 4 , lanes 6 and 7, respectively), but their retention times appeared to be unique and significantly different (d = 0.069 min). We report here the results for HPLC performance in a large prospective study of 60293 samples over a 32-month period in a multiethnic population. Only two reports have tabulated the retention times for various hemoglobin variants (6)(9). Hemoglobin and Clinical Microscopy Reference Committee. Although its retention time appeared to be significantly different from that of HbQ-Thailand (d = 0.16 min), the retention time and %Hb were statistically different (P <0.001 for both) from those for HbO-Arab. The laboratory diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies and thalassemias is of growing importance, particularly because of an increasing requirement for antenatal diagnosis of significant disorders of globin chain synthesis. 2C ). The SD for the retention times of HbF, HbA0, HbA2, and the 15 variants seen on three or more occasions did not correlate with either the retention time (P = 0.889) or the %Hb (P = 0.288), demonstrating that the SD is independent of these two variables. Different reports have addressed the precision of the retention times obtained with stored normal samples (17); specimens containing HbS, HbC, and HbE (9); and liquid controls (14). Six hemoglobin variants (two α- and four β-variants) had elution peaks in the A0 window. 2B ). Wild BJ, Stephens AD. 2H ), which was not seen in HbC trait. Previous investigators have compiled information on normal laboratory reference ranges in pregnancy [30,40,43,75]. Although HbTwin Peaks is hematologically and clinically insignificant, HbTy Gard is a high-oxygen-affinity hemoglobin that can lead to erythrocytosis, which is of potential clinical importance (22). There were no significant changes throughout pregnancy. Even though these common pregnancy-induced laboratory aberrations are well recognized, very few laboratories routinely provide normal values for pregnant women. Compound heterozygous and other sickle hemoglobinopathies. Of the 12 cases of HbH disease seen, 3 did not show a discernible fast-moving band on electrophoresis. It helps to connect with others going through the same as you. HbE-Saskatoon and HbS appeared to have significantly different retention times (d = 0.18 min). It's a precautionary testing. Whereas the more common sickling disorders (HbSS, HbSC, HbSD-Punjab, HbSE, HbSG-Philadelphia, HbSHope, HbSLepore, HbSO-Arab, and HbS/β-thal) are all clinically significant, these combinations do present different manifestations and degrees of severity (24)(25), making precise identification important. This same rationale probably does not account for the decreased HbA2 seen in the presence of HbG-Philadelphia. Alkaline electrophoresis is rapid, reproducible, and capable of separating common hemoglobin variants, such as hemoglobin A (HbA), HbF, HbS, and HbC, but HbS, HbD, HbG, and HbLepore are unresolved from each other, as are HbC, HbA2, HbO-Arab, and HbE. Their retention times, however, appeared to be significantly different (d = 0.36 min); they eluted in different windows. 2D ) were additional distinguishing features of HbLepore. Bain BJ, Phelan L. Evaluation of the Kontron Instruments Haemoglobin System PV for haemoglobinopathy screening. There was no statistical difference in imprecision between the mean (SD) CV for the retention time [1.0 (0.7)%] and the mean CV for the retention time normalized to the retention time for HbA0 [1.3 (0.5)%; P = 0.10] or normalized to the retention time for HbA2 [1.0 (0.4)%; P = 0.51]. All cases of heterozygous HbG-Philadelphia demonstrated the minor HbA2 variant peak (α2G-Philadelphiaδ2; Fig. Normal ALP levels vary greatly depending on age, gender and blood type. The mean (SD) imprecision (CV) of the retention time for the variants seen on three or more occasions over the 32-month observation period was 1.0 (0.7)%, confirming and extending the data of Eastman et al. Chat and make friends with other expecting mums here! Waters HM, Howarth JE, Hyde K, Goldstone S, Kadkhodaei-Elyaderani M, Cinkotai KI, et al. LT4 treatment to bring TSH down may be justified in such borderline normal cases, in women with TPO antibody-positive status, and a history of recurrent pregnancy loss. (E), HbA2′ (4.56 min) elution chromatogram. Finally, HPLC was able to avoid misidentification of two hemoglobin variants having benign interaction with HbS. Results: The normal ranges for HbA2 and HbF by CE were 2.75% (SD 0.26%) and 0.03% (SD 0.24%) respectively, which were significantly lower than that of HPLC 2.88% (SD 0.25%) and 0.58% (SD 0.61%) (p < 0.001). Three α-variants (HbJ-Oxford, HbJ-Anatolia, and HbJ-Mexico) had identical electrophoretic mobilities (Fig. 1 , lanes 9, 5, and 8, respectively). Alla Joutovsky, Joan Hadzi-Nesic, Michael A Nardi, HPLC Retention Time as a Diagnostic Tool for Hemoglobin Variants and Hemoglobinopathies: A Study of 60000 Samples in a Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory, Clinical Chemistry, Volume 50, Issue 10, 1 October 2004, Pages 1736–1747, Variants that migrate identically or similarly (see Figs. Of 632 samples analyzed, 4 (0.63%) cases of HbNew York (3 heterozygotes and 1 HbNew York/β-thalassemia) were detected. When HbH or HbBarts is noted, the %Hb must be determined by either densitometry or manual calculation. HPLC, on the other hand, has been shown to have a high degree of reproducibility and precision. The %Hb values for HbManitoba and HbMontgomery did not appear to be statistically different [16.5% vs 15.7 (2.2)%, respectively]; however, the %Hb for HbA2′ was statistically different from these two variants [1.2 (0.1)%; P <0.001]. 4 , lane 9), and an acid electrophoresis mobility identical to these two hemoglobins, had a retention time apparently significantly different from both of them (d = 0.41 and 0.28 min, respectively). In addition, there are other variants with electrophoretic mobilities identical or similar to those of HbS and HbC. The presence of HbH was confirmed by use of the brilliant cresyl blue test for inclusion bodies (21). Three hemoglobin variants (three β-variants) had elution peaks in the C window. Hemoglobinopathy survey HG-A 2003 report. HbG-Siriraj had a significantly different retention time from the other two members (d = 1.22 and 0.86 min, respectively) and exhibited a unique mobility pattern on electrophoresis. 2G ). There are quite a few diagnostic tests and screenings that you will have to undergo during the course of your pregnancy. The Variant II dual pumps deliver a programmed buffer gradient of increasing ionic strength to the cartridge, where the hemoglobin fractions are separated based on their ionic interaction with the cartridge material. No hemoglobin variants were detected in this window. 4 , lanes 6 and 7, respectively), the retention times were quite different (d = 0.69 min). Evaluation of the Bio-Rad Variant β thalassemia short program. It relies on pumps to pass a pressurized liquid solvent containing the sample mixture through a column filled with a solid adsorbent material. Riou J, Godart C, Didier H, Mathis M, Bimet C, Bardakdjian-Michau J, et al. HbS (5.95%), HbC (1.60%), HbA2′ (0.76%), and HbE (0.14%) were the most common variants encountered. The simple test involves drawing blood samples from you and testing them in a laboratory. HbA1C eluted in the P2 window. US Department of Health and Human Services/Public Health Service. (A), a normal patient. The results of biochemical tests during pregnancy may therefore differ from the normal reference ranges so they may be mistakenly interpreted as abnormal. 3 , lanes 9 and 10, respectively). 1 ). What is HPLC test and when it's required in pregnancy? It can be distinguished from HbKöln by both the retention time (d = 0.06 min) and the characteristic secondary peak seen with this unstable variant (Fig. Confirmatory testing by electrophoresis can be eliminated in the majority of cases by use of retention time, proportion of total hemoglobin, and peak characteristics of HPLC. Fax 212-263-8099; e-mail, Hemoglobinopathy survey proficiency reports, Laboratory methods for detecting hemoglobinopathies, Disorders of hemoglobin: genetics, pathophysiology, and clinical management, © 2004 The American Association for Clinical Chemistry, This article is published and distributed under the terms of the Oxford University Press, Standard Journals Publication Model (, Clonotypic Features of Rearranged Immunoglobulin Genes Yield Personalized Biomarkers for Minimal Residual Disease Monitoring in Multiple Myeloma, Chemical Characterization and Quantification of Circulating Intact PTH and PTH Fragments by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry in Chronic Renal Failure, Jagged Ends of Cell-Free DNA: Rebranding Fragmentomics in Modern Liquid Biopsy Diagnostics, Is It Time to Move On? The use of HPLC technology in the clinical laboratory setting has increased ∼12.5-fold in the past 10 years (12). This patient appeared to have a concomitant α-thalassemia, which would account for the lower %Hb for the variant. It is predicted that HbCamden (d = 0.10 min from HbHope) and HbJ-Oxford (d = 0.11 min from HbCamden) can be differentiated and identified based solely on their retention times. Kidney function (KFT) test consist of a number of parameters, Each of these parameters has a specific normal range. This suggests that accumulation of further data for those hemoglobin variants seen on fewer than three occasions may give additional statistically significant different retention times, e.g., HbAustin and HbFukuyama (d = 0.045 min). The mean (SD) interval period between the first and last observations was 23.3 (6.6) months for the 15 variants seen on three or more occasions. This calculation is probably conservative. We particularly wish to acknowledge Robert Boorstein, MD, PhD, for his constant support and encouragement, and the Health and Hospital Corporation of New York City for providing these state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, allowing excellent patient care. Four variants could be identified by retention time and peak characteristics and eight variants by retention time and electrophoretic mobility. HPLC is suitable for the routine investigation of hemoglobin variants, hemoglobinopathies, and thalassemia. For specimens that showed chromatogram patterns consistent with sickle trait, the presence of HbS was confirmed by use of the sodium metabisulfite reduction test (20). Since individual red blood cells have varying lifespans, the test is used as a limited measure of three months. For this reason, subsequent analysis of the data was done with only the retention time. If the %Hb in the P2 window and the HbA1C values were concordant, i.e., within 15% of each other, no further studies were performed. Working Party of the General Haematology Task Force of the British Committee for Standards in Haemotology. In addition to the expected HbA2 variant peak (α2Hasharonδ2), immediately after the variant peak there were two small peaks in all examples of HbHasharon seen in this laboratory (Fig. HbG-Honolulu and HbG-Philadelphia had mobilities that were similar, but not identical, on electrophoresis (Fig. Daland GA, Castle WB. 2 E], which is consistent with previously published results (30). Clarke G, Higgins TN. HPLC was, therefore, more sensitive to the presence of HbH. Other publications have evaluated its performance, in comparison with various other technologies (6)(17)(18), in the analysis of complicated α-thalassemia and β-thalassemia syndromes in Southeast Asia (19) and in the analysis of a small patient population and a reference collection of rare hemoglobin variants (9). American Thyroid Association recommends the following in the late first trimester if local reference ranges for TSH are unavailable: Reduce lower reference range by 0.4mU/L | Reduce upper reference range by 0.5mU/L; After first trimester: Use non-pregnant reference ranges as TSH increases due to increased production of placental deiodinase An accurate HbA2 value for this purpose represents the sum of the HbA2 and HbA2′ peaks (29)(30). Blood HbA1c test levels are reflective of how well diabetes is controlled. Visual examination of the elution pattern for each specimen is required and is particularly important for laboratories with a patient population at high risk for α-thalassemia, HbH disease, and HbBarts hydrops fetalis. Although the retention times for HbD-Punjab and HbG-Philadelphia were statistically different (P = 0.015), there was no statistical difference in %Hb (P = 0.21). Prenatal and postnatal diagnoses of thalassemias and hemoglobinopathies by HPLC. Two hemoglobin variants, HbTy Gard (data not shown) and HbTwin Peaks (Fig. As the average amount of plasma glucose increases, the fraction of glycated hemoglobin increases in a … These data demonstrate that HPLC is an excellent, powerful diagnostic tool for the direct identification of hemoglobin variants with a high degree of precision in the quantification of major and minor, normal and abnormal, hemoglobin fractions. Hardison RC, Chui DHK, Giardine B, Riemer C, Patrinos GP, Anagnou N, et al. The SD for the retention times of HbF, HbA0, HbA2, and the 15 variants seen on three or more occasions showed no correlation with the retention time or the %Hb, demonstrating that it is independent of these two variable. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. To eliminate the possibility of incorrectly designating an elution peak as HbF, 16 months into the study the laboratory began performing electrophoresis on all samples with a HbF fraction >7%, which was not age appropriate. The laboratory diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies and thalassemias, both of which are common, may be required (a) to confirm a provisional diagnosis, such as significant sickling disorders or β-thalassemia major; (b) to explain a hematologic abnormality such as anemia, microcytosis, or polycythemia; (c) to identify an abnormality in the presymptomatic phase, as in neonatal screening; (d) to predict serious disorders of globin-chain synthesis in the fetus and offer the option of termination of pregnancy; (e) to permit genetic counseling of prospective parents; and (f) to allow preoperative screening for the presence of sickle cell hemoglobin (1). All specimens were analyzed on the Bio-Rad Variant II HPLC system with use of the Variant II β-Thalassemia Short Program Reorder Pack (Bio-Rad Laboratories) as described in the instruction manual for the assay. HbTy Gard appeared to have a unique retention time, whereas HbTwin Peaks had a characteristic chromatogram in which there was a hump on the downward slope of the HbA0 elution peak (Fig. This allows for better separation than the typical particle size of 5um that are used in HPLC. It is predicted that HbJ-Meerut can be differentiated and identified based solely on its retention time (d = 0.12 min from HbJ-Mexico). Alkaline and acid hemoglobin electrophoresis, and in certain cases globin chain electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and DNA analysis, were performed to document the identities of the hemoglobin variants. 9–12 Therefore, use of nonpregnant reference ranges result in the overdiagnosis of hyperthyroid states and under-recognition of hypothyroid states. Codrington JF, Li H-W, Kutlar F, Gu L-H, Ramachandran M, Huisman THJ. The fast, anodal band is HbJ-Toronto, the band in the A position is a combination of HbA and the HbSJ-Toronto hybrid, and the band in the S position is HbS. HbA2′ is a δ-globin variant commonly found in ∼1–2% of the African-American population with West African heritage (29). The normal range for serum ALP is 30-125 unit/L [8,15]. Guideline: the laboratory diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies. The blood test for the HbA1c level is routinely performed in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Much of the published literature on the use of HPLC for the investigation of hemoglobinopathies and thalassemias has evaluated its effectiveness in newborn-screening programs (13)(14)(15)(16). Although the retention time was not sufficient to distinguish the two groups, the groups could be distinguished by the %Hb. Joutovsky A, Nardi M. HbC and HbO-Arab variants can be diagnosed using the Bio-Rad Variant II high performance liquid chromatography system without further confirmatory tests. 1 . Variant seen in conjunction with HbS. Birth Clubs. The use of automated HPLC to detect and quantitate haemoglobins. Ou C-N, Rognerud CL. this change and incorporates the normal lower serum sodium in pregnancy is important. Methods: We analyzed all samples on the Bio-Rad Variant II HPLC system. On acid electrophoresis, the two hemoglobin variants, however, had mobilities identical to HbA but not HbC. The CVs of the retention time normalized to the retention time for HbA0 or the retention time for HbA2 at each occurrence for each of the 15 variants were calculated. KFT Test Normal Range/ Values. In the early stages of your pregnancy it’s more important that your normal beta hcg levels or numbers continually increase, rather than always being at the higher end of the range. HbE-Saskatoon appeared to have a unique retention time (d = 0.11 min compared with HbG-Philadelphia and d = 0.18 min compared with HbS). Although the retention times for HbJ-Anatolia and HbJ-Mexico did not appear to be significantly different (d = 0.01 min), the retention time for HbJ-Oxford appeared to be significantly different (d = 0.15 min and 0.16 min, respectively). The retention time for each fraction is shown with the peak. For normal hemoglobin fractions and hemoglobin variants, we recorded and analyzed their retention times, their proportion of the total hemoglobin (%), and the peak characteristics. We describe a 32-month prospective study in a clinical diagnostic laboratory in which we evaluated the imprecision of HPLC retention times and determined the retention times for hemoglobin variants seen in a multiethnic setting. 3 , lanes 2, 3, 5, and 6, respectively), but their retention times were significantly different (1.39, 1.49, 1.73, and 2.43 min, respectively). Reference ranges are the values expected for a healthy person. The mean (SD) for the individual SDs of the retention times observed in these different hemoglobins was 0.026 (0.016) min. (B), HbKöln elutes at a retention time of 2.26 min and the characteristic denatured HbKöln at retention time 4.87 min. 2B ). haute performance (HPLC) • la chromatographie en couche mince (CCM). The diagnosis of these members is often only inferred by the electrophoretic mobility, %Hb, and ethnicity of the patient. In addition to the elution peak for the intact hemoglobin at retention time 2.26 min, there was a secondary peak at retention time ∼4.90 min representing the denatured HbKöln (Fig. Although HbManitoba, HbMontgomery, and HbA2′ all appeared to have identical retention times, their retention times and %Hb were statistically different from those of HbS (P <0.001 for all). In contrast to the range of 135-145mmol/L which has been proposed as a harmonised reference interval for non-pregnant women and adult men in Australia [14], a lower range of serum sodium 132-142mmol/L may be more appropriate for pregnant women [15]. For example, although the retention times for HbD-Punjab and HbG-Philadelphia were significantly different (P = 0.015) according to Student’s t-test, the difference in retention time was 0.04 min. The expected %Hb in a heterozygote is ∼45% (22). Evaluation of cation-exchange HPLC compared with isoelectric focusing for neonatal hemoglobinopathy screening. Variant seen in conjunction with HbS (mother) and with β-thalassemia trait (child). A simple and rapid method for demonstrating sickling of the red blood cells: the use of reducing agents. The SD, the measure of the variation around the mean for the retention time, was therefore used to predict the statistical difference of the retention time of a variant seen fewer than three times from that of another variant. 3 , lane 6). Ranney HM, Jacobs AS, Nagel RL. The separated hemoglobin fractions pass through a flow cell, where absorbance is measured at 415 nm; background noise is reduced with the use of a secondary wavelength at 690 nm. Similarly, HbC and HbE-Saskatoon exhibited identical mobilities on the Helena Hemoglobin Electrophoresis System (data not shown) and very similar mobilities on alkaline SPIFE (Fig. The aim of the present study was to analyze laboratory aspects, namely, hematological profile and HPLC findings of the hemoglobin variants detected, and to discuss problems that we faced in diagnosis in a routine clinical laboratory. (H), HbO-Arab elution demonstrating the characteristic minor peak at 3.98 min, which is absent in HbC samples. Menstrual age 8 weeks 4 days. Observations on the levels of HbA2 in patients with different β-thalassemia mutations and a δ chain variant. Cation-exchange HPLC evaluated for presumptive identification of hemoglobin variants. Nevertheless, these electrophoretic methods are still not able, in most cases, to separate HbD from HbG and HbLepore and, in some cases, HbE from HbO-Arab (2). Alkaline hemoglobin electrophoresis performed on Helena SPIFE 3000. The normal range of hemoglobin in an adult woman is: 12 to 15.8 g/dl or 120 to 158 g/L when not pregnant. A difference (d) in the retention time of two hemoglobins greater than the mean of the individual SDs + 2 SD [0.026 + (2 × 0.016) = 0.058 min] was considered significant. Indeed, many laboratories do not even report normal Normal levels of glucose produce a normal amount of glycated hemoglobin. The identification of variants is dependent on the technical performance of electrophoresis, which has many variables, e.g., hemoglobin concentration, amperage, running temperature, and length of electrophoresis run. Laboratory test results are not meaningful by themselves. The retention time alone (n = 18) or in conjunction with either the %Hb (n = 3) or the peak characteristics (n = 4) could identify 25 of the hemoglobin variants seen in this series. The mean retention times and %Hb values for HbF, HbA0, and HbA2 were calculated based on the first five normal specimens assayed in each month of the study period. HbLepore could be differentiated and identified based solely on its retention time. %Hb determined in heterozygous state only. Although HbG-Honolulu and HbKorle-Bu appeared to have significantly different retention times (d = 0.06 min), the lower %Hb [27.4% vs 46.5 (3.7)%, respectively] and characteristic chromatogram of HbG-Honolulu allowed further differentiation of the two variants. HbG-Honolulu, an α-variant, showed the presence of the characteristic minor HbA2 variant peak (α2G-Honoluluδ2) immediately after the variant peak, which was missing in HbOsu-Christiansborg, a β-variant. The simplicity of the automated system with internal sample preparation, superior resolution, rapid assay time, and accurate quantification of hemoglobin fractions makes this an ideal methodology for the routine clinical laboratory (5)(6). HbTy Gard (data not shown) and HbTwin Peaks (Fig. It was postulated in that report that the decrease in HbA2 may be attributable to either coelution with the HbA0 or the HbD-Punjab peaks or the mutation itself influencing the amount of δ-chain. The liver function tests were: total bilirubin 6 μmol/L, alkaline phosphatase 178 IU/L, alanine transaminase 42 IU/L, and albumin 34 g/L. 2 for HbKöln, HbTwin Peaks, HbLepore, HbHasharon, and HbO-Arab. HbTy Gard appeared to have a retention time significantly different from that of HbJ-Bangkok (d = 0.18 min). represents the retention time in minutes for each fraction to elute; % represents the percentage of hemoglobin in the elution peak. More importantly, identification of the common variants (i.e., HbC, HbD-Punjab, HbE, HbG-Philadelphia, HbHope, HbLepore, HbO-Arab, and HbS) that in combination with HbS lead to a clinically significant sickling disorder can be quickly and accurately accomplished by use of such algorithms without the need for confirmatory testing. In conclusion, this is the first report of a large prospective study on the use of HPLC for determining the presence and identities of hemoglobin variants in a clinical laboratory setting. Elution chromatograms of patient specimens on Bio-Rad Variant II HPLC System. To date, evaluations of the performance and use of HPLC technologies in the diagnostic laboratory have been in relation to newborn screening (13)(14)(15)(16), screening specific ethnic populations (19), evaluation of patients studied because of the presence of an abnormal hemoglobin component, and evaluation of stored library samples (9). The band was noted only after a more concentrated solution was analyzed by electrophoresis. Because the range of retention times for HbKorle-Bu straddled both the A2 and D windows, one-half of the specimens seen in this series fell in the A2 window although the mean retention time was in the D window. HbBarts, the γ4 tetramer, will be present when HbF production is increased, i.e., generally in the newborn period, whereas HbH, the β4 tetramer, will be present when β-chain production is significant, i.e., >1 year of age. Did any of you take these tests in your pregnancy What is the significance of these blood test HPLC has been shown to be a sensitive, specific, and reproducible alternative to electrophoresis. Though usually, a KFT test report does highlight the parameters which are outside their specific range. For hemoglobin elution peaks with retention times <0.63 min, the proportion of total hemoglobin (%Hb) was determined by densitometry of the alkaline electrophoresis gel using the QuickScan 2000 (Helena Laboratories) and/or manual calculation.
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