Firstly, the gender policy context as well as the gender pay gap indicator and the adjustment (decomposition) method are introduced. The unadjusted gender pay gap is defined as the difference between the average gross hourly earnings of men and women expressed as a percentage of the average gross hourly earnings of men. Der Gender Pay Gap beschreibt den geschlechtsspezifischen Verdienstunterschied zwischen Frauen und Männern. Unadjusted gender pay gap (W/M%*): please indicate both levels and trends: The nation-wide gender pay gap is 84 %. We find, however, that there is still much work to be done. Global Guy Talk is an initiative by the Swedish non-profit foundation Make Equal. It says that ‘actual monthly wages’ should be used when comparing wages. This website uses cookies. Selbstverständliche müssen unterschiedliche Berufe … Interesting? A cookie is stored on your device to give you a better experience of the website. Die Ausgaben des schwedischen Staates für Kinderkrippen, Kindergärten und Vorschulen lagen 2017 bei zwei Prozent des Bruttoinlandsproduktes, in Österreich dagegen nur bei 0,6 Prozent. That is more than the entire annual budget for the Swedish defence. Each physical blow and/or instance of sexual and psychological degradation against the woman is taken into account. Others call them ‘latte dads’. However, it is not easy to determine whether violence against women has increased, as many cases go unreported. The so-called parental insurance enabled couples to take six months’ off work per child, with each parent entitled to half of the days. Main results. There is a wide range of views on what should be done to close the gender pay gap. On the average board of a Swedish stock market company, about one in three were women in 2018 – a great increase compared with a few years earlier. Despite slower progress towards gender equality than other EU Member States, Sweden has maintained its rank since 2005. In Sweden’s Gender Equality Barometer report for 2015 (in Swedish), the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) criticised the way the wage gap is usually measured. Cases of discrimination can be reported to the Swedish Equality Ombudsman (Diskrimineringsombudsmannen), a goverment agency that protects equal rights. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, The tripartite EU agency providing knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies. So,… Prostitution Policy in Sweden – targeting demand Around one-third of the decrease is due to rises in pay, and the rest to the altered composition of the workforce. With 83.6 out of 100 points, Sweden ranks first in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. In 2005, the offence was incorporated into the Swedish Penal Code. However, because the data are organised according to occupation rather than collective agreement, occupations were categorised into different agreements based on the MI’s knowledge of the structure of the labour market. The initiative is called the Gender Mainstreaming in Government Agencies (GMGA) programme, and its goal is to integrate gender equality in all aspects of each agency’s work. Apart from the suffering caused, the total cost of healthcare, sick leave, police investigations, trials and imprisonment amounts to SEK 45 billion a year. In der Schweiz liegt der Gender Pay Gap bei 18,3 Prozent. Im Jahr 2019 erhielten Frauen in Schweden durchschnittlich eine um rund 28,1 Prozent geringere Rente als die Männer. The MI used official wage data for the analysis. The overarching Swedish principle for gender equality is that everyone, regardless of gender, has the right to work and support themselves, to balance career and family life, and to live without the fear of abuse or violence. The first woman in government: Karin Kock. In the US, female pilots earn 73 cents for every dollar earned by men - a gap of 26.6% - which is five times larger than the US adjusted gender pay gap of 4.9%. Want inspiration rather than statistics? Women and men, girls and boys, must have the same right and access to physical integrity. Information and Communication Technologies, COVID-19: Implications for employment and working life, Working conditions and sustainable work: An analysis using the job quality framework, European Working Conditions Surveys (EWCS), European Monitoring Centre on Change - EMCC, European Observatory on Quality of Life - EurLIFE, European Observatory of Working Life - EurWORK, Database of wages, working time and collective disputes, Sweden: New research on the gender pay gap, report on equality in working life (in Swedish, 4 MB PDF), aims to explain the decrease of the wage gap (in Swedish, 900 KB PDF), different types of collective agreement differently affect the gap (in Swedish, 1.9 MB PDF), more centralised wage-setting decreases the risk of gaps emerging (in Swedish), seven different agreement construction types (in Swedish, 155 KB PDF), this could be considered ‘value discrimination’ (in Swedish), Sweden’s Gender Equality Barometer report for 2015 (in Swedish), the gender pay gap using the Structure of Earnings Survey data. The nation-wide gender pay gap has decreased with two percentage units the last ten years. explore the magnitude and composition of the gender pay gap both as an average of the country aggregate and for 26 single countries. It may be more than most countries, but was still a drop from the 2010 and the 2006 elections. The maximum sentence for a gross violation of a woman’s integrity is six years’ imprisonment. The Swedish National Mediation Agency (MI) also published two reports on the same topic, both in the summer of 2015. In 2007, the increase was between 1.1 and 1.6 percentage points higher than the cost mark, and in the following three years the increase was between 0.4 and 0.7 percentage points higher. The results show that the gender pay gap can be linked to the distribution of highly valued tasks and responsibilities as well as how work is distributed between the men and women of the organisations. In what follows, we summarize the main results of our study. In 1995, the first pappamånad – ‘daddy month’ – was introduced, with 30 days of leave reserved for the father on a use-it-or-lose-it basis. While Swedish women are more educated than Swedish men, the average gender pay gap of 4.5 percentage points cannot be explained. As the above chart shows, the gender pay gap is greater in certain professions than others. Equal Pay Day in Sweden The Swedish Women's Lobby has initiated the campaign 16:00 – TIME FOR PAY ALL DAY!. By comparing the seven different agreement construction types (in Swedish, 155 KB PDF), ranging from those where wage increases and their distribution is decided at the sectoral level, to those where all wages are set at the local level, the MI has analysed the wage development for so-called ‘identical individuals’ between 2009 and 2013. Im Jahr 2017 beträgt dieser Unterschied 3,5 Prozentpunkte. With a feminist government and a law against gender discrimination, how come Swedish board rooms are still heavily male-dominated? This is one of the challenges on the Swedish gender equality agenda. Der Gender Pay Gap in Schweden beträgt 13,2 Prozent, der bereinigte (gleiche Branche, gleiches Alter, gleicher Wohnort) sogar nur 4,2 Prozent. The concept is simple: a group of men get together and start talking about things that men rarely talk about. However, LO’s recipe for equal wages is equal working time, and value discrimination is not seen as a major issue. Diese Statistik zeigt das geschlechtsspezifische Rentengefälle (Gender Pension Gap) in Schweden im Zeitraum 2010 bis 2019. In 2002, this was extended to two ‘daddy months’, or 60 days. Oh Gott, nicht schon wieder ein Video zum Gender Pay Gap! It is also about the qualitative aspects, ensuring that the knowledge and experience of both men and women are used to promote progress in all aspects of society. The tool takes education, problem-solving, responsibility, social skills and physical and mental working conditions into account. Another way of illustrating the current pay gap of 9.9 per cent is to say that women basically work without pay from around 16:12. Global figures indicate that about 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced physical and/or sexual violence, often within a relationship. The third study by Statistics Sweden looks at both unadjusted gender wage gap and the standardised gap in 2002. The MI found that around 30% of the decrease is due to the wage increase effect, while the workforce composition effect explains 60%–70% of the gap closure. Men’s wages are still higher than women’s in Sweden. Im Zehnjahresvergleich hat sich der Gender Pay Gap von 25,1% (2008) auf 20,4% (2018) verringert. Following a 2017 expansion of the law, the preventive work includes harassment related to all grounds for discrimination: an employer’s sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation and age. Definite progress has been made since Karin Kock became the first woman in the Swedish government in 1947. In the data, salaries are listed as full-time and include solid supplements and a large number of variable increments in addition to the fixed salary. GENDER PAY GAP – die geschlechtsspezifische Lohnlücke und ihre Ursachen Christina Klenner, WSI, unter Mitarbeit von Susanne Schulz und Sarah Lillemeier ... Schweden Ungarn Frankreich Dänemark Niederlande Slowakei Estland 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Verein. One example of a female-dominated occupation and a male-dominated occupation that were grouped together were elementary school teacher and mechanical engineer. In 2017, around 28,000 cases of violence against women over the age of 18 were recorded in Sweden. Since 2006, Sweden has never ranked lower than fourth. Women’s average monthly salaries in Sweden are less than 88 per cent of men’s – 95.5 per cent when differences in choice of profession and sector are taken into account (2016). Often considered a gender equality role model, Sweden has come a long way. But some of them seem to have more to do with gender. The delegation’s final report on equality in working life (in Swedish, 4 MB PDF) was published in June 2015. Sweden believes that women and men should have equal power to shape society and their own lives. But if the Global Gender Gap Report is anything to go by, the global labour market is far from gender equal. Im Global Gender Gap Report des World Economic Forum von 2017 bilden Island, Norwegen, Finnland und Schweden (gemeinsam mit Ruanda als einzigem nicht-skandinavischen Land) die Top 5 der Länder, in denen der sogenannte Gender-Gap … This is partly due to changing attitudes that encourage more women to speak out. The delegation grouped occupations using a tool developed by the Swedish Equality Ombudsman to compare equivalent work. The government, which generally has a very limited role in wage-related issues, appointed a delegation in 2011 to investigate gender equality in working life with a special focus on pay. Fragen nach dem Gehalt sind in Deutschland häufig tabu. Reducing the gender pay gap is one of the key priorities of gender policies at the EU and national levels. It could be vulnerability, love, friendship… The project aims to give men the chance to contribute to a more equal society by starting with themselves. The delegation also found that in many female-dominated professions the wage gap between the lowest-paid and highest-paid person was relatively small. Over the years, the number of reported cases of violence against women in Sweden has risen significantly. The Swedish government has commissioned the Swedish Gender Equality Agency to support government agencies with the work of integrating a gender perspective in all of their operations. In fact, if this development continues at the same pace, the boards of listed companies in Sweden will be gender-equal within ten years. Sweden’s current Act on Violence against Women came into force in 1998. In 2007, the increase was between 1.1 and 1.6 percentage points higher than the cost mark, and in the following three years the increase was between 0.4 and 0.7 percentage points higher. If the father decided not to use that month off work, the couple would lose one month’s paid leave. For example, in Sweden each and every rape is registered as a separate crime, which is not the case in all countries. Photo: Lieselotte van der Meijs/ The MI found two reasons to explain the shrinking gap: During the most recent bargaining rounds, collective agreements covering workforces with a large share of women have set higher wage increases compared to the ‘cost-mark’ set by the industry agreement. The MI found the adjusted gap to be 4.2%. Sweden has come a long way in making sure that women and men are treated equally in the workplace. The act made it illegal to buy sexual services in Sweden – along with procurement, which was already forbidden – without punishing the prostitute. According to 2018 Global Gender Gap report it will take the world 108 years to close the gender gap. There were some changes to enforcement of the gender pay gap reporting regulations for the 2020/21 reporting year (which used a snapshot date of either 31 March 2020 or 5 April 2020). At the EU level, the European Commission prioritised "reducing the gender pay, earnings and pension gaps and thus fighting poverty among women" as one of the key areas in its "Strategic engagement for gender equality 2016-2019". Every third woman and every tenth man in Sweden work part-time. However, there’s a hitch: nine out of ten people who appoint the board members are men. Still, a pay gap remains. If you want more information, read about. The analysis showed that occupation was the single most important variable to explain the wage difference. Despite the fact that Swedish statesman Birger Jarl banned rape already in the 1250s, Sweden battles with among the highest rape statistics in the world today. Stockholmskällan, UN Photo, Riksbanken, Reijo Rüster, Ragnhild Haarstad/TT, Wikimedia, The government uses the ‘F word’ to stress that gender equality is vital to society and that more needs to be done to achieve it. Increased gender equality would also strengthen integration. Parents in Sweden are entitled to 480 days of paid parental leave. Sweden works actively to defend and strengthen the rights of women and girls. The 16:12 movement strives for its own name to continue changing until women no longer ‘work for free’. It's a joint project between: Copyright © Between 2005 and 2017, Sweden’s score increased by 4.8 points (+ 1 point since 2015) and it is 16.2 points above the EU’s score. There’s still room for more gender equality in the boardroom. This means that it can be difficult for employees within these professions to increase their salaries, and that there is little, if any, financial reward for professional development. Furthermore, this pattern was present in all age groups. A school reform allows girls to be educated, Widows, divorcees and unmarried women entitled to work in certain areas, All women gain the right to vote (Left: Elin Wägner with 350,000 signatures for this cause), Three months' paid maternity leave for working women, Alva Myrdal, the first woman to hold a high position in the UN, here chairing a UN disarmament meeting, Parental leave replaces maternity leave (Weightlifter 'Hoa-Hoa', above, was later used to promote daddy leave, even though he didn't take any himself), Abortion permitted until 18th week of pregnancy, Gender discrimination in the workplace made illegal, New law on gender equality (replaced by the Discrimination Act in 2009), Parental leave: 480 days – two months reserved for each parent, Parental leave updated: three months of parental leave reserved for each parent, Photos, from the top: Wikimedia Commons, Jason Briscoe, Wikimedia Commons, Pay differences are most obvious in the county councils, and the smallest difference is found among blue-collar workers. In most cases the perpetrators were men, and in more than half of these cases (17,600) the perpetrators were known to the women. Childcare is guaranteed to all parents and the aim is that nursery school and pre-school should be affordable for all. This imbalance is caused partly by the supply and demand of labour, and partly by differences between salaries in the private and the public sectors. calculated a gender pay gap of 21.3% for full-time workers in favour of men (based on average total remuneration). The historical gender division of these highly valued work tasks also influences the gender pay gap as Pay differences are most obvious in the county councils, and the smallest difference is found among blue-collar workers. 2013-2021 Swedish Institute.
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