Eurostat regularly publishes country factsheets on the gender pay gap situation in EU. 29 May 2019. The unadjusted gender pay gap is defined as the difference between the average gross hourly earnings of men and women expressed as a percentage of the average gross hourly earnings of men. This is often due to a selection bias, especially when the employment rate is lower for women than for men: women engaging in the labour market may have comparatively higher skills and education levels that men. The reasons for the gender pay gap go beyond the simple issue of discrimination. It is calculated for enterprises with 10 or more employees. Learn more about the factors of the gender pay gap. The profession with the largest differences in hourly earnings in the EU were managers: 23 % lower earnings for women than for men. Here defined as industry, construction and services except public administration and defence and compulsory social security: Gender pay gap statistics - tables and figures, A Union of Equality: Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025, A decomposition of the unadjusted gender pay gap using Structure of Earnings Survey data, The life of women and men in Europe - A statistical portrait, Labour market (including Labour Force Survey, Gender pay gap in unadjusted form - Nace Rev. European Parliament resolution of 30 January 2020 on the gender pay gap (2019/2870(RSP))The European Parliament, – having regard to Articles 2 and 3(3) of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), – having regard to The gender pay gap in Spain, National reports on the unadjusted and adjusted gender pay gap, European Commission’s Expert Group on Gender and Employment, 2002. This research note provides an overview of the gender pay gap across the EU, with insights on how it relates to the gender gap in overall earnings and, consequently, the gender pension gap. OUR APPROACH Equal pay and opportunities are fundamental to the ethos and values of Europa Worldwide Group and we As an unadjusted indicator, the gender pay gap gives an overall picture of the differences between men and women in terms of earnings and measures a concept which is broader than the concept of "equal pay for work of equal value". Europa Gender Pay Gap 2018: Deutschland eines der EU-Schlusslichter Seite teilen In Deutschland verdienen Frauen rund ein Fünftel weniger als Männer: Gemessen am durchschnittlichen Bruttostundenverdienst der Männer lag der Gender Pay Gap 2018 bei 20 % und damit deutlich über dem Durchschnitt der EU-28 (15 %). In 2019, the gender pay gap for part-time workers varied from -5.1 % in Italy to 22.0 % in Croatia. The gender pay gap or gender wage gap is the average difference between the remuneration for men and women who are working. For the economy as a whole[1], in 2019, women's gross hourly earnings were on average 14.1 % below those of men in the European Union (EU-27) and 14.9 % in the euro area (EA-19). However, the principle of equal pay for work of equal value is enshrined in the European Treaties (article 157 TFEU) since 1957. in which women are more concentrated in low-paid sectors. It means that women earn 14.1% on average less per hour than men. 2 section E) and thirteen in the construction industry (NACE Rev. Die Daten stammen aus der Verdienststrukturerhebung. Nine Member States registered negative gender pay gaps in the water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (NACE Rev. Gender Pay Gap Statement – April 2018 Europa Worldwide Group Ltd. (including Europa Road Ltd.) 1. Die Daten stellt Eurostat zur Verfügung. However, a lower gender pay gap in certain countries does not automatically mean that women in general are better paid. In 2019, women's gross hourly earnings were on average 14.1 % below those of men in the EU. Pay gaps can also be analysed from the perspective of part-time or full-time employment. Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Communities, uses the following definition of the gender pay gap: ‘The gender pay gap is given as the difference between average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees and of female paid employees as a percentage of average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees. Find more gender pay gap statistics. Reducing the gender pay gap is one of the key priorities of gender policies at both EU and national levels. There are considerable differences between EU countries. There are considerable differences between EU countries. Gender pay gap levels vary significantly across EU For the economy as a whole 1 , in 2019, women’s gross hourly earnings were on average 14.1 % below those of menintheEuropeanUnion(EU-27)and14.9%intheeuroarea(EA-19). The awards for the smallest pay gaps go to Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania and Slovenia, where the gap is smaller than 10.0 %. Der Gender Pay Gap ist laut Eurostat 26,5% und somit der größte Gender Pay Gap in Kroatien. On the other hand, the proportion of male employees is very high (over 80%) in better-paid sectors, such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). As the gender pay gap partially can be subscribed to women’s family obligations (see fact-sheet 2), such initiatives are also relevant for the gender pay gap discussion. 2 section K) is higher than in the business economy as a whole (NACE Rev. A lower gender pay gap often occurs in countries with a lower employment rate of women. Discrimination: In some cases, women earn less than men for doing jobs of equal value. This article provides a brief overview of gender pay gap (GPG) statistics, including the unadjusted gender pay gap used to monitor imbalances in earnings between men and women. the gender pay gap using the Structure of Earnings Survey data. From reference year 2006 onwards, the unadjusted gender pay gap is based on the methodology of the Structure of earnings survey (SES) according to Regulation (EC) No 530/1999. ), Las relaciones de empleo en España [Employment relations in Spain], 1999, pp. This page was last modified on 8 March 2021, at 09:47. Main results. For the intermediate years (2015-2017) countries provide to Eurostat gender pay gap estimates benchmarked on the SES results. 2, Summaries of EU Legislation: Statistics on earnings and labour costs, European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), A gender-sensitive recovery must Die Statistik zeigt den Gender Pay Gap, d.h. den Verdienstabstand zwischen Männern und Frauen in den Ländern der Europäischen Union¹ ² ³ (EU-27) im Jahr 2019 aufgeschlüsselt nach privaten und öffentlichen Sektor (in Prozent The awards for the smallest pay gaps go to Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania and Slovenia, where the gap is smaller than 10.0 %. In 2019, the gender pay gap in financial and insurance activities varied from 6.6 % in Belgium to 38.3 % in Czechia. Despite many years of equal pay legislation, the gender pay gap was just over 16% in the European Union in 2010, with wide variations between Member States from 0.9% in Slovenia to 27.7% in Estonia. (ed. Gender pay gap: l’Europa bacchetta l’Italia sul divario retributivo L'ultimo rapporto del Comitato europeo per i diritti sociali esamina la parità di genere sul posto di lavoro in 15 Stati membri. At the EU level, the European Commission prioritised "reducing the gender pay… Then, the adjustment method is outlined and the results are 1. Women in the EU, across the economy, earn on average over 16% less per hour than men do. At the current rate of changes, it would only be closed at the breach of the next millennium. A lower gender pay gap often occurs in coun… This gender pay gap has been plateauing over the last 5 years. Sectoral segregation: Around 30% of the total gender pay gap is explained by the overrepresentation of women in relatively low-paying sectors, such as care and education. Torns, T., ‘Las asalariadas: Un mercado con género’ [Female employees: A market with gender], in Miguélez, F. and Prieto, C. Gender pay gap. Across Member States, the gender pay gap varied by 20.4 percentage points, ranging from 1.3 % in Luxembourg to 21.7 % in Estonia (Figure 1). Il fenomeno del gender pay gap sta dilagando in Europa: le donne sono sovra-rappresentate nei settori a basso reddito e sotto-rappresentate nelle posizioni decisionali.In media le donne guadagnano oltre il 16% in meno rispetto agli uomini.. The lowest numbers can be found in Slovenia (8%), Poland (7.2%), Belgium (6%), Italy and Luxembourg (5% each) and Romania (3.5%). gender pay gap ranging from 3.5 % in Romania to 25.6 % in Estonia. Eurostat computed the gender pay gap for these years on this basis. However, a lower gender pay gap in certain countries does not automatically mean that women in general are better paid. Equal Pay Day Gender Pay Gap: Es bleibt kompliziert Der Gender Pay Gap zeigt die schlechtere Bezahlung von Frauen. Gender pay gap levels vary significantly across EU, Gender pay gap much lower for young employees, Highest gender pay gap in financial and insurance activities, Gender pay gap higher in the private sector, Possible causes of the unadjusted gender pay gap. Women in the EU even earned 36.7% less than men overall in 2018. For full-time workers, pay gaps varied also widely in the EU Member States, ranging from -1.6 % in Italy to 24.1 % in Latvia. By 2050, improving gender equality would lead to an increase in EU (GDP) per capita by 6.1 to 9.6%, which amounts to €1.95 to €3.15 trillion. Infographic on the gender pay gap by EU country There are big differences across the EU, with the gender pay gap ranging from 3.5 % in Romania to 25.6 % in Estonia. Women are generally considered to be paid less than men. Tackling the gender pay gap: not without a better work-life balance. A part of the difference in earnings of men and women can be explained by differences in the average characteristics of male and female employees. A negative gender pay gap means that, on average, women's gross hourly earnings are higher than those of men. Please illustrate the main initiatives by the government to address the gender pay gap since 2005 in the public sector. 151–161. Firstly, the gender policy context and the unadjusted gender pay gap indicator are introduced. 2 section F). The gender pay gap might increase with age as a result of the career interruptions women may experience during their working life. This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication, country factsheets on the gender pay gap situation in EU, Magnitude and impact factors of the gender pay gap in EU countries, Eurostat data on gender pay gap in the EU, Archived: Causes of unequal pay between men and women, Archived: Combating pay discrimination in Member States, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights, About the European Commission's web presence, Follow the European Commission on social media. in which a significant proportion of women work part-time. The gender pay gap is generally much lower for new labour market entrants and tends to widen with age. Die meisten Frauen, die in diesem Sektor arbeiten verfügen über eine sekundäre Ausbildung, während die meisten Männer eine höhere Ausbildung haben. In total, women have more work hours per week than men, which might affect their career choices. Work-Life Balance: Women spend fewer hours in paid work than men on average but more hours in unpaid work. In 2019, the majority of the EU countries (for which data are available) recorded a higher gender pay gap (in absolute terms) in the private sector than in the public sector. Italien einen recht geringen „Gender Pay Gap“ aufweist. How big is the gender wage gap in the EU? Europa Gender Pay Gap in der Europäischen Union Seite teilen Der Gender Pay Gap ist die Differenz des durchschnittlichen Bruttostundenverdienstes (ohne Sonderzahlungen) der Frauen und Männer im Verhältnis zum Bruttostundenverdienst der Männer. In most countries, the gender pay gap is decreasing, whereas it is even growing in a few. They are a consequence of various inequalities women face in access to work, progression and rewards. Information at this level of detail is not available, however, for all EU Member States (Figure 2). In most countries the gender pay gap is decreasing, whereas it is even growing in a few. In 2019, the highest gender pay gap in the EU was recorded in Estonia (21.7 %) and the lowest in Luxembourg (1.3 %). Gender Pay Gap in Europa Die beiden folgenden Graphiken veranschaulichen die unterschiedlichen Höhen der Lohnlücke in Europa. OUR APPROACH Equal pay and opportunities are fundamental to the ethos and values of Europa Worldwide Group and we — Destatis (@destatis) January 5, 2018 Zudem fällt auf, dass z.B. At EU level, the European Commission prioritised "reducing the gender pay, earnings and pension gaps and thus fighting poverty among women" as one of the key areas in the framework of the A Union of Equality: Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025. The unadjusted gender pay gap indicator is used to monitor imbalances in earnings between men and women. Gender pay gap versus gender pension gap, age 65-79, in 2017 Source: Eurostat, European Commission, own calculations. In all EU Member States, except Belgium and Spain, the gender pay gap in the financial and insurance activities (NACE Rev. Gender Equality Index 2020 was recently acknowledged as a reliable measurement tool for gender equality in the European Union, in an audit carried out by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre.Read more about the Gender Equality Index. It is also interesting to note the economic sectors for which a significant number of Member States recorded negative gender gaps. 2 aggregate B to N). Gender pay gap levels vary significantly across EU. PDF - Frauen in der Wirtschaft Publikation: Unbereinigter Gender Pay-Gap Gender Pay Gap bei Managerinnen und Managern im europäischen Vergleich in Prozent PDF, 330 KB Öffnet PDF "Unbereinigter Gender Pay-Gap" in neuem the gender pay gap as women are overrepresented in frontline, low-paid, and precarious jobs such as carers for the elderly and children, nurses, cleaning staff, shop assistants and teachers. Still, there are huge differences between the EU countries. In its conclusions, the Council calls on the Commission to step up the efforts to reduce the gender pay gap and gender gaps in care, using all available measures, and to follow up the measures set out in the EU Action Plan 2017 – 2019 on Tackling the gender pay gap. A breakdown for the different sectors of the economy also reveals interesting patterns (Table 2). This might be due to the fact that, in most countries, pay is determined by transparent wage grids that apply equally to men and women. However, those differences over age groups can have different patterns across the countries (Table 1). The unadjusted Gender Pay Gap (GPG) represents the difference between average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees and of female paid employees as a percentage of average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees. There are large differences between member states: the biggest gender pay gap was recorded in Estonia (23%), while the EU country with the lowest gender pay gap was Romania (3%). For the economy as a whole, in 2018, women's gross hourly earnings were on average 14.8 % below those of men in the European Union ( EU-27) and 15.9 % in the euro area ( EA-19 ). The gender pay gap in the EU stands at 14.1% and has only changed minimally over the last decade. Reducing the gender pay gap (GPG) is one of the key priorities of gender policies at the EU and national levels. The glass ceiling: The position in the hierarchy influences the level of pay: less than 10% of top companies’ CEOs are women. This page has been accessed 369,536 times. Risultato: solo la Svezia rispetta le 2.3. Women in the EU earn on average almost 15% less per hour than men. This is why the EU promotes a more equal sharing of parental leaves, an adequate public provision of childcare services and adequate company policies on flexible working time arrangements. The most recent reference years available for the SES are 2014 and 2018. Bei Eurostat liest man: „The gender pay gap is also a key indicator in the framework of the Strategic engagement for gender equality 2016-2019 of the European Commission.” The gender pay gap ranges from less than 8% in Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland and Romania to more than 20% in Czechia, Germany, Estonia and United Kingdom. A high pay gap is usually characteristic of a labour market. The gender wage gap in the EU Across the EU, the pay gap differs widely, being the highest in Estonia (25.6%), the Czech Republic (21.1%), Germany (21%), UK (20.8%), Austria (19.9%) and Slovakia (19.8%) in 2017. Women in the EU earned on average 14.1% less per hour than men in 2018 (EU27 data). Gender Pay Gap Statement – April 2019 Europa Worldwide Group Ltd. (including Europa Road Ltd.) 1. The gender pay gap ranges from less than 5% in Luxembourg, Italy and Romania to more than 19% in Austria, Germany, Latvia and Estonia. The gender pay gap varied in the private sector from 8.9 % in Belgium to 22.9 % in Germany, and in the public sector from -0.4 % in Romania to 19.7 % in Latvia.
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