[6] After trying all sorts of remedies, including doctors of all types, healers, and even the relics of Diego de Alcalá, his life was saved by a trepanation of the skull, performed by the eminent anatomist Andreas Vesalius. [9], The 15 year old Carlos was recognised in 1560 as the heir-apparent to the Castilian throne, and three years later as heir-apparent to the Crown of Aragon as well. The idea of King Philip confining and murdering his own son later played a minor role in establishing the anti-Spanish Black Legend[15][6] in England, and a major one in forming it in the Netherlands, Germany and central Europe. He asked for 24 hours to think about it and used them to consult the plan with the king who immediately denied permission for the trip. On 24 July 1568, the prince died in his room, probably as the result of his delicate health. [15] The idea of the poisoning had been held by central and north European historians, based on the pieces of propaganda produced in the Netherlands, until the 20th century, while most Spanish and Italian historians kept claiming that evidence and documentation pointed at a death by natural causes. It is suggested that the 1562 accident didn't damage his intellectual ability, even though this is unclear. von Spanien und dessen erster Gemahlin, Prinzessin Maria von Portugal. Carlos (voll Erwartung).Nun? [8] His father promised him rule over the Low Countries in 1559, before his accident, but Carlos's growing mental instability after it, along with his demonstrations of sadism, made his father hesitate and ultimately change his mind, which enraged Carlos further. Außerdem trank er große Mengen Eiswasser,[9] was zu Fieber und schweren Koliken führte. Carlos.Wenn man uns überfiele – Marquis. Der? Nach umfangreichen historischen Studien verfasste er es zwischen 1783 und 1787. [8] Als der Sommer kam, wurde es in der Dachkammer, in der man ihn eingesperrt hatte, unerträglich heiß, so dass Carlos den Steinboden mit Wasser besprengen ließ und barfuß ging. (* 1938) ist seit 1975 König von Spanien. zur Welt kam und bei dessen Geburt die junge Mutter, Maria von Portugal starb, war ein kränkliches Kind. The Venetian ambassador, Hieronymo Soranzo, thought that Carlos was "ugly and repulsive" and claimed that Carlos liked to roast animals alive and once tried to force a shoemaker to eat shoes Carlos had found unsatisfactory. He eventually informed various people in court of his desire to murder the King. Zu weiteren Bedeutungen siehe. Marquisin von Mondecar, Prinzessin von Eboli und Gräfin Fuentes, Damen der Königin. habe seinen Sohn ermorden lassen, wurde nie bestätigt. Marquis.Carl! These things were sufficient to irritate the inquisitors against the prince: they, accordingly, bent their minds to vengeance, and determined on his destruction. Juan Carlos I. Don Carlos, Infant von Spanien: Ein dramatisches Gedicht: Amazon.ca: Schiller, Friedrich: Books «Don Carlos». machte keine Reise, und als neuer Statthalter der Niederlande wurde der Feldherr Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, der dritte Herzog von Alba, ausgewählt. The prince was close to death, in terrible pain and suffering delusions. Marquis. At age eleven he ordered the whipping of a serving girl for no known reason. [7] Zu Ostern wünschte er, die Kommunion zu erhalten, was man ihm jedoch nach ausführlichen theologischen Erörterungen verweigerte. Warhaffter Abdruck deß Testaments und Codicills, welches den 2ten und 5ten Oct. deß verwichenen 1700. Cart All. [18][19] The propaganda created from it formed the basis for Friedrich Schiller's 1787 tragedy Don Karlos, Infant von Spanien; Schiller based his work on a novel written in 1672 by the French Abbé, César Vichard de Saint-Réal, which was also the source used by the English writer Thomas Otway for his play Don Carlos, Prince of Spain. Zusätzlich zu dieser körperlichen Missbildung hatte er einen Sprachfehler. The composer Verdi made Spanish Crown Prince Don Carlos (1545-1568) the hero of an opera. Director. Nur zwei Minuten – bleib. It was agreed in 1564 that Carlos should marry Anna. Das Don Carlos nachgesagte Liebesverhältnis zu seiner gleichaltrigen Stiefmutter Elisabeth von Valois ist ebenfalls Legende, beruht aber möglicherweise darauf, dass sie mit Don Carlos verlobt gewesen war, ehe sie Philipp II. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 4. Not content with this, they pursued even his friends, and obliged the king likewise to banish Don John, duke of Austria, his own brother, and consequently uncle to the prince; together with the prince of Parma, nephew to the king, and cousin to the prince, because they well knew that both the duke of Austria, and the prince of Parma, had a most sincere and inviolable attachment to Don Carlos. User Score. [10] Der Infant starb noch vor Beginn seines Prozesses an einer Verdauungsstörung. From 1554, Juan was in charge of both his education and his library. Seit 1947 war Spanien offiziell wieder ein Königreich, allerdings ohne einen König. [13], As a consequence, Carlos tried to murder John. Erbprinzessin, 1. Man wird doch nicht. Er erwog daher verschiedene andere Optionen, darunter Otto von Habsburg, dessen Haus vor den Bourbonen Spanien regiert hatte, der aber kein Interesse zeigte. Komm bald nach. Juli 1545 in Valladolid; † 24. Ich eile Voraus ins Kloster. Francisco Franco zögerte, den Thronanwärter, Juan Carlos' Vater, zu nominieren, da dieser als Gegner der Franco-Diktatur galt und eine parlamentarische Monarchie einforderte. The story of a king jailing his own son is also the basis for the Spanish play La vida es sueño (Life Is a Dream) (1635), by Pedro Calderón de la Barca; however, this play does not explicitly refer to Don Carlos, starts with a different premise, and was likely inspired by a combination of religious reflection and Plato's cavern, in the line of Spanish Neoplatonism[21]. Um seinen Sohn zu beruhigen, ernannte ihn Philipp zum Minister des Staatsrats, in dem Carlos anfangs engagiert mitarbeitete. Carlos. König von Spanien. Sven-Eric Bechtolf. Guy Bechtel, Jean-Claude Carrière: Lexikon der Sonderlinge, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag, Leipzig 2001, S. 57, Zuletzt bearbeitet am 4. La memoria de los libros. konnte nur mit ausführlichen Briefen ungute Gefühle zerstreuen. 1907 Cristina Federica Victoria Antonia de Borbón y Grecia, Infanta d'España, Duquesa de Palma de Mallorca (* 1965) ∞ 1997 Iñaki Urdangarin (* 1968) Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias 1938 ∞ 1962 Princesa Sophia de Grecia 1938 Juan Valentín de Todos Carlos's mother Maria died four days after the birth of her son from a haemorrhage she had suffered following the birth.[1]. Open Court, pp. Er regierte von 1735 bis 1759 als Carlo V. von Sizilien/Carlo VII. In reality, Don Carlos was sadly disturbed. [9] He took a dislike to the Duke of Alba, who became the commander of Philip's forces in the Netherlands, a position that had been promised to Carlos. He had no books in Latin, which was strange given his age and rank, but he had various books in Portuguese and started learning German in 1566. Common Knowledge People/Characters Juan Carlos, König von Spanien. When it came to explaining the situation to public opinion and European courts, Philip tried to explain his son's absence without disclosing his actual faults or mental condition, in hopes of an eventual recovery. This lack of transparency was used to fuel the anti-Imperial propaganda of William the Silent. August 1787 erstmals aufgeführt. Carlos lost his mother four days after his birth. The inquisitors now employed all their agents and emissaries to spread abroad the most artful insinuations against the prince; and, at length, raised such a spirit of discontent among the people, that the king was under the necessity of removing Don Carlos from court. John Foxe in his Acts and Monuments, which include what is called Foxe's Book of Martyrs, wrote about Don Carlos as follows (https://www.gutenberg.org/files/22400/22400-h/22400-h.htm, Chapter V): "One prince, indeed, intended to abolish the inquisition, but he lost his life before he became king, and consequently before he had the power so to do; for the very intimation of his design procured his destruction. Overview. Infant von Spanien." He tried to stab and kill the Duke of Alba in public and in broad daylight. Er fiel jedoch bald in sein altes, kindisches Verhalten zurück, woraufhin ihm sein Vater die Aufgabe entzog. Pessoas/Personagens por capa : Obras (6) Títulos: Ordem: El Rey; conversaciones con D. Juan Carlos I de España por José Luis … [citation needed], The descriptions of his behaviour suggest that he suffered from serious mental problems. Eben recht. Don Carlos, Infant von Spanien (2005) 05/14/2005 (DE) Drama. Don Carlos ist Schillers viertes Drama, das er als dramatisches Gedicht bezeichnete. Carlos was born at Valladolid on 8 July 1545, the son of the double first cousins Philip of Spain and María Manuela of Portugal. [12], In the autumn of 1567, he made another attempt to flee to the Netherlands by asking John of Austria to take him to Italy. Es behandelt vordergründig politisch-gesellschaftliche Konflikte – so die Anfänge des Achtzigjährigen Krieges, in dem die niederländischen Provinzen ihre Unabhängigkeit von Spanien erkämpften – und familiär-soziale Intrigen am Hofe von König … Don Carlos selbst äußerte sich zu diesem Befund anlässlich seiner Verhaftung im Jahre 1568 mit den Worten: „dass er nicht verrückt sei, sondern nur verzweifelt und dies allein die Schuld seines Vaters wäre“. Carlos, Prince of Asturias, also known as Don Carlos (8 July 1545 – 24 July 1568), was the eldest son and heir-apparent of King Philip II of Spain.His mother was Maria Manuela of Portugal, daughter of John III of Portugal.Carlos was mentally unstable and was imprisoned by his father in early 1568, dying after half a year of solitary confinement. Was Will der König? Hello Select your address Books Hello, Sign in. He had only six great-great-grandparents, instead of the maximum 16;[2] his maternal grandmother and his paternal grandfather were siblings, his maternal grandfather and his paternal grandmother were also siblings, and his two great-grandmothers were sisters. Seine Mutter starb nach den tagelangen Komplikationen bei seiner Geburt. The former emperor died in 1558, and the following year, Prince Carlos was betrothed to Elizabeth of Valois, eldest daughter of King Henry II of France. «Inventario de representaciones de La vida es sueño». Marquis.Er ließ mich rufen; ja. Und der König? People/Characters: Juan Carlos, König von Spanien. Er erkrankte schwer, und als er sich dem Tode nahe fühlte, verlangte er danach, seinen Vater zu sehen, um sich mit ihm zu versöhnen. Wer ruft? Carlos Don, infant av Spania, prins av Asturias 1545-1568 Karel, španělský infant, 1545-1568 ... ‡c Spanien, König ‡d 1527-1598 ‡e Beziehung familiaer 551 _ _ ‡a Valladolid Works Title Sources Encyclopedia Americana, 1970 ed. He was raised by his aunts and, after their marriages, with other family members. Don Carlos, der Kronprinz. Carlos. Carlos grew very thin and some had interpreted his "hunger strikes" as an eating disorder developed during his imprisonment, alternating self-starvation with heavy binges.[17]. 1971. Dezember 1788 ebenda) war König von Spanien. Rumour in the Spanish court had it that he enjoyed roasting animals alive and on one occasion blinded all the horses in the royal stables. In 1562, he suffered a serious head injury falling downstairs while chasing a serving girl. Dem Kaiserhof in Wien kam das Ende des Don Carlos verdächtig vor, und man wollte einen Sondergesandten schicken, um sich vor Ort kundig zu machen; Philipp II. Franco entschied sich dann, einige junge Bourbonen-Prinzen aus dem Exil nach Spanie… He inveighed publicly against the institution, ridiculed the affected piety of the inquisitors, did all he could to expose their atrocious deeds, end even declared, that if he ever came to the crown, he would abolish the inquisition, and exterminate its agents. Don Carlos, der 1545 als erstes Kind seines Vaters Philipp II. 4ª edición. Nicht viel… The Black Legend: Anti-Spanish Attitudes in the Old World and the New. In both works, romantic tragedies that combine nationalism and romantic love, Carlos incarnates the ideal of the romantic knight, noble and brave. [5] Es kam jedoch anders: Philipp II. consort to an Infanta naturalized as a Spanish Infante, alternating self-starvation with heavy binges, His coat of arms as the Prince of Asturias, https://www.gutenberg.org/files/22400/22400-h/22400-h.htm, "On the expected relationship between inbreeding, fitness, and extinction", "The role of inbreeding in the extinction of a European royal dynasty", "Brief account on the head injury of a noble youngster in the sixteenth century (Prince Don Carlos, heir to Philip II of Spain, 1545-1568)", Infante Pedro Carlos, Infante of Portugal, Infante Alfonso Carlos, Duke of San Jaime, Maximilian Franz, Archbishop-Elector of Cologne, Infanta Isabel, Holy Roman Empress and Queen of Spain, Miguel da Paz, Prince of Portugal and Asturias, Baltasar Carlos, Prince of Portugal and Asturias, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Carlos,_Prince_of_Asturias&oldid=1006692556, Burials in the Pantheon of Infantes at El Escorial, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2020, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with multiple identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 February 2021, at 07:11. The role of Carlos is portrayed by Canadian actor Mark Ghanimé in the CW show Reign. Dies verarbeitete Abbé de Saint-Réal in einem Roman, den Schiller dann als Vorlage für sein berühmt gewordenes Drama benutzte. Verdi's opera is probably the version of the story most familiar to modern audiences, as it is a mainstay of the operatic repertoire and is still frequently performed. Als Don Carlos siebzehn Jahre alt war, gestand er auf entsprechende Fangfragen seines Beichtvaters, dass er seinen Vater tot sehen wolle. Later generations are included although Austrian titles of nobility were abolished in 1919. Harrap edition, in English Read "Don Carlos - Friedrich Schiller Infant von Spanien" by Simply Passion available from Rakuten Kobo. Pessoas/Personagens: Juan Carlos, König von Spanien. The attempted assassination was fruitless because one of the servants, knowing the prince full well, had discharged the gun while the prince called John. Don Carlos war der älteste Sohn König Philipps II. Don Carlos war der älteste Sohn König Philipps II. Read "Don Carlos Infant von Spanien Das Original von Friedrich Schiller" by Simply Passion available from Rakuten Kobo. He is presented as the lover of young Isabel of Valois, Philip's wife, as they both fight for freedom and for their love against a cruel, despotic, merciless, and far-too-old-for-Isabel Philip II and his court of equally cruel and despotic Spaniards. Peter Schönhofer. In one of his chaotic actions he confessed the plot to Ruy Gómez de Silva, Prince of Eboli, who loyally informed the king. John was loyal to the king and aware of Carlos's mental state. Schiller's play was adapted into several operas, most notably Giuseppe Verdi's Don Carlos (1867, also known under its Italian title, Don Carlo). 92–93, 101. He planned on fleeing to the Netherlands and declaring himself king, with the support of the rebels. The young Infante Carlos was delicate and deformed. [4] Andererseits hoffte er, dass der König ihn nach einer gemeinsamen Reise in die Niederlande und einer friedlichen Lösung zum neuen Statthalter der Niederlande machen würde. Die Königin – Carlos.Du warst bei meinem Vater? Don Karlos, Infant von Spanien ist ein Drama von Friedrich Schiller. Also, had he lived long enough to the onset of the Portuguese succession crisis two decades later, he would have had a better claim to the Portuguese throne (in the aftermath of the extinction of the House of Aviz) than his father as he was the eldest surviving grandson of King John III of Portugal. His frustration and mental problems were useful for the rebel factions in the Low Countries. Skip to main content.ca. Ah, du bist's! Januar 1716 in Madrid; 14. (Er will fort.) (1984) 537–563, Pérez, Joseph. Gonzalo Sánchez-Molero, José Luis (2004). He charged his gun and called John of Austria to his room, where he tried to shoot him repeatedly. Marquis von Posa kommt durch die Galerie.
Don Carlos ist Schillers viertes Drama, das er als dramatisches Gedicht bezeichnete. Fernández Álvarez, Manuel (2006). [11][6] After his recovery, Carlos became even wilder, more unstable in his temper and unpredictable in his behaviour. His death was used as one of the core elements of the Spanish Black Legend in the Netherlands, which needed to justify a revolt against the king. In 1565, Carlos made contacts with a representative of Count Egmont and Philip of Montmorency, from the Low Countries, who were among the leaders of the revolt against Philip. Juli 1568 in Madrid), war Infant von Spanien aus dem Haus Österreich und als solcher von 1560 bis zu seinem Tod 1568 Fürst von Asturien. Carlos got so irate that he tried to attack John with his bare hands. Some few years after, the prince having shown great lenity and favour to the protestants in the Netherlands, the inquisition loudly exclaimed against him, declaring, that as the persons in question were heretics, the prince himself must necessarily be one, since he gave them countenance. [citation needed], His health was always weak. von Spanien und dessen erster Gemahlin, Prinzessin Maria von Portugal. In short, they gained so great an ascendency over the mind of the king, who was absolutely a slave to superstition, that, shocking to relate, he sacrificed the feelings of nature to the force of bigotry, and, for fear of incurring the anger of the inquisition, gave up his only son, passing the sentence of death on him himself. «Lectura y bibliofilia en el príncipe don Carlos (1545–1568), o la alucinada búsqueda de la 'sabiduría'». There is debate about whether he actually tried to do so. Carlos had only four great-grandparents instead of the maximum of eight,[2][3] and his parents had the same coefficient of co-ancestry (1/4) as if they were half siblings. Estudios sobre la historia del escrito y de la lectura en Europa y América Tomo I (Instituto de Historia del Libro y de la Lectura): 705–734. Retrieved 5 November de 2010. Don Carlos, spanisch: Carlos de Austria (* 8. [22] He was portrayed as a sexual deviant, who enjoyed being whipped, and showed interest in ruling Scotland with a crown matrimonial. His mother was Maria Manuela of Portugal, daughter of John III of Portugal. Herzogin von Olivarez, Oberhofmeisterin. Portug. Don Carlos, Infant Von Spanien: Ein Dramatisches Gedicht: Books - Amazon.ca. Im April 1562 fiel er eine Treppe herunter und verletzte sich schwer am Kopf, was eine lange Krankheit auslöste, die man mit exzessivem Reliquienkult zu heilen suchte.[3]. [6] His father was forced to move him away from any position of power. His paternal grandfather, Emperor Charles V, was the reigning king of Spain. With Sven-Eric Bechtolf, Johanna Wokalek, Philipp Hauß, Patrick O. Beck. Directed by Peter Schönhofer. Als ältester legitimer Sohn seines Vaters war Carlos Thronfolger von Spanien. Relación del doctor Dionisio Daza Chacón sobre la herida de cabeza del príncipe Carlos; CODOIN, vol.XVIII, pags. Said library was based on books on Spanish history, Aragonese history, Portuguese history, Mathematics, Astronomy and Cartography. At age 14 he fell ill with malaria,[6] which provoked severe deformations in his legs and spinal column. Carl! However, for political reasons, and for his father's mistrust on Carlos's temper, she instead married his father, King Philip, in 1560. Carlos also tried a hunger strike, in which he failed. Finally, the King gave him a position in the Council of Castile and another in the Council of Aragon. Dieser Artikel beschreibt den spanischen Infanten des 16. «El Príncipe Don Carlos, un problema de Estado para Felipe II», Conferencia extraordinaria en la XXVIII edición de los Cursos de Verano de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, a cargo de Joseph Pérez, Premio Príncipe de Asturias de Ciencias Sociales 2014, 22 de julio de 2015. He showed no interest in the councils or in familiarising himself with political matters through them. Jacques Breuer (on the left), Rolf Boysen (in the Middle) in "Don Carlos. [citation needed], In 1567, the prince gave new proofs of mental instability. Common Knowledge People/Characters Juan Carlos, König von Spanien. Carlos, Prince of Asturias, also known as Don Carlos (8 July 1545 – 24 July 1568), was the eldest son and heir-apparent of King Philip II of Spain. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. ... auffgerichtet und den folgenden 1. Dieser verriet diese Aussage an Philipp II., wodurch der etwas zurückgebliebene Don Carlos noch stärker unter klerikale Aufsicht gestellt wurde. English: Juan Carlos I (born 1938) was king of Spain from 1975 to 2014. April 2020 um 10:42, Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Don_Carlos&oldid=198455230, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Many of his physical and psychological afflictions may have stemmed from the inbreeding common to his family, the House of Habsburg, and the royal houses of Portugal (House of Aviz) and Spain. He tried to throw a servant who bothered him through the window of the highest floor of the palace, and also tried to kill a guard who had also displeased him that same year. von Neapel und Sizilien und von 1759 bis 1788 als Carlos III. This only made Carlos more furious, since both organisations were important but ultimately consultative. Select from premium König Juan Carlos Von Spanien of the highest quality. Madrid: Espasa Calpe. His fate was a theme in Spain's Black Legend, and inspired a play by Friedrich Schiller and an opera by Giuseppe Verdi. José Manuel Trives Pérez, ed. Inhalt Franz Peter Wirths Fernsehadaption von Friedrich Schillers Drama "Don Carlos" über Intrigen am spanischen Königshof des 16. Felipe II y su tiempo. Der Verdacht, Philipp II. [6][14] Since Carlos threatened ending his own life, the king banned him from having knives or forks in his room. April 2020 um 10:42 Uhr bearbeitet. «1568: Annus horribilis-El príncipe don Carlos p.395-425». "La Leyenda Negra: Estudios Sobre Sus Orígines," Göteborgs Universitets Årsskrift, 66:3, 1960. Gibson, Charles. Find the perfect König Juan Carlos Von Spanien stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. He grew up proud and willful and, as a young adult, began to show signs of mental instability. Das Schicksal des Infanten wurde auch literarisch verarbeitet. Finally, the hero is defeated by treason due to his excess of nobility.[20]. [16][6] Modern historians now think that Don Carlos died of natural causes. Infantin Clara Eugenia, ein Kind von drei Jahren. Alexander Farnese, Prinz von Parma, Neffe des Königs. Jahrs von dem verstorbenen König in Spanien Don Carlos II. Philipp verweigerte ihm jedoch eine letzte Begegnung. [citation needed], In 1566, Floris of Montmorency established new contacts with him in the name of Count Egmont and Philip of Montmorency, to repeat the previous plot. It was later claimed that he was poisoned on the orders of King Philip, especially by William in his Apology, a 1581 propaganda work against the Spanish king. "[4], José Luis Gonzalo Sánchez-Molero has tried to argue that those reports were just rumours, based on his investigations regarding Carlos's personal library - even though there is no guarantee that he read the books in it. As such of his eminence, he often attended meetings of the Council of State (which dealt with foreign affairs) and was in correspondence with his aunt Margaret, who governed the Low Countries in his father's name.[10]. November durch seinen Tod confirmiret worden, 1701 He ordered the house to be set on fire. heiratete. (2012). Top Billed Cast. Don Carlos, Infant von Spanien (TV Movie 2005) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Don Carlos by Friedrich Schiller, 1949, G.G. Infolge der nahen Verwandtschaft seiner Eltern – sie waren Cousin und Cousine sowohl auf mütterlicher wie auf väterlicher Seite[1] – und seines schweren Sturzes als Jugendlicher wurde immer wieder behauptet, Carlos sei geistesgestört gewesen.
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